Just peaceful cuddling (fluff/mild angst)

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Lapis POV

When I woke up, I saw that Peridot and I were still holding each other from the night before, which caused a small smile to form on my lips.

      She looks so peaceful I thought, looking fondly at her.

      I took out my phone and started checking different notifications and brushing them off. That is until one caught my eye, a severe weather alert. I clicked on the banner and was taken to my weather app. The alert was regarding a thunderstorm that was going over our area at the moment.

       I glanced out the window to see the damned thunderstorm still continuing on its course. I guess having my love cuddled up to me has kept me pleasantly distracted, hasn't it?

        No matter. I went back to scrolling mindlessly through my notifications, but was caught off guard when I felt Peri shifting in my arms.

     I looked down to her and saw her eyes beginning to flutter open.

      "Morning," I told her.

"O-Oh, hey."

We were both silent.

"Hey, thanks for helping me last night," I told her. That was all I said, however. Truth be told, it was on my mind quite a bit how despite everything going on right now and the horrible things that happened last week, she still pushed through and comforted me. That touched me.

"It's no problem," she said nuzzling into my sweater. We sat together in a peaceful silence.

     I took two fingers and ran them through her soft hair, hearing a content hum escape her lips, that curved into a small smile.

    and her stroking my back until we both started hearing thunder begin to start rolling outside. While I could feel her flinch, I must have started whimpering, because she sat up on her knees and started wiping my tears with her thumb.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

She glanced up startled. I remembered how anxious she has gotten, and immediately felt awful. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me. Like she always does when I do this, she nuzzled into my shoulder returning the hug.

        I looked up feeling myself get hungry. I'd forgotten that we hadn't eaten yet. I set her down and reached for one of the pizza boxes from last night. I took out a pizza and handed it to her, then taking one for myself.

We both ate, making small conversation while doing so.

"Ow," I heard Peridot say, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"You alright?" I asked her, putting the half eaten pizza down.

"Yeah, just slept on my entire back wrong," she responded.

"Sorry," I mumbled, realizing I may have held her in a weird position.

"It's nothing," she replied quietly

I still felt bad, though.

"Would you like any help?" I asked her.

      "W-What do you mean by that?" She asked, looking a little startled.

      "I could rub your back if you want," I told her, not getting my heart set on it since she would probably say no. She gets anxious when people touch her too much, especially now.

     She looked at me for a second, and shrugged.
       "Eh, what the hell. Just p-please, be careful," she said.

        "Don't worry, I won't touch any of the cuts," I reassured her. She showed me a faint smile and laid down on her stomach at my lap.

I placed my hands at her shoulders.
"Ok, I'm gonna start, alright?" I told her in a more calm tone. She nodded.

I started at her shoulders, avoiding the few remaining bruises on her back from the tears in her skin. I moved very gently down to her back, avoiding the spots that still hurt.
Once I finished there, I then broke contact with her hoodie covering her back and moved to the back of her neck, which was covered in bruises from a week ago. Avoiding those, I pressed down on a certain spot, but I stopped the second I heard her speak up.

      "H-Hey, I'm not exactly comfortable with that," she said shakily, but without question, I immediately removed both hands and nodded.

     "Thanks. I j-just get really i-insecure about the... bruises.. s-she left," she said uncomfortably.

       "You don't have to explain your feelings, Peri. Either way, I will always respect your boundaries. I would never push you into something you're not comfortable with, ok?" I told her. She smiled slightly at me, sitting up in my lap and leaning against my chest.

      "Heh, thanks," she said under her breath.

"Anyway, since we're kinda trapped here, how's about we just take a break from homework and just have a lazy day," I offered.

She nodded, smiling faintly.

    The whole day, we sat in watching movies, playing small games and chatting. It was really peaceful. That is, until we started playing truth or dare. At this time we had amethyst on face time since she's always fun to have around during these games, but it wouldn't be the smartest move to leave the dorms in this weather, especially since she lives off campus.

       "Alrighty, Lapis. Truth or dare?" Amethyst asked me.

         "Well since you happen to be a fucking sadist when it comes to these games, truth," I said laughing.

        "Ok, what's the most embarrassing story you have that you've never told anyone?" She asked smirking.

         I thought for a second until a horrible memory came into my mind. It was about the time I was raped 3  years ago. I could feel myself beginning to shake as I tried desperately to find anything else, but that wouldn't leave my headspace. Peridot noticed this and placed her hand on my shoulder.

      "Lapis, a-are you ok?" She asked.

      I nodded, deciding it may be good to get this off my chest.

       "I do have one story"

A/N aaaahhh I left you on a cliffhanger! >:D (ik I hate when other people do that but I promise I'll get the next chapter out ASAP. This chapter was just getting really really long. Also, I was thinking of doing a Q&A about the story, so if you have any questions about the plot, type them in the comments and after the next chapter I'll be sure to answer all of them.

Word count: 1056 words

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