Chapter 21 The journey part 1.

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King Silas Gantz of Pretoria would be making his announcement to the rest of the kings, nobles and royal houses after their departure. There was no point in rousing them before the group left.
It was decided that four from Xion's team would be going on the trip while the rest would split one would return to Meriadon while the other half for Fenwick land to deliver his message to his sisters. Captain Jacob had also insisted on joining the group, his worry for the chatelaine had known no respite. Caspian had no other choice but to appease the captain he agreed. What was left of the royal army would be rounded and provided protection to the main kingdom of Pretoria.  The rest of the minor lords would regroup and protect their own lands.
They would be traveling with horses until they crossed the border to Erinthar and from there they would decide how to proceed.
Evaline was not quite clear with the plan, all she knew was they were to head for a trail that would lead to Erinthar through the jungles on land passed the Icor snakes. She had never seen an Icor snake, her only visual based on a drawing by Havah who had told her and Darren about it.
She was glad Jutu has invited her along despite the earful Caspian gave his mother, Jutu's mind was set. Evaline comes and there was no argument that could change her mind. As if she would allow herself to be left alone. Hmph!
Barely getting any sleep, she had quickly washed her body and packed her things following closely behind Havah into the royal stables to choose her mount. Not much of a rider, except when Caspian would let her ride every once in awhile, she had to choose a horse.
Havah had told her that in order not to topple to the ground her mount had to be able to respect her as its rider. As she passed the paddocks looking at the colossal horses owned by the Pretorian kingdom, she came across a white steed. It was a beautiful mare, owned by Princess Mirasol. She approached the horse admiring his wonderful coat, looking into her eyes she reached out her hand but the mare nearly nipped her hand.
Evaline quickly snatched her hand away and stepped back.
"She's not that skittish." The voice belonged to the other princess, Evaline turned to her in surprise, having spied Havah was nowhere in sight, she remembered her mannners and bowed to the princess.
"Princess Melanya," Evaline acknowledged.
"Here," she grabbed Evaline's hand bringing it on the mare's nose, " let her smell you, once she does, she'll know if your afraid of her or not."
Princess Melanya was just as beautiful as Mirasol but she had always taken a back seat to her sister. Her face was moulded delicately and her eyes were like the color of the clear blue sky. Slightly shorter than Evaline she had a delicate frame but she seemed strong with her grip.
"Will she bite?"Evaline asked nercvously.
"Only if she feels your a threat."
This time the mare did not bite but sniffed Evaline's hand before rubbing her muzzle against it.
"See, she's a gentle lamb." Melanya smiled , her face partially hidden by the hood of her green cloak.
Evaline wondered what the princess was doing there at the break of dawn. Wasn't she suppose to be asleep?.
"I couldn't sleep," the Princess said as if reading her thoughts."My husband, sister, and brother have been taken." Her voice carried the sound of fear and sadness. "I overheard you were to go on this journey to help find the Fae that would bring them back."
"You did?" Evaline's eyes widened.
"It's rather brave of you." Melanya eyed her up and down but there was no malice in her appraisal. "I think you should take Aura. She'll know the scent of Mirasol, maybe you can bring them back."
"But I couldn't." Evaline protested, lifting her hand from the horse's muzzle. The weight of the responsibility scared Eva witless.  What if something happened to the horse?
Melanya took booth of Evaline's hands into hers and stared into her eyes. "What your doing........ I know your brother is with them, but I also know you will bring them all back because that's who you are Evaline. I always liked you even if Mirasol did not seem to care. It's because she likes him and not Byron and she hates that your closer to him than she can ever be. God speed!" she kissed both of Evaline's hands leaving the girl in utter shock.
"Well, well stranger things have happened." Havah drawled as she released Saskya from the paddock. "What a beauty, I guess you'll have the best looking steed after all." She told Evaline who remained dumbfounded.

They had been trotting for a few hours deep into the dark forest, the stench grew thick and so did the foliage. The smell of raw earth and decaying leaves permeated through the air. Trees grew denser and larger, their trunks thick and wide. The crunch of trampled grass was the only sound other than the echoing footfalls of the horses. They followed blindly the trail set by Havah who was right in front with Jutu , Xion couldn't help but wonder about the journey itself as sweat trickled down his back.
First there were their numbers; four from his team which included Estelle, Erica, Rufus and unfortunately for them Chem who wouldn't leave Evaline's side. Captain Jacob and Caspian made seven, there were the three mysterious women starting with Havah.
She was a few feet ahead of him,  his eyes kept straying on her back. In this sweltering heat she wore a long sleeved tunic that covered her up to her neck which was extremely odd and her hair, which was normally braided, fell in waves against her back.
Erica cleared her throat beside him making him turn to her askance.
"Lord Xion, " she gave him a serious countenance. "I just wanted to say that it has been an honor to serve under ......"
"What are you blathering about woman?" He was completely taken aback by her odd statement.
"We are on a suicide mission to meet our death and I thought about the things I would like to say to you, if you don't mind I should continue."
"What makes you think we are to die exactly? We survived an attack from the dark Fae which is probably more dangerous than an encounter with an Icor snake," he countered.
"We survived because we ran away," she corrected. "Where as that female over there," she pointed to Havah, "the one you've been staring at for the last hour, who I might add is not quite your type, killed one of them."
He turned his full attention on Erica. "You say killed."
"As in killed, dead?" He repeated trying to comprehend what had just been revealed. It wasn't as if he was addled. It just wasn't done. In his entire life he had never encountered a human kill a Fae.
"What would a kill produce?" Erica frowned at her Lord.
"Humans can't kill Fae, " he mused.
"Well that one certainly did. Estelle and I saw her sword flash but it was too fast and she was helping Eva so we think maybe it was the need to protect Evaline that pumped up her sword or some such thing."Erica was explaining, Xion was suddenly distracted by the thought.
"In all our dealings with the dark Fae, when have you known a human to kill one?" Xion asked Erica watching her shrug. "Exactly!" he narrowed his gaze toward Havah. "There's something about her," he continued to regard Havah. From what he knew she was stealth, strong, agile and full of mystery. Although she stayed beside the Mangalese priestess she seemed to be leading down the trail to the border toward Erinthar.
From what he gathered, it was Havah that suggested they treck toward Erinthar knowing that there would be only one Icor snake.  In truth, Erica was right, they were on a suicide mission, but the strange woman seemed unfazed by the peril they were about to face. Now that he knew she killed a Fae with a sword, which was a feat only another Fae could accomplish, he grew wary.
He didn't trust any Fae light or dark. To Xion they were all dangerous. Could she be part Fae? Was that why she possessed almost inhuman strength? He'd heard of them, the half Fae. They were very rare but they existed.
The trees grew denser as they pushed further into the jungles, there were no birds or stray animals about, only the rustle of trees as they trotted forward.  They spied a river allowing them to dismount to let the horses drink and gather water for themselves.
Cem spied Evaline feeding Saskya petting the horse simultaneously.
"That's a beautiful mare," he began conversation.
"The princess allowed me to borrow her for this journey," Eva smiled at the young soldier.
"I heard about your brother." He started awkwardly. "I'm sure we will find him."
"We have to," Evaline replied with determination, "you've lost some of your friends in the battle Cem,I'm sorry."
"They weren't friends really, only acquaintances."
"It's brave of you to volunteer."
"I've come to help, in whatever way I can, for the kingdom....and for you," he said shyly. "I swear to protect you."
"Stand in line" Havah's voice came from beside him making him jump slightly as she delivered a smile. Turning to Evaline. "Eva, you have to pay attention, listen to everything I say," she stated.
"You know I do."
"I mean it Evaline!"Havah delivered her warning before helping her friend mount. "The next part of the journey will be rough, stay behind me and if you have to let the horse go then so be it."
"What do you mean?" Evaline asked in alarm. "This is a royal horse.  How can I just let it go."
"You'll have to decide soon.  Darren or the horse." Havah was firm, in her good eye Evaline saw determination.
Evaline turned to the horse remorseful of her choice. Rubbing its ears she bent down to whisper in its ears words of comfort.
Havah paused and looked to the sky before darting a furtive glance around. "The Icor snake is close. It's hunting," she stated before looking at Cem,"stay by her side and keep your sword ready." Havah ran to Jutu who was conversing with Caspian and Xion.

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