Chapter 38

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Alright, so Jinyoung fucked up.

First of all, he hadn't expected himself to spend that much time at the karaoke bar with his friends. Now he regretted his life choices as he realized what the time was and how it started to darken outside.

It wasn't like his parents was bothered by him being out with friends, no, it was more that he didn't want to go home in the dark. After what happened last time, he still wasn't so comfortable with walking home alone anymore. Or going anywhere alone at all, in matter of fact.

That's why he was staring dreadfully outside. Jinyoung wasn't scared of the dark, though he didn't want to ask Wonpil to follow him home either.

Sure, they lived next to each other but the other was supposed to sleep over at Sungjin's place today. Jisoo had left with Jennie a few minutes ago, claiming she was tired and needed to go home. He shouted a goodbye as the two girls walked in the direction towards Chaeyoung's house, already regretting he made the wrong decision.

"Hey hyung, Haneul-ah and Minu are coming to pick me up. Do you want to tag along?" The mention of Eunjeong's boyfriends got him smiling, glancing at the raven who seemingly understood what he was feeling.

Eunjeong's youngest boyfriends, Haneul and Minsu, had been one of the few people knowing about the truth. Both of them were adorably overprotective, over him and Eunjeong. Minsu were usually the one trying to get him in a better mood, the Chinese male constantly making jokes so he would laugh. While he wasn't feeling quite alright after he finally got the courage to leave Minjun, Haneul would sit down beside him in silence, just to assure him there was someone there for him.

It was an accident that all of them found out but in a way and another, he was grateful for their help. He would not be alive today if they hadn't found out. And he had no plans going back to the state he was in then either, not after such hard time he had.

Eunjeong knew very well why he was grimacing at the evening sky, frown evident on his face. It had always been like that, the younger knowing everything without him saying anything first and never growing tired nor complaining when he rushed over to Jinyoung's to comfort him.

Jinyoung hummed, giving the younger a small nod. "Sure, if you guys don't mind."

"Of course not, unless you want to follow Yoongi hyung." It was followed by a laugh, both of them snickering at the thought. Seokjin and Yoongi was already in their own world and as far as he knew, they would leave soon too, probably to storm into Namjoon's place.

He would prefer to go with Eunjeong instead of watching those two being all lovey dovey. To be honest, he had been a third wheel countless of times already and could ( nearly ) puke at all the glitter and love practically swarming around them. So yeah, no thanks-

They stayed a while more before growing tired at Yoonjin's antics and bid each goodbyes. Jinyoung was closing the door to the building when he heard someone come with a bike behind them, looking over his shoulder as a reflex.

Youngjae's face looked as surprised as he felt, a wide grin immediately spreading on the younger's face. It made him almost smile back if it wasn't for the memory of last time they met.

To say he hasn't thought about it was wrong. He had been thinking about it, questioning himself if it would be better if he really told others or not. Eunjeong and his boyfriends only found on accident, he never intended on telling anyone. But without their help until now, he didn't know how he would hold up.

Maybe it was better? Jinyoung didn't know.

He just didn't want Minjun to find out and....

Oh god, all those names and connections he had. No way he was going to tell others, any less his family. He out of everyone should know Minjun never lied about things. Well, except love. And the brunette couldn't and would never risk anyone he cared for, knowing his ex boyfriend was a brutal man. A bad, possessive wicked person.

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