Chapter 8 Havah

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Day 7 of practice
A note delivered to Evaline requesting her presence in the Fenwick camp  with her things was too good an opportunity to pass up. After helping the young woman pack her things Havah picked up her own duffel and followed Eva to the camp grounds on the pretext of escorting her friend.
There was no point informing Eva she had other plans.
The camp, a series of five tents set up by lord Fenwick's entourage angled in a semi circle, stood not far from the guest houses. They were early it seemed for his lordships entourage was just rising. Several armed soldiers sat around a fire pouring steaming coffee from a metal pitcher.
"I thought they'd be stricter than this." Evaline whispered to Havah whose eyes searched the ground for the Lord.
From Evaline's enthusiastic description he would have stood out, instead all seven of the men wore sleeveless armor, their hair shades of auburn or gold were long and they bodies were hung like warriors.
Havah continued to walk forward while Evaline chose to remain right at the center of the encampment.
The men were too busy drinking and talking to take notice, even when she cleared her throat the first time, cursing inwardly she cleared her throat once more making one of them turn. A charming lad with auburn hair squinted as he appraised her from head to foot.
Plastering a saccharine smile. "Is his lordship about?"
"Who's asking?" The man continued his slow appraisal, eyes finally resting on her chest.
"My friend over there," gesturing toward Evaline, " has business with him."
"Perhaps I could be of service instead." The man stood, he was taller than she expected, muscles ripped through his arms as he crossed them. Hearing the snickering fools around him she kept her smile  as she took a step forward.
"Oh I sincerely doubt that."
"Are you sure?"He glanced at Evaline before winking at Havah.
"Rufus quit dawdling we are late as it is,"the female voice came from one of the tents. Shifting her gaze it landed on two females that were waking across from one of the tents. Dressed in typical sleeveless armor, they were peppered with an assortment of weapons, the sound of chains dangling as they walked across.
The taller one with hair as yellow as corn sized her up. "Are you the one to join us?"
Stepping away from Rufus. "I could," was her reply, "but it seems he spotted my friend first." Waving for Evaline to come she waited until they stood side by side. "You must be the women in his team."
"The name is Erica and this," she pointed to the auburn woman who was studying them, " my sister Estelle. Xion mentioned he was inviting another to our team."
"Shes's rather small," the auburn girl mumbled eyeing Evaline skeptically.
"Size shouldn't be mistaken as a disadvantage." Havah retorted
"Well said!"
Swiveling around she came face to face with the man Evaline had described. Now she understood Evaline's enthusiasm, he was handsome she had to admit, but sometimes pretty boys were just that. "And you are?" His icy blue eyes slanted toward her.
"Havah. I'm Evalines's friend,"her smile reappeared.
Pretty boy nodded once. "We'll take it from here." The dismissal was curt as he focused his attention on Evaline who was still busy staring at the sisters in what seemed like awe and fear.
"Wait!" That got his attention. His camp was certainly silent as the men finally stood to attention. "I missed the recruitment."
"I beg your pardon?" Pretty boy eyed her coldly.
"You see, Prince Byron never mentioned he was recruiting women to train, impulsive as he is sometimes. " This brought a snicker from the men but a look at their lordship made them look away. "He May have forgotten to check wether others may be interested."
"I take it you are?"
She did not bother to glance at Evaline who, bless her dear innocent heart, chose to remain silent.
"You read minds my lord. Would you care for a demonstration?" Her grin never wavered as she tapped her patched eye. "Don't worry about this, think of it as costume."
"Very well," Xion nodded suppressing a yawn. "Erica, I believe you could do with some exercise."
"I don't mind the two of them." Havah shrugged as both sisters shared a smirk.
A few minutes later, Estelle was still rubbing her rump as Erica helped her up. Throughout the display of swordsmanship the camp was silent, all eyes were riveted on the three.
"Do I pass?" Havah mocked as she sheathed her swords cocking her head to one side as she regarded pretty boy.
"Impressive Lady Havah but as you can see I have a full team."
"I'm sure you can make room for more Xion."Caspian had come from somewhere with three other men who went straight to Evaline. Havah glared at Caspian who returned it with an elegant shrug.
"I didn't realize you were watching." Xion responded irritably.
" It seems the main training camp is overwhelmed with Lord Madden's own team.  He's cornered me, and Captain Jacob has his hands full. I was hoping you could take on three more and of course Havah has already proven her capabilities, we are one kingdom after all. For the glory of Pretoria." Caspian beat his chest once.
If Xion's look could freeze Caspian then they would be having a warrior sculpted from Ice. It took awhile for the Lord to respond, one nod was enough putting the camp at ease.
It seemed pretty boy's looks were deadlier than the Icor snake, but his men were quite attentive and once the new recruites were settled he broke them apart into teams starting with some running. That is the men ran while the women set up the dummy for combat practice.
"Are you done staring at me." Estelle turned to face Evaline as Havah hid a grin.
"I'm sorry....I." She heard Evaline stutter but that was to be expected. The sisters were formidable. Even if she did win against them, Havah still had bruises from the fight and she may have injured her sword hand slightly for Estelle certainly put up a good fight, far stronger than she looked.
The other sister though, Erica was certainly brawny. Not only was she tall, she was packed with lean muscle and a ferocious expression that could have made a mountain lion flee.
They were opposites of sorts, Estelle may have received the lions share of good looks however it was clear to all who had the balls in the family.
"You didn't have to."Evaline whispered as they stood some distance from her sisters.
"I know but I wanted to." Havah yawned almost choking when she lifted her hand to stifle the yawn. It must be really injured. She knew where Eva was coming from. The young girl did not want her watch dog around. She wanted to prove to them perhaps most especially Havah, that she could take care of herself. But Havah knew that wasn't possible. At lease not yet.
"Why?" Evaline sounded offended , that wasn't Havah's intent.
"If you must know......" to tell a lie sounded much better. "I felt cheated out of the opportunity.  I mean look at you and then look at me." Well, at least a half lie. "I'm much better than you at fighting."
"I thought you preferred staying by the sidelines."Evaline attempted mockery, pitiful really.
"Not this time I don't." She leveled a look at her friend. "Besides you should know from experience you never attempt anything without checking with me first. I think they're calling us." Havah gently pushed Evaline with her good hand, waiting until she was close to the dummy before chanting a spell that would heal her wrist.
The day went by swiftly, the practice with the dummy took Evaline's time, Havah started training with Erica. She had to admire the ferocious bear of a woman, she had moves.
Soon practice was over for the women but the men were a different story. His Lordship barely glanced at the women's side focusing his moves on the men. Watching him reminded her of someone she was knew. His moves were slick and well paced. He wasn't perfect, after taking a tumble from his right hand Rufus, but he was quick on his feet and began a maneuver that was unique for his stature. He had a way of using his cold expression to intimidate his opponent. His looks could make him pass for a Fae but his vulnerability gave him away. For a human he was certainly quite agile. Once done he removed himself with grace bidding everyone a safe night and returned back to his quarters in the main palace.
It seemed the night in camp was another matter.
The men prepared the meal with whatever they hunted while the women gathered up the weapons and armor. This was certainly liberating, Havah thought as the sisters invited them up stream to share a bath. Some of the men at camp were there as well but generally they ignored the women which meant they were able to find a private spot.
"Tell us how you got that?" Estelle eyed Havah's eye patch while handing her a soap. Glancing at Evaline who was washing her neck and arms.
"An accident," she replied curtly.
"Did you get even? Is that how you learned to fight? " It was Erica's turn to ask.
Havah sighed turning away. "Not really."
"What?" Both sisters asked I unison.
" I was unable to get even and that's not how I learned how to fight."
"I think I'm going to like this one." Erica grinned softening her features somewhat.
Relaxing her guard it was Havah's turn to interrogate. "How long have both of you been in the service of Lord Fenwick?"
"Estelle over there began her training upon hitting her 14th summer that was roughly ten years ago.  I on the other hand, joined four years ago after my youngest turned five."
"Your married?" Havah could not control her surprise.
Cocking her head to one side Erica leered. "Is that so hard to believe?"
"I didn't mean it to sound that way." Havah turned away in embarrassment.
"My husband Maxim was one of the better swordsman in Pretoria. He and captain Jacob knew each other rather well having held the same skill."
"He died three years ago when the Fae turned on us. The one that drove the blade into his heart was the very Fae that trained him."
"I'm very sorry to hear that. I never knew of Fae who trained with us mortals, I've always had the impression they remained aloof, only showing themselves when there was diplomatic need for trade or some such mission."Havah was extremely curious about the revelation.
"Pretoria is the closest mortal kingdom in boundary to the immortal lands. Lord Fenwick's demense is at the northern tip closest still to the autumn court of Valene, to be more specific the city of Viscon. It was no secret the autumn Fae from Viscon visited, some of them even kept friendships with us."
"Valene" Havah's guard came up instantly. The autumn court Fae were a group of dark Fae that were specifically vicious.
"Have you not heard of it?"
"I'm sorry but stories of Dark Fae were never pleasant. I've never heard of them consorting with humans.  I was under the impression they thought of us animals." Havah's revelation was the absolute truth for the dark Fae thought of humans not worth the earth to crap on, which was telling.
"Stick to that version of them, it will keep you sane." With a sigh Erica returned to her task.
"But if there were dark Fae of the autumn court that mingled with humans what could they have been up to?"
Estelle sat beside Havah , spreading her legs forward she leaned on her elbows "There was a time when Prince Dracus was at the helm of the autumn court after the heir of the court went missing, he sent envoys to Fenwick lands for mushrooms."
"Mushrooms?" Havah was incredulous.
"They used them as aphrodisiacs for their revelry."
This brought laughter among the sisters. "Seriously," Erica grinned.
"But other than that they used it for some other experiments we really don't know. Our land grows those mushrooms in abundance that's why they came.  That's what our parents told us.  It was going on for years which is why when we were tiny babies we saw them quite often."
"And the kings of Pretoria didn't mind?"
"Why would they? Everyone was afraid of the house of Shadowfyre, one just cooperated. They favored our lands with their kind." Estelle remarked in distaste. "One of their kind took to joining our armies for practice, teaching us some skills. When I started training I had seen a couple of them with Maxim."
"They befriended us, broke bread with us but when Prince Golen took over something changed in their manner. It was subtle at first but then it went too far and that's when they finally betrayed us, three years ago after the light queen lost her life."
Their story telling had come to an end and quietly they picked their way back to the camp. Havah hadn't noticed Evaline until they entered the tent with two women and prepared to bed down.
"Did Fae really mingle with the mortals?"
Evaline's questions jolted Havah out of her thoughts.
"I'm not really all that sure. It's best we stick to the version of them being vile." Havah whispered back into the darkness.
She waited for the rest to sleep, once satisfied they were snoring into oblivion, she quickly crawled out of the tent and walked behind the camp. Climbing stealthily up the elm tree, she sat on the thickest branch and kept her gaze roaming the darkened woods.

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