Chapter 2

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As Requested

Jess's POV

Today I woke up at 5:36 in the morning, since I wasn't used to the time difference. I tried falling back to sleep multiple times but it didn't work so I decided to go downstairs and make pancakes cause I know Kian loves pancakes, but when I got down there I saw Jc making food.
"Hey sleepy head." he said and chuckled.
"Why are you up so early?" I asked.
"Well I figured somebody would wake up early so I set an alarm to cook for y'all." He replied.
"Do you need help?" I offered.
"Nah I got this just go up stairs and wake everybody up. Also be careful waking up Kian." He told me
"Thanks Jc!" I shouted walking up the stairs.

I went to the guest bedroom first to wake up Lizzie and Kayla since they will most likely be awake or really easy to wake up. I walked in the room and saw them both on their iPhones. Typical.
"Go eat losers." I chuckled "Jc is making breakfast."
They both shot up at the mention of food and ran down stairs.
Now for the hard part, waking up Kian. As I approached his bed I was scared of what he might do when I try to wake him up. But I just pushed that thought away and shook him. There was no response. I looked around the room for something that may help. I couldn't find anything so I just decided to blast music in his ear, which surprisingly worked.
"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!" Kian yelled.
"Well you wouldn't wake up and Jc's making breakfast then he told me to wake everybody up and now I'm just rambling." I awkwardly laughed.
"Oh... we'll in that case lets go down stairs I'm hungry." Kian chuckled.

After we all ate we called up some of their friends I never met before. Man I wish I remembered their names one started with a C and the other started with an S. UGH! This is going to bother me for so long. I'm just glad we are going to meet them at the beach in an hour and a half. I can't wait, I'm so excited!

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