Chapter 45

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Spring went by and soon summer came knocking on the door, bringing its heat and sunshine over Seoul.

BamBam knew it was even hotter in Thailand, especially in Phuket, but it was so goddamn hot here too. He though he would get used to the heat by now already, but apparently not.

Things had been well between them. Jinyoung's recover was slow but necessary and each day that went by, the older seemed to glow even more. Along with it, his love only grew larger and larger.

The first few months they had gone back to the state were they were shy around each other, Jinyoung always fiddling with his sleeves or looked down on his hands whenever they met. They still stayed friends, though, much to his disappointment but BamBam was more than content with that back then.

Jinyoung was actually trying to get better and there wasn't a single day where they wouldn't hog him and kidnap him from his friends half of the days, Youngjae starting to walk home with him again.

They also hung out more often, Jackson and Yugyeom both finding enjoyment in making the older laugh and chase after them whenever they did something stupid to irritate him.

He was so incredibly happy the older got help and was met with the love he deserved, both from his family and friends.

Besides that, Jinyoung also went to a therapist daily, talked to them more often, even let them in when he had his attacks. BamBam learned how to calm the brunette down and help him and nothing could beat the pride blooming in his chest over all the things he had achieved.

All of that was thanks to Jinyoung finally letting them in.

He was proud of the older and he never failed to tell Jinyoung every day how much he meant to him.

However, one thing still bothered him.

Don't get him wrong or anything, he absolutely loved spending time with Jinyoung and pamper him in his attention, but there was still something missing.

The older was still not his yet.

Blame them for sulking but really? Seeing this beautiful human being every damn day made it even harder for him to hold back and his longing only grew wider.

After their so called "honeymoon" state and everything calmed down for a while, the six of them decided to start courting Jinyoung, little by little.

It started with small gifts at first, such as a single flower or pens to sharing their food. They constantly smothered him with their attention and time, always answering fast whenever he called.

Then Yugyeom was the one feeling brave, taking another step forwards in their relationship with Jinyoung as he started giving the brunette chocolate instead, along with cute little notes every day on his bench.

He grew jealous when he noticed how the older saved all of them in a little box standing on top of his book shelf.

What made him even more sulky was how Jinyoung still showed no sign of being interested, let alone noticing the small meaningful actions.

It made him wonder how long they could keep this up.

Jackson hyung even asked Jinyoung out face to face on a date, he and Yugyeom ended up laughing at him for it when the blonde male came back, not so pleased with the fact that Jinyoung hadn't thought about it in that way at all.

He wondered just how oblivious a person could be. And his patience was soon running out too, he doubted the others felt differently than he did.

Glancing at Jinyoung, the older balancing the chocolate ice cream in his hand while trying to help Youngjae with his sticky hand, he couldn't do anything but pout.

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