Bad Dream or Happy Accident.

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Peridot's POV

I was awake at midnight, reading a book sat up in my bed, I never really sleep much, it got easier after I tried coffee and energy drinks. I a crash come from Lapis' room that was next to mine, I ran into the hallway before running into her room to see her curled into a ball with her blanket on the floor. I knew I should of slept by her side, "Lapis are you okay? " I asked trying not to sound to worried as I picked her up and placed her back on her bed. "I had a bad dream, it happens when I'm alone. I used to end up sleeping either with it next to my uncle's friends a lot, because men are horny when they are drunk. " I got into bed with her and placed her head on my chest, why would her uncle make her sleep with creepy, druck, old men? "Why did you sleep with them you could of told them no?" Lapis shook her head and cried into my, chest. "The forced me, they took away my innocence when I was 12, the tied me down and stripped me... " Lapis was almost hyperventilating by the time I got her to stop, "shhh, it's okay, you don't have to say anymore about it, and if that's what your dream was about, then don't say anything. " I waited for Lapis to calm down, before I felt her forehead. "Aw poor thing your burning up, " Lapis looked at me and cried out, "I'm sorry, I know I am supposed to just be your arm candy but I hate being alone. " I played with her hair then moved my hand to her tattoo. "Lapis, you are not just eye candy, I just needed you to play that part for a whole because Dr Obsidian is horny and loves my girls, I didn't want him to try buy you. " Lapis nodded her head understanding me and I traced her tattoo, she soon fell asleep in my arms and I soonfollowed along after.

Next morning

I woke up with Lapis still in my arms as she slept. I smiled, wait I smiled, that's new. I never would of thought that anyone would make me smile again. I placed my head on her's just wanting to stay there for ever with her. She stirred awake a little and started to move away from me. "Good morning." I rubbed her back to wake her up some more. "Good morning Peridot, did you stay here all night?" I nodded my head and sat up a little before Lapis tried to pull me back down. "Hey don't worry I'm not leaving," Lapis then buried her head in my neck and started to play with my hair. "Why are you so nice to me?" I traced her tattoo and felt her shiver at my cold hand on her naked part of her back. "I just didnt want to leave you in that situation. There is something about you that just makes me feel that you deserve better than being on of my sister's girls." She brought me closer and wrapped her arms around me tighter. "Thankyou Peridot." I hugged her back and we stayed like that for a while.

Until we heard a knocking at the door. "Come in! " Lapis yelled at the door, I let go of her and sat up as Holy Blue came through the door, "oh Ms Green I didnt know you were in here, I was just going to ask Ms Lazuil if she had saw you. " I got out of the bed and straightened my shirt. "Yes well I was just in here to see if Lapis needed anything." Holy Blue nodded her head and said "I just wanted to let you know that Jasper is visiting today " Holy Blue then left after I thanked her, I looked over to Lapis to see a sad look plastered onto her face, "Why did you move away so quickly? " She said in almost a whisper. "I have a reputation that I need to keep with even my servants. " Lapis brought her legs to get chest and breathed out "so you rather lie, then be thought of as weak. " I shook my head and sat on her bed and grabbed her hand. "Lapis you must understand that I do so wish to make you my equal, but until you have proven yourself as my equal. " Lapis sobbed into my chest.

Jasper then came through the door at that moment, "Boss, please I am ashamed to tell you that I was listening to your conversation. " I shook my head at her "I should have you killed for this Jasper, however if you have a good enough solution then you you'll keep your life. " Jasper gulped as I said this and began to think of an idea as she shut the door and sat in a chair by the desk. "How many of the men have seen you? " Lapis shook her head, only you, the one who brought me to Squaridot, the ones in the car and the Dr. Jasper noted them down and stood up from the chair. "Is that all? " She nodded my head. "Jasper what does it matter who has seen her? " I asked Jasper strained her tie and began to tell us her plan "Well if you take Lapis to the next dinner Boss and present her as a leader of another small gang that you wish to join into yours or at least become alies" I nodded my head, "very clever Jasper, Lapis do you agree? " Lapis nodded her head and shrugged her shoulders "more lies, " I shook my head, "Jasper please leave. " Jasper only nodded and left the room note in hand.

I looked down towards Lapis and brought her face so her eyes could meet mine. "Lapis we don't have to, you can stay here and live in peace and do as you wish, however I don't know if you shall be happy here all by yourself, but if you were to come with me to advents as my equal, you will never be looked down upon. " Lapis breathed out. "Fine but your going to have to teach me what to say and we have to get a perfect story. " I nodded my head and pulled her closer "I promise before you know it you'll be able to act as a real leader. " Lapis rubbed her hand across my next, "I hope so. "

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