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⚠️ Major TW ⚠️
abuse, self harm, death, rape, self blaming, gaslighting, discussing a real life war, guns, serious topics, and theres fluff at the end.

(Warning I've cried the whole time I was writing this, so if you cry at this grab your tissues)

      Laying on the couch, her girlfriend in her arms shaking, Lapis couldn't help but to look back at how far her life has come.

-Flashback 14 years ago-

"Mamma! Mamma look!" The small four year old said running in through the opened door to her small village house holding up a dandelion.

"What is it? I'm cooking dinner!"

"But.. I found a flower!"

Lapis's mother smiled slightly and put out the fire at their stove to go see what her small daughter had to show her.

"Look! It's all fuzzy!" Lapis said curiously poking the flower.

"Oh! Do you know what that is sweetie?".

"No. What is it, Mamma?".

"That's a dandelion! Here, let me show you how they work," her mother said, stepping outside with her.

Lapis eagerly walked out with her, protectively holding the dandelion.

"So if you make a wish, legend has it that, if you can blow all the seeds off a dandelion with a single breath, your wish will come true."

     "Woah.. Let me try!" Lapis said eagerly.

     "Ok, but after that, I'm going back in to finish dinner."

      "Ok Mamma,"

      "I wish that nothing hurts me or my mamma, daddy, or Lias," Lapis whispered to the flower, blowing on it.


"No, no. Don't say it to anyone. Then it won't come true," Her mother cut her off.

"I'll never tell a soul" Lapis whispered to herself, putting the now seedless dandelion on the ground and walking inside.


Those were good times Lapis thought burying her head in her sleeping girlfriend's hair, feeling tears form in her eyes as she remembered how those happy days ended.

- Flashback 9 years ago -

Lapis was outside playing ball with the other kids in the village, laughing and having a grand time.

     That is, until her friend Anmar pointed out a large plane flying close to land.

     That one plane was followed by many more, and even a few tanks.

        Loud, whaling sirens started going off. It hurt her ears. She could hear people scream. All of her friends friends started running in different directions one by one. Everything was happening so fast. She was blinded by the overwhelming fear radiating throughout her village.

     Lapis didn't know what to do, so she followed three friends, Anmar among them.

     Bombs began dropping on the village, killing several residents in each explosion.

     She noticed an explosion in the area where she had seen a handful of her friends had ran to. Another just over the house of a friend of her family, who had just had a baby. And she knew both of which were inside.

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