Chapter 16

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As promised, Yugyeom was waiting on him outside as he walked out of the school gates. The younger gave him a small hi and he nodded back, smiling softly. After all, even if Yugyeom was annoying, the other was really sweet. "Sorry for making you wait. I hope you didn't stand here for long?"

Yugyeom shook his head and smiled. "No, I just got out."

They began walking, Jinyoung loosed his tie a bit as the warmth of the early spring made it's way closer. He sighed, closing his eyes as he breathed. Unknown to him, Yugyeom was watching his every movement. "Did your last lesson go bad? You seem tired, hyung."

Jinyoung laughed lightly, shaking his head. "No, I'm fine. I've just been tired lately."

Spring always reminded him of his ex. He would lie of he said he didn't miss the sweet moment when they would stay up and watch the stars, spending Valentine's together. That person wasn't always a bad man.

"How about you? How did your last lesson go?" The younger seemed to think after before answering.

"Well, we had history last and I kind of suck at that?" Jinyoung chuckled and shook his head. "Seems like that's one of the things we need to work on."

He took his phone, handing it to the younger. Yugyeom's eyes grew big as he looked at his hand, causing him to laugh. He hadn't expected the other to react like that.

"Give me your number Yugyeom-ah. I'll message you when I can tutor you." The younger nodded and took his phone. Jinyoung blushed as their hands touched but pulled away as fast as he could. Yugyeom seemed to hit notice as he turned away, waiting for him to finish typing in his number. "Here, hyung."

"Thanks." Jinyoung smiled as Yugyeom gave him back his phone, quickly putting it into his pocket.

While they walked in an unknown street he suspected was the way to Jaebum's house, the younger talked happily with him. Honestly, this kid could make him want to hit him but on the same time, they had pretty much in common.

"Woah, so you can cook?" Jinyoung nodded.

"So all those lunches you have is homemade?" Wait, what? GOT6 didn't sit anywhere his table? How could Yugyeom know that?

"Hyung." The younger stopped and gripped his shoulders, looking serious. He gulped. What the hell did the younger do now?

"Can you please, please sometime cook for me too? I'm sure it's delicious!" He facepalmed.

"Oi, you brat! I'm not your mom or anything!"

"Please hyung? I don't want to eat the cafeteria food all the time~" Jinyoung sighed. This brat was sure spoiled too.

"I'll see about that. Who even told you about my lunch?" Yugyeom just chuckled. Jinyoung looked confused at the younger until it hit him.

"It's Jungkook isn't it?" He didn't even need to say anything, Jinyoung knew by the look on his face. Damn that groupchat, as Jihoon said all the time.

He groaned and rolled his eyes, causing Yugyeom to laugh.


They finally arrived at Jaebum's house after about ten more minutes. He got to say, that house was really huge.

Way, too huge actually, how was he ever going to find even inside it? He knew Jaebum lived there with his parents and younger brother. Changkyun was a good friend of Jihoon, which made him wonder why they actually didn't meet until now. Well, recently.

Though, it's explainable with the fact that they didn't become that good friends until Jihoon got into his relationship.

Wait, really many of his friends and their siblings was in a polyamory relationship-

Of course he noticed that now. Hyunjin didn't have eight boy friends at all ( notice the sarcasm ) and Yeji has her so called 'friends'. He chuckled quietly for himself. If his noonas weren't already married, his mother would ask about grandchildren all the time. Thank god they already had their husbands.

They made it seem so easy to fall in love.

"Hyung?" He turned to face Yugyeom.

"Hm? Ah, sorry I must've dozed off." He shook his head and followed the younger as they walked into the gate.

He looked around, mouth almost hanging agape at the large garden. Changkyun didn't lie when he said they had a big house. Yugyeom watched his expressions and laughed. "If you think this house is big hyung, just wait until you've seen Mark hyung's place."

Jinyoung rolled his eyes. The rich and handsome Mark Tuan as the girls in his class always spoke a little bit too loud about.

He wouldn't be surprised though. The older had good manners and didn't seem like some rich brat. He would probably not brag about it either. That was one of the things he liked about Mark.

Despite being rich, the older never slapped it into anyone's face. Though, he didn't knew if the rumors about Mark throwing a computer on BamBam was true. Knowing the maknaes in GOT6 at least a little bit, he suspected they played some kind of prank.

Yugyeom walked in front of him, stepping up the stairs. He followed and stood beside The other as he knocked on the door. There was a muffled shout of 'coming!' Before a woman opened.

Jinyoung blinked as he faced the smiling Mrs.Im.

"Oh, hello Yugyeom dear. I guess you guys are here for Bummie?" Bummie? That was a kind of cute nickname.

"You must be Jinyoung right?" He blushed, didn't know how she got his name but bowed slightly and greeted her.

"Ah, such good manners you have Jinyoung! You don't have to speak respectfully, just call me eomma." He blushed as she let both of them in, restraining himself from hitting Yugyeom as he snickered. What the hell did Jaebum tell his mother? "I hope we don't interrupt in something, mrs.Im."

"No, no. The rest of Bummie's friends are coming over anyways, it seems like you two are the first ones. And I insist on you calling me eomma dear."

He nodded slightly, mentally gritting his teeth as he looked over to Yugyeom. He was literally set up. The younger just looked at him teasingly. "Well, then. I hope I don't disturb...eomma..."

The woman smiled brightly while he was red as a tomato, Yugyeom doing no good as he just laughed quietly. In that moment, Changkyun stuck his head out in the hall.

"Oh, hi hyung! Hi Gyeommie! You guys are here to visit Jaebum hyung right?" Jinyoung and Yugyeom nodded slowly, the older glared at the other as Changkyun's mother disappeared into the kitchen.

Changkyun looked between them before laughing. "That really smooth, Yugyeom!"

Jinyoung sent him a gaze, reminding him that he wasn't helpful. The younger just grinned and told them Jaebum was waiting on them upstairs.

He heaved a sigh as both of them made their way up the stairs, Jinyoung thanking mrs.Im for the snacks before getting dragged upstairs.

Damn those six. They really set him up.

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