It was just a dream (FLUFFFFF)

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(Peridot's POV)

     I shot awake, feeling myself shaking.

     Lapis must have noticed this, since I felt a familiar gentle tap on my shoulder.

     I shoot around to see Lapis sitting up behind me completely unharmed. I threw my arms around her.

        "L-Lapis! Y-You're- You're alive!" I said surprised.

         "Why would I not be?" She asked confused.

      I noticed the tears that had been rolling down my face, burying my head into her shoulder.

       "I-I had a dream tha-that y-you w-were killed.." I said whimpering.

       She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace.

      "Well I'm right here. You don't need to be scared. I'm not going anywhere," she said running her fingers though my hair, causing me to practically melt into her arms.

       "I-I'm sorry I woke you up. I understand if you don't want to do this again.." I said feeling bad.

        "Sorry? You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault you had a nightmare sweetie," she reassured me.   
   "Would you like me to get you anything? Some milk or water?" She asked me.

      "Some water I guess.." I said to her.

      "Ok, give me a second," she told me getting up.

       I hugged the blanket on the couch anxiously, while she was getting the water.

      Lapis returned with a glass of cold water.

      "Here you go," she told me handing me the water.

         I sat up and took a sip of the water, finishing the glass and laying back down beside Lapis, feeling her familiar pair of arms wrap around me.

       I placed my hands on hers, listening to her humming under her breath. Slowly but surely, I felt myself drift back off to sleep.

A/N I couldn't stand to leave you on a cliffhanger so there you go.

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