Chapter 44

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Park Jinyoung.

His angel, his darling, his, his, his.

When he first got his eyes on the most beautiful human being in the world, they were only in middle school. Or, Jinyoung was in first year while he was in the last year.

Just like he had fallen for the younger, he made sure Jinyoung would love him that way too. It would be the two of them, forever.

Park Jinyoung was his.

Minjun didn't like sharing. He certainly didn't like people getting in the way for him and his baby boy.

Jinyoung was perfect. Such a delicate body, pretty face and warm personality. He fell in love at instant. Remembering the younger's first time, how he oh so willingly trusted Minjun made the raven smile.

After the first taste of that sweetness, he couldn't resist the urge to have more. He wanted to take, take and devour.

Then Jinyoung tried to run away. His perfect little toy disobeyed him, getting upset after seeing his master with a woman.

But it wasn't his fault. He was absolute and he could do anything he wanted without anyone stopping him. Jinyoung however, would forever be his.

Choi Minjun gave no exceptions.

So after the little problem his kitten created, he decided to take on the iron gloves. Jinyoung just needed to know his place, you know?

He locked the brunette up with chains and put him in a pretty bird cage. There he could be his, do whatever Minjun liked without any hassle.

And he intended to keep it that way.

But that only lasted a short while until the petite kitten found a way out of the cage, slipping from his grasp again.

Now he was back and nothing could stop him from dragging Jinyoung back to his place.

No one could stop him.

Not even those six annoying peasants whom constantly bugged him and never let Jinyoung out of their sight. He'd take care of them later.

First he needed to capture his sweet little baby boy.

That led him to this moment now, when he was grinning from head to toe. He couldn't believe he found such a perfect opportunity, feeling his the excitement bubbled inside of him.

In front of him was his angel, sitting at a playground all alone. His happiness was sharp and edgy, because finally, fucking finally, he had the younger for himself.

Without hesitation, he started walking in Jinyoung's direction, making sure his baby boy wouldn't notice until it was too late.

"Well well, what do we have here? I thought I'd never get you for myself." Jinyoung's head whipped to the side, eyes widening when he saw him.

Minjun's smile grew bigger at the immediate fear radiating from his darling. His hands itched from the want of touching that beautifully pale skin and claiming every piece of Jinyoung to his own.

He was sure Jinyoung knew his place anyways. The younger never quite enjoyed punishment and he made sure it wasn't enjoyable either.

"Y-you.." The brunette's breath hitched as he took a step further, flinching at the sound. To his disappointment, Jinyoung was starting to get up from the swing, moving in the opposite direction.

Such a naughty baby boy.

"Did you miss me? I'm sure you've been thinking a lot about me." He let out a chuckle, daring to take one more step forwards as Jinyoung staggered back. It was no use, he was too close already.

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