Chapter 31

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True to his words, Jaebum did come next morning.

He was standing right outside Jinyoung's house as Hyunjin got ready to leave, yelling after his brother that his boyfriend was there.

Wonpil, who was munching on a sandwich beside him smirked and jumped off the counter to say hi. The brunette almost hit his best friend with the spatula as a warning.

When they later left the house, Jinyoung leaving Yeji to lock the door, Seokjin was standing outside talking with Jaebum. It made him suspicious, especially when his friend snickered and wriggled his eyebrows. He should've expected this.

Aish, why were all his friends like this?!


Finally, after they went different ways ( he didn't miss those looks thrown his way as he and Jaebum went to their shared class together ) the younger immediately apologized to Jaebum for whatever Seokjin had talked about before.

The raven laughed, eyes disappearing into crescents. "Why are you apologizing? He didn't say anything weird I promise!"

Jinyoung glared at him, not quite believing him but dropping the subject. At least they were free from those two snickering behind them.

He bet Seokjin did say something ( maybe he should press the other onto confession later ) but Jaebum seemed relaxed and he wondered if his friend's words had any impact on the older at all.

Remembering what had happened yesterday, he found himself shuddering at the thought of his ex boyfriend and on the same time flush at how Jaebum had declared himself as Jinyoung's boyfriend.

Wait. Boyfriend?

Who the hell gave him permission to call himself that?!?!

The younger glared at the back of Jaebum's head but immediately smiled as the raven turned around to ask if he was staring or something.

Needless to say, Jinyoung's morning started pretty normal ( except the part where one of your crushes came to pick you up for sc- )

Shut up brain. The brunette found himself shaking his head and picked up his pace to get into the classroom before the older could follow him.

( you still have the same class though )

He let out a loud groan, causing his classmate's attention before mumbling a sorry with his cheeks red and slinking into his seat.


Wonpil was practically bouncing in his seat at lunch. He tried to ignore the way Seokjin snickered while Eunjeong and Taeyong looked at each other with amusing looks. ( he felt kind of bad for the younger males but oh well, they didn't need to be involved in this- )

Jinyoung debated on whatever to drag Sungjin here so he could take care of his annoying boyfriend or let Wonpil ramble out loud for the whole school to hear.

Nah, the other option sounded much better.

Before Wonpil could open his mouth, Jaehwan came bursting in, proceeding to kick the door open with Hongbin hot in his feet.

"YAH! KIM SEOKJIN!" He felt so relieved he almost felt like kissing Jaehwan for interrupting his best friend before Wonpil could say anything stupid.

Seokjin, on the other hand, looked ready to tell at his best friend for practically slapping attention to them until Jaehwan continued loudly.

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