What Happened?!

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⚠️ Major Trigger warning for this chapter!! ⚠️
(Also it's sad)

Peridot woke up about an hour later to find she was on Jasper's bed. She tried to pull away but felt something restraining her wrists and ankles.

"Hello?" She asked shakily as tears pricked her eyes. Peridot's head hurt but she could remember drinking a glass of water and blacking out. She also remembered being at Jasper's house to work on the project. The small girl frantically looked around to see Jasper leaning against a wall smiling sickly.
"J-Jasper?" Peridot asked afraid and starting to cry. "Can you please help me out here?" She asked hoping it was someone else and that she could run home to Lapis who she felt could protect her.

"I mean I could, but that would take all the fun out of it," Jasper said getting on the bed and towering over Peridot.

Peridot frantically looked in the other direction to see her clothing torn to shreds on the ground, but Jasper grabbed her face, forcefully making her face her.

"N-No— Jasper please I don't want to! Please don't! Ple-" Peridot begged until she was cut off.

"Haha.. hold still~"

This went on for hours. Peridot tried screaming, squirming, even spitting. Nothing worked. Jasper was persistent. At this point, the neighbours were afraid to call the police and Aquamarine could've cared less. Peridot was completely defenceless. She reluctantly did what Jasper wanted the whole time. Despite all the screaming, sobbing, begging, It was no use. She was helpless.

Lapis's POV (3 hours later)

It's been an hour and Peridot still isn't back from Jasper's place. I'm starting to get worried.

She hasn't answered any of my texts, won't respond to my calls and none of her friends know much about her whereabouts.

I decided to try and continue my homework assignment but I can't shake the feeling that Peridot might be in danger.

That's it, I think. I'm going to at least bring her some dinner cause I doubt she had any.

I look on the maps and see that on the route to Jasper's apartment there is a Wendy's which is perfect since most likely they're just pulling an all-nighter.

  I run out the door, pull on a sweater and get in the car.

I pull into the drive-thru and order her a chicken salad and coffee then rush over to Jasper's to give her the food. I was feeling extremely anxious going back to the house of my ex. I bet she hates me after what I did. Snap out of it, Lapis! You're doing this for Peridot!

In my mind, I envision the happy look on Peri's face when she sees that I got her food, which brings me joy to think about.

As I pull into the parking lot, I see that Peridot's car is still there. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing she is ok.

More calmly, I walk up the stairs to the 6th floor where Jasper lives.

I can hear screaming and desperate-sounding cries for help coming from inside which worries me again. Whoever's crying out seemed to be in horrible pain. When I knock, I don't see Jasper open the door, but Aquamarine. Honestly, at that moment I was just glad I didn't have to interact with Jasper.

3rd person POV

"Oh, hey Lapis," Aquamarine said as she answered the door.

"Heeeeeeeeyyy... Aqua, do you know where Peridot is?" Lapis asked hastily wanting to make sure Peridot was ok. Lapis heard more screams coming from another room in the apartment and worryingly enough, that was the room Aqua pointed to.

  "T-Thanks Aqua," Lapis said then running over to the door finding it was locked. She could hear commotion clearly as she put her ear against the door. Wait... is that... OH NO! Lapis thought as she took a bobby-pin from her hair and used it to pick the lock. She frantically ran into the room and at that moment, what she had seen, she could never take back.

"PERIDOT?!" Lapis shouted, tears in her eyes when she saw her roommate and best friend tied non-consensually by the wrists and ankles to a bedpost sobbing and bleeding in some parts of her body. "JASPER! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Lapis yelled grabbing a pocket knife from Jasper's nightstand to untie her friend.

"Lapis... WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE?! YOU BROKE UP WITH ME SO I CAN FUCK WHOEVER THE FUCK I WANT!" Jasper screamed, not noticing Lapis cutting Peridot's wrists and ankles out of the ropes that bound her to the bed.

After a second, Peridot was loose and immediately after, Lapis picked her up bridal style, ran for her bag and sprinted into the bathroom locking the door. As she secured the door closed with Jasper pounding, yelling and punching at the door, Lapis gently set Peridot down on a stool as she stole a robe from the rack and put it on her. "Peridot, are you alright?" Lapis asked in a soft and gentle tone.

Shakily, Peridot nodded and gripped onto Lapis, crying into her chest.

"Good, can you run?" Lapis asked considering her condition and the blood dripping from Peridot's calves and thighs.

Peridot moved her leg, flinched from the sting of the cuts on her legs as more tears formed in her eyes and shook her head.

     "Ok, that's ok," Lapis said. "May I carry you?" Lapis asked not wanting to make Peridot uncomfortable but becoming increasingly panicked as she could hear Jasper picking the lock.

      Peridot noticed the lock becoming undone and hastily nodded.

      "Ok. I'm gonna have to run, so brace yourself," Lapis said as she picked up Peridot bridal style.
Before she took off, Lapis asked one question that upon hearing it, Peridot knew she was safe. "Are you ok like this?"

     Peridot wrapped her arms around Lapis's shoulders and buried her head in the crook of her neck before nodding.

      "Ok," Lapis said as she burst through the bathroom door and sprinted out of the dorm. She ran into the elevator which opened immediately because it was close to midnight. She pressed the button leading to the first floor.

As Lapis was catching her breath, she ran fingers through Peridot's hair and murmuring words of kindness to comfort the girl who was gripping her shirt sleeve and sobbing into her chest.

The elevator got to the first floor as Lapis ran again to her car as she placed Peridot in the backseat and grabbed the first aid kit from the trunk to bandage the cuts on Peridot's legs. "Sorry, This is just makeshift. I'll fix you up back home," Lapis said in a sweet nurturing tone as she bandaged the cuts up.

"Don't worry Peri, I'll get you home. You're gonna be ok," Lapis stepped into the driver's seat and buckled her seatbelt. By instinct, Peridot did the same. With that, she drove out of the parking lot and towards the dorms.

A/N- it's 2 AM I need to be studying so yeah. I'll probs update tomorrow but I couldn't stand to leave you on a cliffhanger. BYE!! :D

A/N- I was working on this until 2 AM and had to spend the rest of the time that night studying for a test. I am so tired it's not even funny. Couldn't even think straight so I probs won't have that update this morning.

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