Chapter 35

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He was tired.

But he was always tired though, like his head was constantly full of thoughts and no space left for peace.

Or maybe it was just these days, that made him utterly exhausted. Everything felt drained and for the first time in a while, he felt like school was crushing him, along with his life problems that just happened to appear right at the wrong time.

But it's alright. He'd be fine as soon as he made sure to eat some breakfast. Or at least he hoped it was that way.

Nevertheless, he'd go through this day like every other day.

Jinyoung let out a sigh, turning around in bed. He hadn't been able to sleep well, waking up earlier then planned and knowing he'd regret it later, he sighed and reminded himself to bring some headache pills. Especially now when it was spring, the weather tended to get warmer and warmer, doing no help to his already forming headache.

He was slowly counting down the minutes, knowing that soon enough, Wonpil would climb up to his window as usual and wake him up in that loud way of his. That would include stumbling into his room after succeeding to open the window ( he left it open for his best friend every morning, yes ) and jumping into his bed.

And his predictions were right when he heard his window being tipped open, his best friend landing on the floor with a loud thud. Aish, doesn't this pabo know about sneaking?

"Yah! Wake up Nyoung!" Grimacing at the brightness ( how the hell could the other have that much energy? ) radiating from Wonpil, he let out a frustrated groan and rolled to the side.

The other brunette pouted at Jinyoung's reaction, waddling over to the bed before plopping himself down beside the male. "Are you alright? You aren't sick, right?"

He grimaced at the worried tone. "No, I'm just tired."

Wonpil frowned but stayed quiet, looking almost impatient with something. After a few seconds of silence, he caught the brunette of guard by quickly rolling on top of Jinyoung, causing the latter to yelp. Jinyoung let out a huff, groaning at the sudden weight pressed on top of him.

"Are you depressed or what? Do I need to fight someone?! I swear if those six did anything-"
Jinyoung snorted, laughing at the fire in Wonpil's eyes. It was like he was watching a small angry bunny and the sight was quite adorable. Now he understood why the Jaehyung always teases him-

"Stop laughing! I will seriously kick them down!" The brunette looked dead serious and it only had him giggling even louder. Wonpil pouted again, whining at him to answer or he'd stomp over to Youngjae's house and demand an answer from the younger instead.

That had his laugh hitching for a moment. He'd rather not have his best friend going there right now, or ever, to be honest. Wonpil could be embarrassing, alright? "First of all, get off me! You are heavy!"

He shifted, grimacing as he pushed his best friend off him. This time Wonpil was the one yelping as he fell out of bed and landed on his butt with a loud thud. The other glared at him, but it changed to a smile in lesser than a second as both of them broke out in giggles.

Jinyoung rolled his eyes playfully, helping his friend up as they both sat back in the bed. By now, he almost felt bad for his siblings, but Yeji slept like a rock and Hyunjin was most likely having his earphones on again. Besides, it was common for the Park household with the Kims living in the house just beside them.

Wonpil had been doing this for years now, ever since they were kids and had yet to worry about homework and exams. Don't think he didn't know about Hyunjin climbing over to Seungmin's room either, he already saw it coming, especially when the younger's window was face to face with his boyfriend's. Knowing the younger would be too flustered, he didn't say anything even if he knew his brother sometimes snuck over to Seungmin on the weekends.

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