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      Peridot was tossing around in her bed, shaking wildly as tears unconsciously rolled down her cheek. It was another damned nightmare. As she shot up, she looked around to see she was alone. Nobody else except for Lapis across the room, sound asleep. Though torn on whether or not to wake Lapis up, she decided to do so anyway since she really felt as though she couldn't be alone at that moment.

She got up and stumbled across the room, walking way better than the day before, and climbing onto the bed to wake the other up.

She gently shook the tall girl only to feel her shaking and tense. Is she having another nightmare? Peridot wondered, remembering just the other week when Lapis had woken up sobbing from one. This was not her first rodeo in comforting Lapis after one of these, in fact, she considered herself an expert. She gently shook a Lapis until she shot up awake, tears pricking her eyes that soon ran down her face. She looked around frantically and saw Peridot in front of her, breathing a sigh of relief.

      "D-Did you have another nightmare?"

      Lapis took a shaky breath but then replied
"Yeah. Why are you awake? Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry—" she continued until she was cut off.

       "N-No. no. I-I had another nightmare."

       Lapis chuckled a bit and said "hah.. those nightmares really won't leave you alone, huh?"

     Peridot shook her head as another tear rolled down her cheek without her realizing.
Lapis noticed this as she sat up and wrapped her around her in a hug, burying her head in her shoulders. Peridot wrapped her arms around her in response.

They sat and whimpered into each other for some time. After only 12 minutes, Lapis calmed down, but Peridot remained upset.

Lapis's POV

As I calmed down, I could still hear Peridot whimpering into my shoulder. The poor thing. I placed my hand at the back of her head and ran my thumb through her hair to offer her comfort.
      "Would you like to lay down?" I asked her.

    It took her a while to compose herself enough to reply, but she was able to nod. I cleared a small space in my messy-ass bed to let her try and settle down to sleep.

      "Would you like to lay down? I'll bring you back to your bed once you're asleep, but I'll stay with you for now."

    She nodded and curled up in the space I cleared out for her.

I laid my hand on her shoulder, massaging it in an attempt to help compose her more. Her eyes fluttered closed, and her head relaxed into the pillow. I watched over her carefully until the tears on her face ceased to form.

Soon enough, she fell asleep looking very peaceful in her place. I couldn't help but to smile a little at the sight.

Soon enough, I could hear small snores come from her, signaling she was likely asleep. I tap her gently to make sure she was asleep, but I got no response. Just heavy, steady breathing.

I carefully slid my arms beneath her back avoiding the blanket over the wounds just under her hoodie. I carefully picked up and carried her back to her bed.

I set her down and put blankets over her, wishing a last goodnight before walking back to my bed.

Her Smile- A Lapidot Human Au FanficWhere stories live. Discover now