Panic attacks (reupload)

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     Peridot woke up that morning to Lapis's alarm on her phone, which didn't normally happen. She was often a very deep sleeper and would often miss things like alarms, but apparently not today. She saw Lapis waking up and decided to pretend to still be asleep, but once she saw her stand up from out of her bed, she decided to get up with her.

"Morning! Had no idea you'd be up, but hey, I'm not complaining," Lapis said seeing Peridot get up.

"I didn't either but here we are," Peridot replied fallowing Lapis to the kitchen.
     "So what're we doing here?" Peridot asked

"Just making some breakfast," Lapis replied opening the fridge and taking out some of the waffles Peridot made the day before.
"Could you grab me some syrup?" Lapis asked putting the waffles in the toaster.

"Ok," Peridot replied getting the step-stool and reaching for the syrup and handing it to Lapis.

"Thanks," Lapis said placing the syrup bottle on the counter and grabbing two plates.
"Now we wait."

"For what?" Peridot asked looking up from the object she was fidgeting with.

"For the waffles to warm," Lapis replied.

Peridot nodded and looked back down at the tape she had been fiddling with. They sat in an awkward silence, occasionally looking up at each other and blushing. About 3 minutes later, they were both startled by the sound of the toaster.

      "Well, I guess the waffles are ready," Lapis said glancing over at it.

Lapis walked across the room and opening the drawer to grab the wooden prongs and walking back over to the toaster and taking the waffles out. She placed two waffles on each plate and lathered both in syrup. She handed Peridot one of the plates, and kept the other.

     "Breakfast is served," Lapis said walking over to the futon, Peridot fallowing close behind her.

They sat down, setting their plates in their laps and talking as they ate their food.
  They put their trays away, got dressed and got into Lapis's car to head to the garden.

They arrived, holding each other's hand and talking the whole walk to the garden. Soon after they arrived, however, Peridot suddenly gripped onto Lapis tighter, burying her head into her neck and beginning to tremble.

"Hey, Peri, you ok?" Lapis asked placing a hand on her back, still being gentle due to the healing cuts on her back. Despite being close to gone and some forming scars, they could still be sensitive and some still painful.

     "Y-Yeah, I guess. Just suddenly got this oddly large wave of fear rush over me. Like something horrible is gonna happen," Peridot replied letting go and placing a hand on her forehead, looking down to block the sunlight.

Lapis looked down at her, knowing what might be going on but shaking it off thinking it's ridiculous.

"Well, she can't hurt you. Not now at least," Lapis replied to reassure her girlfriend. "But it may help to sit down."

"I think I'll be good, but thanks," Peridot replied taking Lapis's hand once more and continuing to walk.

"Ok. Wanna go get some hot dogs?" Lapis asked looking over at Peridot who looked back at her, nodding.

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