Training or Torture.

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Lapis' POV

After my meeting with Squaridot I was taken downstairs to the middle of the fire station, that looked like they had turned it into a bar/ strip club. So they are going to turn me into a stripper, what fun. I was then brought all they way through until I got to a door the man opened the door and inside where a lot of women, some naked, some half dressed, and some in there underwear. "Garnet! Got a newby for you! " the man yelled at a tall, black woman with palates in her hair, she was borderline gorgeous.

"Sup Newby, I trust the boys have been treating you nicely? " I nodded my head and she smiled "good lets get you ready... " before she could say anything else the man interrupted, "Squaridot said she will be a special present for her sister so she needs to be in the highest standards of your girls before tonight, " the woman nodded her head, "it will be a little difficult but if she has any experience before....? " she dragged out the before so that I could answer, "I haven't been a stripper before but I have learned gymnastics before. " The woman nodded, "Well then we will have you ready for tonight sooner than I thought. " I nodded my head and the man left the room.

The woman then led me into another room away from the other girls which had one single pole in the middle, a couple of sofas, and mirrors for walls. "So my name is Garnet, and I will be your trainer and I am also the caretaker of all of the girls here, if you need anything just ask me. " I nodded my head and then Garnet got on the pole. "I'm going to show you a couple of things... " I didn't want to know how to do anything yet so asked questions, "Do you like being here? " Garnet nodded, "it's all I have ever know however I do enjoy it here its fun to work and teach such an amazing sport. " I was a little shocked she was crazy surely "come on then show me what you got. "

I nodded my head and got on the pole,  I started to spin and elevate myself with my legs. "Hm, very good now start dancing. " I nodded and started to dance against the pole. "Okay I'm going to teach you a couple of things now. " After a while of watching Garnet and then coping her dance she clapped her hands. "Very good. " I smiled but then frowned. "Oh sweet girl. Don't be afraid. Your just a dancer, they can't touch you just look." I nodded my head, "it's a lot of people. " Garnet smiled and shook her head, "no no, you'll dance in the private room, for the master and the leader. " I nodded my head.

Night fell and that's when the men started showing up, Garnet directed me to a private room up top, where there was two poles and six chairs. I breathed out deeply, "Lapis, meet Pearl. She is your dance partner. " I shook Pearl's hand. "Hello. " Pearl smiled "Hi Lapis, it's nice to meet you." I nodded my head and Pearl led me to one of the poles. "Okay girls the leader and master will be here soon with a couple of friends, just dance and don't talk to any one unless spoken to. " We both nodded our heads and Garnet turned on the music before leaving, soon after Squaridot walked in with two over people and they all sat in a chair each. Pearl and I danced as I listened to their conversation. "Squari, where is your sister? " said one of the women "she'll be here soon Jasper. " Jasper nodded her head and soon enough some one else walked into the room.

I was mesmerized by her beauty, this must be Peridot. She had bright green eyes and beautiful blonde hair, she had a tattoo of something I couldn't make out. "Hey tattoo girl I didn't tell you to stop dancing! "

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