Am I Tired or Am I Lonely.

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Peridot's POV

I was sat at my desk, I just had my 5th coffee today and I it was only 4 in the morning. I was busy with work, cover ups, and money contracts. But it bored me so much. My sister Squaridot told me that after I was cheated on all I do is work. But I get out sometimes. When she forces me. Anyway I was just going some normal robbery planning, when my sister walks in with a huge grin on her face. "Hello Squari, how are you today? " I said whilst looking down at my papers. "Omg sis you need to me my wing woman tonight. " I laughed at my sister.

She sat in the chair infront of my desk, "who is she? " I asked, I knew exactly what was up with my sister has always been the type to be all strong and leadery when around others but when it's just us she becomes a teenager again. "Her name is Aquarium and she works for one of our shared businesses. " I laughed. "So you want me to come out with you so you can run off with this girl and I end up all alone. " She shook her head but then slightly nodded. "Why can't you just take Jasper? " Squari looked at me like I just slapped her, which I might just do now that I think about it. "She's a lady snatcher, I'll lose to her. " I shook my head. "Why don't you go do some work and we will talk later? " Squari looked at me, sadness washed over her.

She came close to me and then rapped  her arms around me. "Oh baby sis, I miss you, why can't you let go of Am--" "dont say her name! " I said in  my Mafia Boss voice. "I'm sorry Squari. I just. She, hurt me so badly. " Squari nodded her head. "You don't have to come out tonight. " I smiled "thankyou sis. " Squari smiled before leaving she said "I'm going to help you, I am going to get you a present that you can't say no to. " I shook my head laughing "okay Squari, now go have fun. "

3hrs later and I had done all of my work and went to my room. "Oh Amethyst... " I rubbed the sheets on her side of the bed. I cuddled into my pillow pretending it was a person. "I'm really lonely... " I said out load before dosing off and then eventually I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to a small cat nestled into my front. "Why hello there? " The cat purred when I started to pet her orange fur. "Who are you? " the cat licked my nose which made me giggle. "I hoped you would like her sis... " I heard Squari say. Of course she got me a cat, I've loved them since I was little but our mother could die if she goes any where near them. "What are going to call her? " my sister said as she sat on the bed to stroke the small cat, "I like Pumpkin, it matches her fur. " My sister laughed, "I love it Peri. "

I got up and ready for the day as Pumpkin played on my bed with a couple of cat toys my sister had bought for her. I watched through the mirror and laughed at her. "Wow I haven't laughed like that in months. " I said looking towards the cat "maybe you are the one I needed Pumpkin... " Pumpkin meowed at me before flipping onto her back. I laughed and tickled her. Maybe I won't be lonely anymore... "

Okay I know Pumpkin is like a dog in Steven universe but I really wanted to give Peridot a cat. Also I know the chapters are short but they will get longer I promise.

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