Her Smile

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Peridot was always a very happy girl. Despite her anxiety, she managed to keep a smile through the hardest times. That smile could light up the world in the darkest storms and lift any spirit.

The moment Lapis first met her and saw her wholesome smile, she knew she was destined to get to know her.

Drawn in by her charming smile, Lapis met a charming personality beneath it as well and a wonderful roommate.

Even though they were opposites, Lapis being introverted, quiet and short-tempered, and Peridot being often happy, extroverted and well mannered, with the exception of some minor mental filter issues, they got along almost instantly.

Peridot and Lapis loved being around each other and grew an immense mutual trust. Lapis had confided in Peridot with her last traumas from being a civilian prisoner of war for two years and being in a mutually abusive relationship with a girl named Jasper. Every time she panicked, Peridot was always more than glad to help her. Their friendship was one of those that seemed destined. Both found great joy in making the other happy and content.

The college semesters that year seemed promising and like a chance to be free with each other. Unfortunately, both of them couldn't have been more wrong.

The day had started like any other. It was a Tuesday. Both girls woke up, grabbed some cereal from the kitchen and headed off to classes chatting cheerfully.

Just before they separated to different buildings, they said their goodbyes and Peridot shot Lapis a wide, genuine and pure smile. Lapis grinned back at her walking to class feeling her heart melt from the smile.

She knew she had a crush on her, but she could never tell her. They were doing just fine as they were and Lapis didn't want to break that. She headed to class and sat down waiting for her teacher to enter the room.

Peridot's POV

I walked into my computer science lecture and sat down at a desk. When our teacher walked in and started talking, I hadn't fully paid attention until she mentioned a group assignment. I looked over at my friend Amethyst in the same class as she looked back shooting finger guns at me, but then the teacher said she was assigning partners.

Crap! I thought. This is gonna be pretty awkward since I don't know anyone else in the class except for Jasper.

We used to be close but she's just a clod. She never really listened to me and I realized that friendship wasn't the healthiest. Then, when I heard about what she did to Lapis, I find it harder to forgive the clo—

"Jasper, you will be working with Peridot"

My thinking was cut off by the teacher announcing that I would be partnered with Jasper. great... we were then allowed 3 minutes to work out the time to meet up and contact information. I walked over to Jasper slouching in her chair, her feet kicked up in the desk. She grunted as she saw me approach.

"My place, 6 PM tonight for the project," Jasper said straightforwardly and in a slight snarl.

"Great," I responded in a more deadpanned tone. For the remainder of the time, we stood there awkwardly until the teacher called time to begin the lecture. This is gonna be just swell...

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