Chapter 11 Evaline

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The events of the previous day still rankled in her mind as she dressed to train that day. Armed with her resolve to leave as soon as the Gathering had ended she marched out of the tent she shared with the other females.
Spying the  rest of the team gathered around the fire sharing coffee she took the empty place beside Havah wrapping her chilled hands around the steaming mug, she took a sip.
This day Xion had mentioned a few body combat maneuvers he would be teaching her. Being that it was her weakness he had hoped she would build core strength, whatever that meant. 
Since joining his team he had barely made contact with her, quick glances here and there, a few barked orders but never any personal training. She was mostly engaged with Erica and Estelle. Havah on the other hand sparred with the men. Clearly she was agile, and who wouldn't notice her skill? It was as if she was a trained warrior herself.
Although in the years that they had known each other they never really talked about their past.  The only thing she knew was they came at the same time, Havah's injuries being as fatal as hers.  They had healed together and learned to work together with Jutu doing odds and ends but there conversation never got personal unless it was to gossip about the castle or speculate on the burgeoning romance between captain Jacob and Eve.  That last bit almost always kept them entertained.
When his Lordship did finally approach a few minutes later, he had not come alone.  Behind him stood two palace guards.
He was resplendent in his armor as always, clean and polished together with a cloak the color of deep red wine, his hair had been tied back to reveal the angles of his almost perfect features and those Arctic eyes stared right at her making her wonder if she had committed an infraction she was not aware of.
She stood....awkwardly shifting from foot to foot. Those eyes seemed to run right through her as if they could read her thoughts.
"Lady Evaline the king has summoned for you, I'm to escort you to his receiving chamber anon." With that he turned immediately and walked through the feild.
Evaline stood for a moment exchanging glances with Havah. She shifted back to the guards who waited, their hands resting on the sword hilt strapped to their hips.
"What are you waiting for girl?" one of them said roughly.
Havah shrugged, Evaline took that as her que to follow the guards.  They managed to catch up with Lord Fenwick who remained excruciatingly silent. She could hear the click of his boots as they echoed down the hall of the main landing. They walked through a series of archways each corridor opening out to another path.
She was familiar with the lay of the palace, having walked its halls countless times.  The walls were draped with rich tapestries depicting scenes of human battles or scenes of Fae courts mostly of the spring court where the Fae looked grand their features exquisitely crafted down to their pointed ears and jovial expressions. Finally they stopped in front of  tall dark oak wooden doors heavily carved with the sigil of the house of Gantz, a crown made of laurel leaves.
Two royal guards, who were posted on either side of the door pushed them open, staring stoically above her head as she followed Lord Fenwick into the receiving room.
The room itself was simple, a musty smell permitting through the air. The floors were made of sandstone and upon its stonewalls hung more tapestries. Faded images woven to depict human life around the castle, perhaps the origin of the scent for they were ready to crumble from continuous mending. In the center of the room a dias led to the throne of King Silas where he sat dressed in a rich navy doublet, a row of golden buttons ran down the center making him look smart and regal. Atop his head he wore a plain circlet of gold , his grey hair ran carefully down past his shoulders. His faded blue eyes wore a sharpness that complimented his features.
She stood transfixed, the ache in her shoulders disappearing as they tensed upon seeing the king. Why would he summon her?
The king waved to her with his fingers compelling her to move forward.  She managed to command her feet to move, bowing before the king as soon as she reached the foot of the steps.
She had never been this close to the king, never noticed the amount of wrinkles on his neck until now. Keeping her eyes low she waited but he said nothing until she heard the massive doors shut and footsteps came forward standing beside her. A quick glance revealed Caspian, hair mussed and a streak of dirt rank across his forehead but otherwise he looked glorious as he stood beside her. His familiar scent gave her the courage to stop trembling for indeed the moment she caught the eyes of the king, her hands began to shake.
"I would like to know why my son had to spend the night in the dungeon?"When the king spoke, there was an edge of sharpness in his strong rich voice that rang around the room.
"He defied a direct order."
It wasn't until Prince Byron spoke that Evaline even noticed his presence on her other side. Surprised she turned to look at his profile noting the calmness with which he spoke. She didn't understand sphygmomanometer she couldn't sense him immediately
"And what order would that be exactly?"
"He was suppose to administer punishment." Byron spoke with an ease of a cat.
"Punishment for what crime?"
"There was a royal hunt and the boy let the kill go. It was an act of insubordination by a soldier in training."
The king eased himself back on his throne tenting his fingers he glared directly at Byron who did not even flinch.
"And I believe that soldier in training was an eight year old boy you had just recruited. Is that right?"
"Yes sire."
"Why would you use young boys to hunt rare game? "The king had used the deadliest of tones but Byron stood his ground.
"It's part of a new experiment we hope to use when we entertain our neighbors during the gathering." The answer that spewed out of Byron's mouth was smooth and equally deadly. Evaline now began to understand Byron better.
"And if another boy falters, what sort of punishment would you have planned?" And when Byron did not answer the king smacked his fist against the arm rest. "WHICH IS WHY WE HAVE DOGS FOR THAT!"
He bellowed loud enough that Evaline's ears started ringing.
"Prince Byron," the king addressed his son, "you are to surrender all your plans for the games to me, hence forth you will no longer be the committee head in these games as I've appointed Caspian, your brother, to take your place." He paused glancing at Evaline "Bring the boy!"
Evaline managed to steel a glance at the doors where Darren came through, pushing passed Lord Fenwick he came to stand before the king escorted by two guards.
"Young Darren," the kings voice gentled as he addressed her brother. Holding her breath she was proud to see her brother bow before the king. A smile twitching on her lips as he stood straight. He wore a clean shirt, his hair was combed back and he looked radiant bringing tears shimmering in her eyes.
"I believe prince Byron owes you an apology." The king turned to the prince who hesitated, she could see the tension coiled in his body as he turned to Darren and apologized graciously for his actions before bowing low toward his father and leaving the room as gracefully as he could.
Evaline bit her lip stemming the grin that was about to burst free, when she caught the eyes of the king.
"Lady Evaline."
"Just Evaline your highness," she said immediately catching herself for being disrespectful but the king seemed to find amusement.
"Just Evaline then, I relieve you of your commitment to the royal army, you may resume your duties within the palace. The same goes for your brother."
Caspian, she noted had remained silent throughout the proclamation, he must have said something or maybe Jutu, bless her heart.  But things had changed for Evaline since she joined, she'd been given another opportunity. As Erica had pointed out, she needed to train and get better, that way she could plot her departure from Pretoria.
Despite the benevolence the king had shown her, she knew in her heart Byron would find a way to retaliate. He was humiliated in front of strangers and his best friend, he would not let this pass.
"Sire May I be granted the chance to speak," she didn't know where she found the courage, it came however softly.
Ignoring Caspian as he whispered her name sharply. She took a step forward her toe touching the base of the step.
"Alright let's hear it," the king leaned forward resting his palms against his lap.
She turned to Darren, he looked so innocent and vulnerable, all her loved surfaced as she returned her attention to the king. "I would like to remain in service to the royal army."
Surprised the King glanced briefly at Caspian before turning back to regard her shrewdly.
"I'm giving you back your freedom Evaline, this chance won't come again."
"Father maybe I can explain things to Evaline." Caspian began, there was a desperation in his voice that surprised her.
"I am aware of the chance, " she gave Caspian a sharp look meeting his glared. "However, the time I've spent training has made me realize the possibilities for women of my station to find opportunities that could help in the defense of our kingdom." She sincerely hoped she sounded convincing and almost sighed when the kings lips twitched upward.
"Very well."
"Father I don't think Evaline understands what she's talking about.  Please grant her another audience when I've had words with her." Caspian's tone was firm.
His father gave him a sharp glare. "My patience has already been stretched, Evaline has spoken her mind and that is all I am willing to grant at present or any other time."
"Your highness," Darren said in his soft voice.
"Young man?" The features of the king once again softened.
"I too would like to stay and serve the royal army . I want to become strong like Caspian!"
The king laughed, Caspian frowned and they were dismissed.
Darrens ceaseless chatter kept her amused as they walked to the front of the palace.  The weight on her shoulders lifted and she thank the gods for showing benevolence.  A sharp yank on her arm made her yelp.
"Are you mad?!" Her handsome savior, king of her dreams and desires was absolutely livid.
"No I'm not mad, I'm actually quite elated." A smile appeared on her face.
"Then you've absolutely lost your mind. The king gave you a chance to go back to how things were and you just threw it away.  What is wrong with you?"Disappointment curdled in his voice as he swept her a look that would have shriveled the roses if they blossomed, which they didn't even if it was spring.
Sobering up she faced him. "Things will not go back to the way they were Caspian. You and Jutu can't always be there to protect me and Darren forever.  The prince was humiliated today, he will find a way to get back and I need to defend myself and so does Darren. If not him, then others will come after. I don't want to be helpless anymore. I don't want to feel the way I did when I woke up and lost all my memories. I can't do it anymore." She needed him to understand.
Rolling his eyes heavenward he muttered a curse before stomping away.
"He's very angry." Darren warned as he too watched Caspian storm away.
"Your sister is a very brave woman."
She almost forgot about Lord Fenwick, turning to face him, she saw the humor in his eyes before they turned glacial.
"I'll let you off for a brief family reunion, but we shall commence this afternoon.  Be prepared to be ripped apart." he warned.
"What?"she asked shocked.
"You missed your chance Lady Evaline, welcome to the royal army." He bowed slightly before turning the other direction. Brother and sister hugged each other fiercely but it wasn't enough to mask the gnawing dread that started to creep slowly.

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