Chapter 39

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Jinyoung hummed lowly, looking around as he waited for Taeyong to come accompany him.

This was one of those rare moments he was alone, but that's because Taeyong often ended about five minutes later than him and would come out as soon as he could. Nothing could really happen now, right? There's students here to witness so he was sure he'd be safe.

After he and Eunjeong was followed this Tuesday, the younger's boyfriends hadn't let any of them get out of sight. That's why he hadn't been seen alone a single minute ( there's exceptions though ) and he couldn't decide whether to find it irritating or comforting.

From that Minsu had came by at breaks, or Haneul popping up out of nowhere to hug Eunjeong and talk with them, to Daeseong finding him in the library before sitting down reading beside him. As much as he appreciated it, he wondered how they all had time to crowd around him like that.

The feeling of guilt followed him everywhere, even when his thoughts weren't on Minjun. It was his fault to drag them into this, especially Taeyong, Wonpil and many others who still didn't know about it, who where innocent.

He waved at Renjiro, who currently had P.E outside and forced himself to smile as the younger waved back. Really, Eunjeong and his boyfriends were so helpful it only worsened his shame.

Breathing in, he closed his eyes and grip his book harder. Enough, he needed to loose these negative thoughts. Just for the moment, he wanted to feel like he was normal, at least.


Jinyoung felt his eyes widen, breath hitching. Fear exploded in his veins and his heart rate picked up as he whipped around.

There was no way he wouldn't recognize that voice, not even in a million years.

Minjun wasn't behind him, even if it had seemed like it a few minutes ago. Was he hallucinating? It couldn't be that bad, right?

He could swear he felt someone's breath bloss to his ear, though. It made the feeling of disgust creep up in his throat and he barely refrained himself from toppling over and puke on the ground.

Taking a shaky step backwards, his eyes frankly searching for Renjiro but seeing no one on the school ground. Shit, hell, how could he have missed that.

He's alone

A sob slipped past his lips, Jinyoung tripping over his feet to back away from the school yard. Where was he? Where was Minjun?



He flinched at the dark tone, a spark of amusement clearly sounding through his ex boyfriend's voice. Jinyoung wanted to scream, to shout at someone to help him but he couldn't, he couldn't-

Breathe, he needing oxygen, this was just hallucinations. Minjun wasn't here, he was just scared, no, frightened. He's safe, this wasn't  real, he's going to open his eyes and see Taeyong and-

A strangled scream erupted from his throat when he felt a hand, a burning hand, touch his shoulder.

It was like all his horrors and nightmares came true.

In front of him, real and horrifying, stood Minjun. The taller male was grinning, dark eyes ranking over his face and body as he tightened his very painful grip on Jinyoung's shoulder.

"Do you know how hard it has been, finally getting the right moment to catch you?" There was a shimmer in Minjun's eyes as he laughed hoarsely. He resisted the urge to shrink down and whimper at the pain shooting up his shoulder.

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