Chapter 30

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"Yah Nyoung! Wait up!"

The brunette looked up, smiling as Jaebum came stalking down the hall while waving at him. He had just left the library, holding several books along with his bag.

Smiling, he made his way towards the younger, thankfully loosing whoever followed him before. ( He suspected it was some of the girls from his fanclub again )

The small hi he got in return made him smile wider, Jinyoung's cuteness appearing so cute for the raven.

"Did you just end your last class?" Jinyoung nodded, sparing him a small smile.

"I came from the library. I didn't know you ended class at this time, though?" He shrugged, resisting the urge to kiss Jinyoung's plush lips. It was a regular day, yet the brunette had some kind of glow around him, eyes warm and beautiful as they crinkled up once he smiled. God, it should be illegal to be that gorgeous.

Jaebum blinked, trying to break out of his trance before the other noticed him staring for too long. "My lesson just ended, I was on my way home and then I saw you. I guess you stayed behind to read."

"Yeah, my parents are away tonight so I figured I could stay behind before going home." Knowing the younger would go home to make dinner for his siblings later made him smile, that cold personality facade was a total lie. Park Jinyoung was such a softie and he just wanted to squish the brunette into his arms.

"Then, shall we go home together? I wanted to ask you that anyways." Jaebum smiled and the other felt his heart thump slightly at the handsome male, averting his eyes slightly.

"I'd like that." He laughed at the playful gaze he was given, a small unnoticeable flush on his cheeks.

They began walking past some classrooms as Jinyoung nodded, flushing more as Jaebum suddenly insisted on helping him with carrying the books. After a few minutes of protesting, Jinyoung finally gave in and handed the older some books.

"Thank you hyung. You don't have to, really." The raven shook his head, smiling and shifting his bag to his other shoulder.

"It's nothing, I'm glad to help you." If Wonpil was here right now, he was sure the other brunette would've snickered and done something very embarrassing. He was glad he ditched the male a while ago, Wonpil was too busy with his boyfriends to notice anyways.

Outside school, they turned into the street Jinyoung usually went when he was going from and to school. He was pretty sure the older lived the other way though, turning to look confusedly at Jaebum. The older didn't say anything, casually talking with him about music like he hadn't at all taken the wrong way home.

Jinyoung laughed lightly, shaking his head at the other's playfulness.

"You know hyung, you remind me of someone." Jaebum smiled, looking on the brunette the entire time they walked, even if Jinyoung was looking straight forwards.

"Really? Who?"

The younger shook his head once again, chuckling lowly. "I had a childhood friend, we were inseparable since young age. You're so alike."

Jaebum nodded, going quiet beside the younger. Back then, he really didn't want to move away from Jinyoung but it was the best for his family. And now, fate decided to give him another chance by letting him meet the brunette and he couldn't help but fall in love all over again.

"I really miss him. Still do." Jinyoung snorted, looking so tired all of sudden. His eyes was sad, almost longing as he stared at the distant sun.

The raven felt captured by the beautiful image, not even realizing he had held his breath until he sucked in a large one.

Shrugging it off, Jinyoung waved half-heartedly, balancing the books with one hand. "Mom and dad used to tease me for complaining and crying after him everyday. I can't believe I was so childish back then."

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