Chapter 19 Aftermath

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The aftermath of the carnage was a sight to behold. The stench of death filled the air. Blood stain the earth as bodies of soldiers littered the arena, some were those of poor villagers that tried to run for their lives. Caspian together with Captain Jacob , Lord Fenwick, and lord Madden along with some other lords of the noble houses gathered the remaining royal army and started to sift through the bodies.
Those that were wounded were carted into the barracks, the dead were covered with blankets waiting burial or were to be prepared to be carted back to their respective kingdoms.
This was the second time Lord Xion had witnessed such devastation, one would think he was immune to such violence, but such was not the case.   He could never truly get used to it, thankful that his team managed to survive. Still as marble carved like a statue he stood at the center of the landscape surveying the destruction, his heart was heavy.
He hated everything Fae and all the violence they brought with them. His only hope, that a time would come when the world of men would be the victor and vanquish those immortal creatures once and for all. He jerked slightly when he felt a pat on his back. Turning to Caspian he shook his head.
"I haven't caught sight of her of Lady Havah or Evaline." His voice grated as he spoke to Caspian, having scoured the feild in search of the two women.
"Let's just hope they managed to escape," Caspian replied grimly but his heart pounded through his chest like a beating drum. Blood trickled from a cut on his forehead but he had ignored the wound. He tried to mask his growing trepidation, he would never forgive himself if anything happened to them. Relief that his mother hadn't been in attendance. A soldier interrupted his musing announcing that he was being summoned by the king to the meeting room.
Searching for captain Jacob he found him to be missing from the field, motioning to Xion, they took the garden path to the castle passing the wounded as they made their way. He glanced around him at the helpless faces, clenching his fists at his side. The dark Fae were notorious for torturing humans, the thought did not ease his mind. He only prayed that no harm would come to those they took with them.
Entering the meeting room he saw the kings were gathered with their lords. His father, king Silas sat grimly at the head of the table, his downcast face brightened as he spotted Caspian. A babble of voices echoed around the room as they whispered their worries and fears but Caspian was glued to his father.
"Silence!" The kings voice roared, gripping the arms of his chair he nodded to Caspian who stood behind him. Xion remained standing near the door beside the palace guards and other foot soldiers belonging to the various kingdoms.
The voices came to a halt as they waited for King Silas to begin. "It is a sad day for us all, the dark Fae have come to our shores, they took our children from us."
"We need to get them back!" One of the kings remarked with savage fear.
"And we will." King Silas replied with as much conviction as he put into those words.  "We need to give them back something in return for our kin."
"What did they want?" Another king asked.
"They believe a Fae child is hidden among our kingdoms, the heir to the light kingdom. A boy."
Caspian balked as whispered scattered around the room.
"What made them think that we would be keeping such a child among us?" Another king asked.
"They believe the boy was smuggled out from the seelie courts and into the human kingdoms."
"Fae are easily recognizable. They have those strange ears." One of the noble lords spoke up.
Caspian heart started to quicken as he heard the request his mind racing trying to remember what transpired three years ago but all he could remember was finding Havah at the foot of the hidden temple of Vesna after she battled a orc. Her origin had been shrouded in mystery.  The same could be said OF Eavline and Darren. Strangers he knew nothing about. How many of such strangers had escaped during the battle that raged between the light and dark courts? Could one of those that sought refuge be in any way connected to the seelie court? Could Havah?
"We were there, we witnessed the light queen loose her life at the hands of king Soldar. The Mangalene had surrounded us, made us watch as the light Fae were being rounded up like cattle." king  Of Ishtar clenched his fists trying to keep his tone even. "Where is my daughter and son?"
"Captain Jacob is searching for them as we speak. I'm sure they must be within the castle walls."King Silas replied hoping to put the king Nevran at ease.
"They spared us only because the Mangalene intervened on our behalf." King Landers continued. " Perhaps if we ask the Mangalene to intervene on our behalf once more.....king Silas, your consort is the tribal ruler's daughter and your son his grandson. They are known to have immense power. They have the ear of King Soldar of the dark Fae."
King Silas turned to his son. "The King of Mullbroke has a point Caspian. I would speak with your mother alone." Turning to the rest of the kings and noble house. "The gathering has ended this day. I suggest you gather your houses and prepare to depart. I will consult with my consort and make my announcement tomorrow."
As the kings rose and other nobles started to depart the room Caspian was left with his father and Lord Fenwick, when captain Jacob entered, his face pale. Darting a nervous glance at Caspian he seemed to have collected himself and bowed before the king, masking his apprehension, his face turned cold.
"My king, I searched the grounds for the princess and the prince, they are both gone. A maid spied the dark Fae taking two boys with the princess and Mistress Eve, the chatelaine."
Darren! Caspian 's face paled at the thought.
The king stood and turned his back to the table before him, walking toward the window that gave a view of the ruined gardens he tried to keep calm.
"Fetch your mother Caspian" he said finally.
Caspian rode to his mother's house with Xion at his side. Upon dismounting his horse he ran into the small house pushing the door open when to his immense surprise and relief there was Havah and Evaline, unhurt, their tattered clothes hung about them as Jutu continued to clean the scratches on Evaline's arm.
They remained staring at each other before Caspian gathered Havah in his arms, a big smile on his face. "Thank the gods your both alive!"
They heard the door click behind Lord Fenwick as he entered, cocking a brow at the scene."It seems part of your worries are over," his glacial gaze rested on Evaline who sat on a chair. Her face a crisis cross of dirt as she winced from whatever Jutu was doing.
"How's everyone else?" Havah turned to Lord Fenwick
"The team yet lives."
Evaline continued to stare at Caspian, he knew without words spoken, she was wondering about Darren, he would leave that information for when they would find time alone turning to his mother. " The dark Fae, they......"
"I know," she nodded patting Evaline's face affectionately. "I believe the king needs to see me." She picked up her shawl from her easy chair near the fire place and walked to the door.
Xion opened the door and followed Jutu out leaving Caspian who faced Evaline finally he was quiet as she stood, hair in disarray , her green eyes bright, a question hung between them.
"Darren?" She finally asked
"They took him! Along with Princess Mirasol, Nero and Eve."
He saw the tears that threatened to spill.
"Evaline!" It was Havah who finally broke the tension. "Pull yourself together. We are going to find him," she said with conviction.
"How ?" Evaline's heart was cracking. "The dark Fae took him Havah. How are we going to get him back?"
Havah pushed toward Evaline and grabbed her chin affectionately. "You saw how I fought them remember?"
Evaline nodded.
"Don't doubt me when I say we will get him back!"
Evaline hugged Havah and Caspian wrapped the two women in an intense hug. His heart was heavy at the loss of the boy and they would find him no matter what including the Princess Mirasol and her brother and hopefully all the other royals abducted by the dark ones.
As he pulled back he saw the trepidation on Havah's face, a muscle ticked in her jaw.
"How do you manage to escape them?" Caspian raised a brow as he regarded Havah.
She pushed passed him to the door. "Bring Eva, we have much to discuss with the king."
Caspian held her arm frowning at her statement. "What do you know?"
Gaining at Evaline, Havah shook free of Caspian's hold. "I know enough about the dark Fae to help find a way."
She walked out the cottage, Evaline followed at her heels while Caspian remained considering her words. There was something in the way Havah spoke, a conviction.  For a moment in her good eye he saw a strange translucence. It was only for a split second but it left him with many questions buzzing in his mind.

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