Chapter 36

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BamBam was playing Among Us on his phone as he waited for Yugyeom to finish showering in the dressing room.

School ended for the both of them a few minutes ago and he was thankful that he was in the same class as his best friend or else he would've died from boredom a long time ago.

After lunch, his mood had only gotten worse when their biology teacher decided to give them seven assignments and be an asshole about it. Even when he had woken up this morning, something felt off and he couldn't bring himself to be as cheerful as usual.

He knew exactly why he was like this.

Yesterday, as soon as he got home and collapsed in bed, his thoughts began spiraling directly to the scenes he had witnessed before. Ever since they dropped Jinyoung off, he couldn't stop thinking about how puffy the older's eyes still were.

That ex boyfriend of Jinyoung's....he had a bad feeling about him. Especially when he popped out of nowhere, looking furious about something before seeing the brunette with them. He had almost growled at the glare that guy sent them, Jinyoung trying to make himself as small as possible in his embrace.

It was almost like he had been chasing the brunette before Jinyoung stumbled upon them.

When he noticed the older had a full on panic attack, his first immediate instinct was to protect. It was barely noticeable, but as fast as he touched Jinyoung, the brunette jerked and tried to pull away from him. He could never forget the dreadful taste on his tongue.

The fear was so strong he could almost smell it.

He surprised himself when he found his voice steady, trying to calm down the crying male in his lap. It made him frustrated when Jinyoung only cried harder, shaking and flinching at any movement around him. The older was starting to loose the color in his face and he felt the panic slowly creeping to his mind.

Nothing he did worked and Jinyoung didn't listen to him, almost like the brunette didn't hear him. Youngjae trying to grasp the older's hand didn't seem to work either and it made all of them panic even more when Jinyoung stayed unresponsive to their actions. In his stress, the first idea coming to his mind was do anything to make the older snap back into focus again.

So he slapped Jinyoung. BamBam didn't want to, but the brunette's sobs made his heart hurt and it turned out to be worth it when Jinyoung came back to them.

He couldn't forget the older's crying face.

"Bam? I'm done, shall we go home?" He finished the game before logging out and turning his phone off, smiling slightly at Yugyeom.

Both of them began walking past the chemistry classrooms, wanting to get out of school as fast as possible. All of sudden, they spotted Youngjae a few lockers away from where they stood and Yugyeom immediately waved, shouting at the older to catch his attention.

Youngjae smiled, waving back at them as they got closer. Though, wasn't he supposed to be walking home with Jinyoung right now?

"Hey, hyung, where's Jinyoung hyung?" The blue haired boy shrugged, expression faltering for a moment before he smiled brightly.

"He decided to walk home with his friends today, so he already went. My class ended a few minutes ago anyways." Yugyeom let out an understanding snort while he bit his lip, not really liking the idea of Jinyoung walking home alone again.

At least he had his friends this time and he hoped that Minjun dude wouldn't find them. It'd be hell, especially when they weren't there to protect Jinyoung.

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