The big question

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      Every day, the two would fallow the same routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to the garden for a walk, come back and relax the rest of the day. Often, they would get some lunch at the hotdog stand in the park nearby and chat on a bench. This was very therapeutic for both of them to be able to get out and relax. It was good escapism for both of them, being together. It had been a week after the incident, and their break had extended to two weeks, per recommendation by Peridot's psychologist. However, in these weeks of healing and getting even closer to one another, both's feelings for the other became even more noticeable. There would be incidents where they would both begin blushing uncontrollably at small acts the time other would do such as smiling, hugging or even mid-conversation. While both had noticed, neither had wanted to bring it up since they were afraid it would trigger discomfort and panic from past experiences; Lapis felt this especially towards Peridot considering what happened a week prior.

     Despite this, however, as these feelings got stronger and stronger, Peridot decided it was time to confess how she felt to Lapis.

       The day she decided to do so started like any other. Lapis woke up at her normal time, but was surprised to see Peridot awake already.

"Hey, did you sleep ok?" She asked getting out of bed and walking over to her in the kitchen.

"Yeah, just wanted to thank you for everything you've been doing for me lately," Peridot replied handing Lapis a plate of homemade waffles. They weren't the best quality due to their low budget, but it looked like she spent time on those.

"Aww, Peri, you really didn't have to do that. It's nothing, really!" Lapis replied blushing.

     Peridot chuckled, blushing a bit herself and looking off to the side. A small smile formed on her face.

       "Soo.. I-I was.. kinda wondering when we- we could g-go for our walk i-in the garden?" Peridot stuttered, looking up nervously at Lapis, who was still getting used to the amount of timidness that came over Peridot in the past week due to the stress of the events of last week.

      "Have you had breakfast?" Lapis asked.

     Peridot nodded.

     "That's good. Probably after I get dressed," Lapis replied, only to realize she'd slept in the clothes she planned to wear for the next day.
   "Or, we could go after I finish my breakfast," she then added.

Peridot nodded, and walked over to the futon, sitting down.

Time skip 27 minutes

     "Ready to go?" Lapis asked grabbing her keys from the counter where she tossed them the day before.

     Peridot didn't reply, but fallowed Lapis out the door to her car.

    "Hey, would you be up for driving? We still need to get your car from Jasper's apartment," Lapis said, but immediately regretted saying the name seeing Peridot flinch and begin to shake.
    "S-Sorry! Aquamarine's house," Lapis corrected herself, reaching out a hand for Peridot.

       "I-It's fine. To a-answer your question, y-yeah," Peridot replied as Lapis opened her car door to the passenger seat letting Peridot get in. She walked to the other side of her car and opened the door to the driver's seat and got in, fastening her seatbelt and turning the key.

      "Ready?" Lapis asked looking over to Peridot, who was fastening her seatbelt.

      She nodded in response, looking out the window.

       They arrived at the garden, talking for about an hour until Peridot finally gained the confidence to pull the question.

      "U-Uh.. h-hey, um L-Lapis," Peridot stuttered out, tapping Lapis's shoulder.

     "Oh! Uh, yeah?" Lapis replied stopping and facing her.

      "I.. I-I have a uh- a question," Peridot stuttered.

     "Ask away," Lapis replied.

     "D-Do you— wanna.. g-go out w-with m-me? A-And by that, w-would you be my..
..g-girlfriend?" Peridot asked immediately looking away, a blushing mess.

Lapis POV

Girlfriend?! This is what I've wanted— no, begged fate to bring me to, but now that she's actually asking, I'm so unsure of myself. What if I hurt her like I hurt Jasper?! The poor girl's already gone through enough. She doesn't need this. However, I've had a crush on her since fall semester, just a week after we first met the day before classes started. I hadn't confessed because I didn't want to hurt her or ruin what we had, but now that she confessed, I see a wonderful future together! Agh! It's so selfish, but I'm gonna accept. I just hope I won't hurt her..

Third Person POV

      Suddenly Lapis's face lit up in a smile.

     "Of course, Peri."

     "Really?!" Peridot asked, a small smile forming on her face and her eyes widening, looking up at Lapis.

     "Of course," Lapis said holding out her hand, offering to show physical affection.

      Peridot ran over close to her and threw her arms around her, almost knocking her down had she not been so light.
Their noses and foreheads touched as the two smiled, their arms around each other.

     "I love you. I always have, and always will," Lapis said to her in a soft tone.

After a good minute of affectionate nuzzling, the two turned around, walking back to the car, their hands intertwined the whole time. They let go once they got to the car and drove to Jasper's apartment to get Peridot's car from the parking lot. As they pulled into the parking lot, both exchanged a hug of comfort before Peridot stepped out to retrieve her car. They both drove home separately, meeting in their shared dorm and sitting together on the futon, putting their arms around each other and watching their show and making commentary together.

      It was an amazing day for the two.

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