The Return (angst/fluff)

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      Lapis returned with a bowl of ice cream and a spoon. She said nothing, but handed her the treat with a small smile. She discretely took the bowl and took a small bite.

"Thanks," she said quietly, swallowing the small portion on her spoon. The cold dessert felt good against her throat which stung form sobbing.

Lapis sat back down beside her and felt a smaller head resting on her shoulder. They sat together in a comfortable silence, shoulders and heads touching comfortably.

        "This is nice," Peridot said quietly to Lapis.

         Lapis hummed in respond. "Would you like to do anything? I stepped out of my last class for today so I'm yours all evening."

      "Maybe we could go for a walk? Find a different path than we usually go down?" She asked.

       "Yeah, sure," Lapis replied.

The two got in the car shortly after, singing along to the radio and making small talk the whole way. Entering the garden, they went down a path the two had never really gone down before.

"Who knew they have Starbucks at a sculpture garden?" Peridot asked Lapis in her now usual hushed timid tone.

"I know right. Always full of surprises," Lapis replied.

They both sat down at a table outside with their coffees, talking together and admiring the view.

In the midst of a conversation, Lapis spotted two girls that she recognized from her nursing class entering the cafe.

She paid no mind to it at first until she noticed one girl point right to Peridot and start talking to the other. She listened in, hearing one say "Didn't that one girl get raped? I overheard something about that."
The other chuckled.
"Yeah but it was another girl. That doesn't count."

This made Lapis pretty pissed.
Who the hell even has the audacity to invalidate something so traumatic?! So what it was a girl raping her? It's still rape, Lapis thought gritting her teeth. She shit the two girls a stone cold glare, which they noticed.

"What's up with that girl?" One girl asked.

Peridot flinched noticing the drama.

"Excuse me! I wouldn't even be over here if you weren't invalidating my girlfriend's and my own personal traumas when that's none of your business! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT WE HAD TO GO THROUGH?!" Lapis continued yelling at the girls which really startled Peridot.

To her in these times, Lapis was the calm, kind voice of reason. Always patient and extremely caring. She wasn't used to her being so aggressive. At that moment, she panicked, feeling like she did something wrong.

The anxious girl ran into the Starbucks building and locked herself in the bathroom, shaking and crying into her knees on the floor. She didn't know why, but she was terrified.

"Peri! Wait I'm so sorry!" Lapis cried out after her, but Peridot didn't hear.

She was too blinded by her panic, feeling like she couldn't even trust anyone. At this moment, all senses had been lost in the panic. She heard her girlfriend scream and immediately thought it was directed at her.

The two girls giggled watching Lapis run into the cafe panicked. At that point, she could care less about those girls. Her only focus was to make sure her girlfriend was ok. She softly knocked on the door, only to be answered with a loud, choked out sob.

"P-Please.. I'm sorry! Please d-don't hurt me!" Peridot said panicked.

Lapis could feel her heart crumble at those words. She'd let her emotions get the best of her and ended up scaring and hurting the person she least wanted to do so to.

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