A House or A Home.

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Lapis' POV

I sat in the back seat of Peridot's car as I watched her drive towards what she said will be my new home. Is it bad to say I am a little excited? After a few minutes of driving Peridot pulled up to a huge house, that looked very Georgian in the architecture. "The house is almost 180 years old. " Peridot said looking at me through the mirror. I carried on quawking at the house as Peridot go out of the car and opened my door. "Ms Lazuil, welcome to your new home. " I heard come from a man stood at the top of the stairs. "Lapis meet the butler Holy Blue. " Peridot said as she gave him my bag. "It's nice to meet you. " I said smiling. Holy Blue nodded his head and said "likewise. " Before walking into the house. Peridot then ushered me in and let me quawk at the inside and its decor.

I walked into the living room with Peridot following behind me, I turned to see her but she was really close so I backed up and looked around some more, "feel free to explore Lapis, I have work to do in my office, if you get lost just find Holy. " I nodded my head and whispered a thankyou before Peridot went up stairs to her office. I looked around the first floor, they had a lot of paintings around I went into the kitchen where two cooks were stood. "Hello Ms Lazuil, having a wonder? " One of them asked I nodded my head before leaving and heading into the dinner room, its very big, and the table looks to be made out of palm tree wood. I left there and went upstairs to find a long hall way with lots of rooms attached with different coloured doors.

I looked into each room to see that they were mostly the same if the door colour was the same, a bed, a dresser, a mirror, a book shelf, and a chair. I assumed that they were for the servants so I didn't go in. I came to two doors next to eachother both green but different shades, I opened one to see a huge office with a hundred books climbing up the walls.
I assumed the door next to it was the same but it must be the one that Peridot was in. So I nocked on the door and waited to be called in. "Come in. " Came Peridot's voice, I opened the door and walked in closing it behind me as I watched Peridot sitting at her desk. "Did you have fun exploring? " she asked looking over her monator. "Yes I did thankyou. " I said looking around her office. It was similar to the over yet instead of books the walls were covered in electronics. Peridot caught my eye and said "I hope you will love living here, and if you don't I will buy you a little place of your own and I will find you a job, but when you live here you do not need a job." I nodded my head "yes thank you."Peridot nodded her head and got back to work, she must of noticed that I didn't really know what to do so she beconded me over. "Lapis come sit here." I immediately made my way towards her and Peridot patted the top of her desk." You want me to sit there?" I asked a little uncomfortable, "is there a problem with my desk?" She asked still not looking at me. I sat on the desk as my answer and Peridot chuckled "that's what I thought."

After a few minutes of Peridot working and me just sitting there she gave me a note pad, "draw." She commanded, so that's what I did, I mean who am I to go against The Mafia boss. Peridot looked over at what I was drawing and looked look the book away from me. "That's a very detailed bird, it's very good. " Peridot then gave me the note book back before Skype came up on the screen. "Lapis, I want you to be my arm candy for an hour okay, so don't say something." I did as I was told, I didn't honestly want to question her right now. Peridot sat me on her lap bridal style and answered the call.

P: hello, Dr Obsidian
O: hello Boss, I was just calling to talk to you about the sectional costs on building 12.
P: oh, yes okay thankyou Dr I was meaning to get a hole of you about that.
O: well Boss you are a very busy person, I don't know how you do it all with the investments, the gang, and your girls.
P: well, hm yes it gets hard sometimes but that's why my sister is second. She deals with half, I deal with half.
O: speaking of your girls, which one is she?
P: she's not on the market Dr, she's strictly for my sister and I and Jasper.
O: gosh damn, what's your name sweety.
L: Lapis.
P: isn't she beautiful?
O: oh yes she is, are you sure I can't have her when your bored?
P: I don't think I'll get bored with this one Dr.
O: well I guess I will send the reports to you on fax. Message when you get them. Bye.
P: Good bye Dr.

That was weird, I thought to myself as Peridot began to start working again, I mean she was a completely different person around that person. Wait she called me beautiful! What is this? Even her voice changed. I was pulled from my thoughts when Peridot spoke "do you need a specific tattoo cream? Or should I just buy any? " Peridot then started to rub my back as she looked over my tattoo. "I've got a brand that I prefer, it's called Love My Ink. I still have a full bottle so you don't have to buy me any now. " Peridot carried on rubbing my back and spoke softly, "okay, just let me know when your running low on anything. " I nodded my head and Peridot seemed to relax a little more into her chair. "You haven't said my name yet." I gulped, "I didn't know I was allowed to. " Peridot gave a weak smile, that is very rare I don't think I've seen her smile before, "your allowed to call me Peridot. " I nodded my head before yawning, Peridot pulled me into her and rubbed my back some more. "When your in the house I only want you wearing croptops so I can see your beautiful tattoo. "

I nodded my head before snuggling into Peridot, this was so weird I was cuddling a person who bought me and who's sister tried to turn me into a pole dancer, and now I'm living as their equal in their house. Something has to be going on that I don't know about. "Lets get you to bed. " Peridot said after I yawned again, she then picked me up and took me across the hallway into a huge bedroom. Peridot placed me on the bed before stating that this was my room and I could decorate it if I want, when she can get the decorates in. I led in bed curled into a ball, before I drifted off to sleep.

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