Chapter 27

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It felt nice, being walked home by Yugyeom.

And no, he wasn't like one of those girl after a date. He was just comfortable with their small conversation and watching the sun sinking in the sky.

He decided that he liked this moment the most.

It was quiet and calm, like he always liked. Yugyeom was walking beside him, both had gone off the bus to walk. Jinyoung had asked him if he had far to home but the younger just chuckled and assured him it wasn't far.

Well, he was already old enough anyways, he could take care of himself. Yugyeom noticed the older staring at him, giving him that gummy smile.

"Do I look handsome hyung?" The teasing remark made Jinyoung scoff and turn away, a small smile tugging on his lips.

"If a palm tree was attractive then yes." He walked in front of the brunette, never noticing the soft gaze landing on him. The older laughed slightly, turning around as he was faced with Yugyeom's grimace.

"Why do you baby Youngjae hyung so much but not me?" Yugyeom spoke with that pout, voice all whiny. Jinyoung snorted and mumbled something about otters weren't as annoying like some certain palm trees.

He sighed happily, enjoying the air of spring and fresh flowers as a wind swept by. The apple blossom trees covered the street with small petals, swaying calmly and comforting.

Yugyeom watched Jinyoung with sparkly eyes. How could he possibly not be more in love with the older than now?

Sneaky as he was, he succeeded to take a picture of Jinyoung in secret, giggling as he scrolled through the other pictures taken that day. Count it or not, this was totally like a date for Yugyeom.

But he was still kind of concerned about the guy Jinyoung so desperately wanted to hide from. Yeah, he understood that people wouldn't prefer to meet their exes ever but he couldn't help the small spark of jealously.

The older couldn't still possibly be in love with that guy, right?

No, maybe not. The way he had looked at that guy was odd, not like those heartbroken characters in movies. More like the scared kind of way, like he was terrified of him or something.

He had chosen not to bring it up, even if it worried him. The older made him want to protect him all the time and keep him for himself.

"Gyeom-ah?" He blinked, looking up at the soft tone Jinyoung had.

The brunette smiled softly and Yugyeom found it hard to breathe for a moment. "Thanks for today. I really enjoyed it."

And I enjoyed being with you.

"Of course hyung! I had fun too. In matter of fact, I was actually surprised you wanted to come along." He laughed, wishing they weren't nearing Jinyoung's house anywhere soon.

Just a little longer, he wanted to be with the older a little bit longer.

The brunette scoffed and playfully rolled his eyes. "You were the one forcing me into going with you, though-"

"Hey! I didn't force you!" Jinyoung shrugged, laughing as Yugyeom whines loudly behind him.


When they arrived to his house, the older turned around and faced him.

Jinyoung smiled, ( a rare sight nowadays but nevertheless, he enjoyed it ) making Yugyeom flush slightly.

He returned the smile, taking the brunette's hand in his. "Next time I ask you out, it won't be because of tutoring. You know that, don't you?"

Next time he asked Jinyoung out, it would definitely not be to thank him for helping. Yugyeom grinned, yelping as the older rolled his eyes and hit him on the shoulder.

"Hyung! What was that for?!?" Jinyoung narrowed his eyes but turned around to open the door without a word.

He was surprised when Jinyoung suddenly turned around and quickly kissed him on the cheek before turning his heels and opening the door.

"I'll wait, alright? See you in school." With that, the door closed, leaving a stunned Yugyeom behind.

Slowly, he touched his cheek as realization hit him.

Park Jinyoung just kissed him on the cheek?!?

He blushed, gaping as he happily laughed and began walking up the street.

The older's words lingered in his head, along with the silent promise of a real date.

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