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"Now as you all know there was one empty spot left on the roster for this camp and I told you all that I was still considering multiple young players to come and take this. That was actually a lie." I heard Jill announce to the rest of the team.

I was stood outside the conference room in my new USA training year waiting for Jill to announce I would be attending my first camp. After many discussions with Jill, and her team we had decided to keep it a secret that I would be joining the team due to the fact my half-sister was already a well established player and I didn't know how well she would take the news that I was following in her footsteps. That included keeping it secret not just from the players but from the press and public as well. 

I could hear confused murmurs coming from the conference room and voices asking questions about why Jill would keep a new player from them before Jill quietened them back down and got their attention again. 

"I would like to introduce the newest member of the US Women's National Team, Addison Morgan."

I took that at my cue and opened the door to see everyone's eyes on me. I slowly walked in and stood beside Jill and almost immediately after, I watched Alex stand up and storm out, slamming the door I had just entered from.

"Well that went as well as could be expected." I mumbled but I'm sure Jill as well as a few of the girls near the front had heard me.

"Morgan? As in Alex Morgan who's just stormed out Morgan?" Someone asked and I nodded.

"They're sisters." Jill explained but this only led to more confusion amongst the remaining players.

"But Alex's sisters are Jen and Jeri. She's never spoken about anyone else."

"We're half sisters but I don't think Alex, or any of them really, have seen me since I was a baby." I tried to explain without telling them too much.

How do you explain to a room full of your sister's friends that you're the reason that her parents got divorced. That your dad had an affair and then abandoned you and your mom after a few years when he got bored again. Alex clearly hadn't told them about that part of her life- she had no reason to until I had turned up at camp.

"Does anyone have any questions about Addison that aren't to do with Alex?" Jill said quietening the room down again.

"How old are you? Where'd you play? Are you at college?"

Other questions were being asked but I was distracted by Alex walking back in the room and sitting down.

"I'm seventeen so I'm still at high school but I'm a senior. I just play for my local team but I've been called up for the under 17s and 23s before. I've applied to some colleges and I've narrowed it down to a couple. I think I have UNC, Duke, UCLA and Berkeley narrowed down." I told them but the whole time I was watching Alex.

"Pugh is going to be your roommate and she'll keep your right as far as the schedule goes but unless anyone else has anything they desperately have to say, you're all dismissed until dinner."

Mallory came over and showed me to our room and told me where to put my stuff. She wasn't overly chatty with me but I think that was because no one really knew where Alex and I stood with each and obviously Alex's reaction hadn't been good.

"Umm what's times dinner? I need to go make a phone call and I don't want to be late." I asked Mallory.

"Dinner isn't until 6:30 so you've got well over 90 minutes. It's in that same room but if you're leaving don't forget your room key."

I nodded and grabbed my key and phone and quickly left the hotel desperately to get away from the tension within the team. If it carried on this way there's no way I would keep my place at camp never mind get a starting spot. I just wanted to play soccer the best I could.

I walked out the hotel grounds until I found a bench to sit on so I could make my phone call away from prying ears but then I just decided to stay there until I would need to go back for dinner. It was better for the whole team that way.

- - -

Alex's POV

"Care to explain the fact you have another sister Alex?" Kelley asked as her and Allie stood above me.

I was sat on my bed in disbelief at the fact that not only was Addison was back in my life after all these years but that tiny baby I had been shown all those years ago had grown up and made something of else without any help from my family. 

"My dad had an affair and along came Addie, pretty simple really. I was thirteen when she was born and then I went to college and I never heard anything about her again. I've only actually met her a couple of times."

"So your dad just left you guys and raised another family instead?" Allie asked.

"I don't think so. From what I've heard is he didn't stick around that long there either. I think her mom must have just raised her." I assumed aloud.

I could see out of the corner of my eye my phone was blowing up with texts from the team about this affecting the team dynamic and how things might change now. I sighed knowing they all had a right to be concerned and I had no idea how I was going to fix it.

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