Chapter 19

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"Jinyoung hyung?" He hummed in response.

When the day started, he totally didn't know what would going to happen. Especially not that BamBam would practically kidnap him for lunch.

He grimaced as he recalled the grinning faces of his friends. It was going to be a hell when they met again next time.

The younger looked at him curiously, both of them currently having lunch together on the roof. "What are you thinking about?"

He just laughed, shaking his head. "You know, picking me up like that will make my friends think other things."

BamBam smirked slightly, scooting close to him. "Like what?"

Jinyoung bit his lip as he tried not to blush, moving further away from BamBam. "Nothing, Bam."

The other didn't answer as he leaned closer to Jinyoung, making his breath hitch at the closeness. BamBam looked him straight in the eyes, gaze unreadable. Then, he looked down at Jinyoung'a plush lips and smiled.

He turned away, swatting BamBam on the arm and mumbled that he should stop teasing.

"What makes you think I'm just joking?" The look on his face made the older gulp.

What the hell?

"WAZZUP!" If you asked him, it was a perfect moment for Jackson to enter as Jinyoung shifted away from BamBam. The younger laughed at Jackson.

The oldest looked at them, eyes narrowing as he began to suspect something. "What did you two do?"

"Nothing, just waiting for you guys hyung." Jinyoung smiled awkwardly, not meeting BamBam's eyes.

Jackson looked between them, feeling jealously churn deep down in his stomach. The small smile on BamBam's face and Jinyoung avoiding time meet his gaze was really suspicious.

He scoffed for himself as he sat down between them, not showing his jealously. That didn't help as BamBam noticed and stuck out his tongue.

The black haired male blinked, confused at their actions but shrugged it off as the other's began coming through the door.

Jinyoung sat back, enjoying the distant chatter as he closed his eyes, feeling the breeze of spring. He hummed lightly, feeling as if someone was watching him.

As he cracked an eye open, no one was looking at him. He shook his head, smiling for himself.

Jaebum wondered how the other couldn't notice the blush on each of their faces. He sat furthers away from Jinyoung, watching the younger as he chatted with BamBam and Jackson. The other smiled much more now that he had loosened up.

He liked that smile. It made Jinyoung's eyes wrinkle and he looked so goddamn cute.

Maybe he should smile more. People should adore the cute male, not trying to stay away. Well, the younger sure had a reason to all that.

Mark sat beside him, the older didn't even care to hide the jealously unlike himself. The older was always possessive about things he called "his". It was a wonder Jinyoung hadn't noticed yet.

Just as they all settled down, Youngjae and Yugyeom burst through the door, grinning as they saw that BamBam had successfully accomplished his mission. Youngjae sat down beside mark as he chuckled at the jealousy radiating from the other.

Yugyeom gave Jinyoung puppy eyes as he looked at him. "Did you hyung? Please?"

Jinyoung laughed, turning to open his bag. All of them, besides Yugyeom, gasped as the brunette pulled out a lunch box. "Here you go, Yugyeom-ah. But just for today."

The youngest beamed as he took the bento, giggling as he thanked the older.

"Hey, what's all this about?" Jaebum looked confused and on the same time, he felt a sting of jealously. He wanted to taste Jinyoung's food too.

He hummed, looking over to his Jaebum hyung. "Well, we've been studying extra hard for a test. I've been pushing him, I am his tutor after all."

Jinyoung smiled slightly. "And Yuggie needed a goal so I promised I would cook for him if he scored over 60 points."

"Woah, Yug! You scored over sixty?!?" Yugyeom nodded where he was munching on chicken, sitting beside BamBam.

"Yep. All thanks to Jinyoung hyung of course!" As the other smiled brightly, Jinyoung slightly blushed, telling him it was all his hard work.

"Hey, why can't you cook for us too hyung? That looks really delicious!" Youngjae eglanced at Yugyeom's lunch, smiling wider as Jinyoung blushed in embarrassment of the praise.

"Well, we'll see. I can't go around to school carrying six bentos you know? Maybe sometime when you guys are over." It became almost quietly directly at the statement.

"What?" The brunette looked at them confused. Their crush hadn't at all just indirectly invited them to his house.

"'s alright for us to come over?" Jinyoung frowned.

"Of course? I don't see any problems with that. Besides you are my friends." Ouch. The friend statement was something none of them wanted.

Though they had struggles with that. Mentioning love just made Jinyoung's face cold and stoic as he quickly changed subject. And when he decided to give them an actual answer, it was always that he wasn't interested or didn't need love.

Youngjae wished they could help with that. Jinyoung was clearly struggling with hiding something. After spending a few weeks with him, walking with him home everyday made him think why he in the first place thought bad about the older.

As he loosened up for them, Youngjae found himself wanting to make the older smile more and laugh. He loved that laugh, especially were Jinyoung would smile and his eyes would disappear into crescents.

He, of all, hadn't expected all of them to fall in love that fast. Still, the bet was there. Youngjae hummed.

He wanted Jinyoung to be his.

Youngjae was never one to show possessiveness nor jealously like Mark. But he knew that Jinyoung was something he wanted for himself. He watched the other laugh as he sat beside Jackson.

Yeah, he really wanted Jinyoung.

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