Bad Uncle or Bad Master.

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Lapis' POV

I woke up to the sound of my drunken Uncle coming through the door with what sounded like two other men. I walked down stairs like I usually do when my Uncle brings friends home in order to make them breakfast and hangover coffee, however when I got down there the men didn't look drunk. "Is this her Malichite? " One of the men asked my Uncle Mal nodded his head, Even he didn't look drunk, he looked sad and disappointed. "Uncle Mal, who are these men? " Mal didn't answer rather he pointed to my room and breathed out. "Grab your school bag and empty it, then fill it with a few of your parents things and a couple of clothes. " I nodded my head not wanting to fight him.

I quickly ran into my room and emptied my school bag before placing a few outfits in there, my mother's snow globe and my father's favourite book, I also grabbed my photo of my parents and my first teddy Mr Red the Dinosaur, I placed my necklace around my neck that held their wedding rings on and I left my room.

Once I got down the stairs I noticed my Uncle taking money from one of the two men. "Lapis you have to go with Mr Granite. I'm so sorry. I made a mistake. " I nodded my head trying not cry. I couldn't believe he sold me to these guys. Strangers!

The men led me to their black, tinned windows car and opened the door for me. I looked back to see if my Uncle would be standing in the door way but he wasn't. I got in the car and was driven away to who knows where.

After about 4hrs of driving from what I could tell from my watch, I felt like asking a couple of questions. "Excuse me, where are we going? " the first man look at the second and the second nodded "Have you ever heard of the Mafia, Miss Lazuil? " I nodded my head, of course I have, I'm not an idiot. "Your in the Mafia? " The second nodded, okay now I'm scared I thought to myself. "What are you going to do with me? " I asked after plucking back up my courage. The first laughed "the Master will decide that. " I whimpered as I cuddled into Mr Red. I am so screwed.

Another 2hrs later and we pulled up at what looked like an old fire station. I was pulled in by two different men who brought me up some old creaky stairs. Then towards a small room with a twin bed and and a sink inside, I noticed that the room had a lock on the out side. "Put your bag down on the bed and get changed into this. " one man said as he chucked tiny underwear at me. Ew why would I wear this? It's so ugly.

The man left and I decided to just put it on. I knew from watching movies and the news that when you are the prisoner you have to obey your captors' to survive. I finished putting on the way to small for me underwear and soon after the man walked back in. "Spin. " I obeyed and spun around but I was stopped before I could finish the full 360° by his hand he held my arms and looked at my back/arms tattoo. Wings. "Angel wings? They are beautiful, what do they mean? " I thought back to when I was 18. "My mother said they were a right of passage that mean I will always be free. " The man huffed. "Well. The Master will love them. "

I was then led out of my small room towards a oak door. "Stay here, I will tell her you are here first. " I nodded my head and stayed behind the door. Wait did he say she? The Master of THE GOD DAMN MAFIA IS A WOMAN. I was then pulled out my thoughts when the man pulled me into the office. The Master was sat in a huge chair. She was blonde and had green eyes, she was well build and was very scary. "Master this is Lapis Lazuil she is Malchite's Niece, I thought you would rather have her as payment, instead of murdering Malchite." I couldn't believe this woman was going to kill my Uncle but instead she took me away from my life.

I was moved closer to the Master before she grabbed my chin and smiled. "Take her to the training room and once she's ready... " she paused, "let her meet my sister. " I was so scared there is two of them. "Yes Squaridot, I'm sure Peridot will be very happy to have her new toy. "

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