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Kelley's POV

I stormed out the room and went to grab my stuff from the locker room. I had managed to stay somewhat calm and composed while I had been in the room with Addie but as I was left alone with my thoughts I couldn't help but feel infuriated with how Lindsey had treated Addie. Whether or not Lindsey had been doing it intentionally, she had still hurt Addison and even after only knowing Addison a short time, I only wanted to protect and ensure her happiness.

I grabbed my bag and left Dawn to get Alex and Addie's before marching over to the bus. The driver opened the doors and went to see Jill first to explain that Dawn was going to drive the other two back to the hotel and apart from being emotionally distressed, Addison was physically fine and didn't need any medical attention.

I could hear some of the girls ask where I had been and why I was still in kit but I just ignored them and headed to Alex and I's empty row. I dumped my bag in the window seat and slouched down myself.

"Hey Kelley, where's Alex and Addie?" I heard the unmistakable voice of Miss Horan herself.

"Oh, so now you decide to actually give a shit about Addie." I spat back still not moving, well until Lindsey appeared in the aisle.

"Kelley what are you talking about? Of course, I care about Addie. Where is she?" She asked again. "She's my best friend, no offence Mal."

She laughed loudly as did some of the other girls on the bus and that did it for me. How dare she get to laugh and smile while Addie was inside the stadium sobbing her heart out about her. I stood up and found myself face to face.

"You're her best friend? Funny way of showing it." I said giving her a shove to the chest.

"Addie is currently inside still recovering from the fact that you caused her to have a panic attack and then collapse on the field. Not that you even noticed." Another push.

"You're such a good best friend Lindsey that we had to explain to Addie how she actually deserves to be treated. That best friends don't hide the fact they have a boyfriend from everyone but them. That best friends don't hang out with you one day and then completely ignore you the next. That best friends don't wait until everyone else is asleep and then sneak into your room in the middle of the night then leave in the morning so no one else knows about it." I said started to raise my voice.

I shoved her again and she fell backwards. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder pull me back slightly. I turned to see Ashlyn there, her face calm but concerned.

"That's enough now Kelley, remember Scarlett is here." She whispered. "Don't worry we won't let her hurt Addie anymore."

"If you're her best friend Lindsey, then you're a shit best friend." I said before turning away into Ashlyn. I took some deep breaths as I heard Lindsey get up and go back to her seat without saying a word. I could hear some muttering from the other girls most likely about what I had said.

I felt a tug on my shorts and looked down to see the most perfect looking toddler staring back at me. Her face was confused and scared and I instantly felt horrendous for causing this scene when she was around.

"Auntie Kelley is sorry for shouting. She was really mad but she's not anymore."

I said kneeling down in front of her and forcing a smile on my face to show her I was okay.

Scarlett reached up and I lifted her into my arms as she cuddled into me. Cuddles from my favorite little baby is exactly what I needed right now. I went back to my seat and moved us to the window and she held onto Scarlett for the entire journey back. Scarlett and Addison coming in to my life may have been extremely unexpected but it was turning out to be one on the best things to happen to me. Alex was my family so by extension so were these two perfect human beings.

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