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      The two walked through the garden and back until reaching the parking lot. They exhaustedly walked towards Lapis's car, Lapis getting in the driver's seat and Peridot getting in the back seat. Walking far in the
near-summer heat was exhausting, causing both to feel fatigued.

Lapis turned the keys to the car, starting the engine. She put the car in reverse, pushed the pedal and they backed out of the parking lot.

Only a few minutes passed, and Peridot fell asleep peacefully in the back seat.

"Hey, want me to put on the radio?" Lapis asked turning the mirror to be able to face Peridot.
"Definitely more entertaining than the news—" she stopped seeing Peridot sound asleep in the backseat.
She smiled faintly.
"I'll let you sleep"

She kept driving until they reached the school, which was still having classes taught.

In a nurturing tone, Lapis said to Peridot, who was sleeping in the backseat
"Hey, wake up. We're home."

   Peridot groaned.

    "Need help?" Lapis asked getting out the front and opening her door.

    "It's fine, I got it," Peridot replied getting out.


     They walked in their dorm, both collapsing onto the couch, exhausted. Lapis reached for a large blanket from one of the gift baskets from the day before and handed it to Peridot.

She placed the large blanket over both of their laps, causing both to blush. Lapis noticed this and hastily handed her half of the blanket to Peridot.

"Ah! Sorry! I-I didn't mean to make-"

"N-No. No. Lapis it's fine," Peridot replied handing the blanket back.

"Anyway, wanna watch some movies?" Lapis asked getting the remote.

"Heh.. yeah," Peridot replied, reaching for some candies on the table and setting the box next to both of them. They sat eating the chocolates and watching comedy movies, but over the course of one of the movies, they both unconsciously fell asleep against each other. For whatever reason, it felt right being so close against each other. They sat together, undisturbed with only the sounds of the movie in the background.
     They continued into their peaceful rest for two hours until Lapis woke up, seeing the smaller girl asleep, with her head in her lap, which may have been just a shift in her sleep since she didn't remember her doing this earlier. She smiled a little, gently playing with her hair.

Time passed as Peridot began to wake up, feeling the other girl's fingers gently run through her hair as a nervous habit, as she was half awake. She would say something, but she worried it would make Lapis nervous or give away her feelings for the other, so she stayed silent. She also noticed the blanket was draped over her back, reaching to her neck.

     For once, she felt ok.

Her Smile- A Lapidot Human Au FanficWhere stories live. Discover now