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I don't know what came over me but it was like everything in my mind clouded in that moment. It was impossible to even think straight and I didn't understand why. Most likely because Lindsey had never told me about him. Yeah, that was probably it. And, we haven't really spoke the last few days so maybe she just didn't have time to tell me. But no one else seemed to have any reaction at all to this information so maybe they all already knew it and it was only me she hadn't told. But why would she tell everyone else and not me? I thought we were meant to best friends. Were we not?

I could faintly hear Kelley's voice beside me saying something to me but I couldn't make out the words causing me to panic even more. I looked up trying to locate where she was only to be shocked that Kelley was right in my face with my older sister, looking just as worried, beside her.

I tried desperately to focus on them both but I couldn't until it went black.

Alex's POV

We were currently stood with the fans after the match, speaking to them and signing as much as we could as a way to thank the fans for coming out and supporting us. We may not have won the tournament but the fans were amazing as always. After taking photos with a group of teenage girls, I glanced round trying to spot Addison and Scarlett, knowing that Addison might be upset due to only getting to play 45 minutes. I knew how hard she worked and how badly she wanted a permanent spot of this team. I quickly spotted Ashlyn playing on the field with Scarlett, something she had started this tournament and could see Addison was near to Kelley so I decided to go and see them.

As I approached, Sonnett yelled to Lindsey that her boyfriend was here and Lindsey quickly ran after Sonnett, I assume to go and see him. I worried slightly as I saw Addison's face scrunch up as she turned to Kelley and I was finally close enough to hear them.

"Umm Kel, who is this Nick?" She asked which confused me.

I thought Lindsey and Addie were really close and I would have assumed that Lindsey would have been telling the girls all about him. Lindsey and Addie were always laughing with each other at training and Lindsey was able to calm her down from her panic attacks so I had just assumed they had a lot of trust in each other. Saying that, Addie had been spending more and more time with the older players or just staying in her room with Scarlett so I wondered if her and Lindsey had fallen out and she hadn't said anything.

My attention turned back to Kelley, who now had her hands on Addison's shoulders, shaking them lightly, and was starting to raise her voice at my sister in slight panic.

"Addie. I need you to look at me. Addison. Addie!"

I ran over to try and help Kelley and try to work out what was wrong. Addie eventually looked up her face scared and helpless before she collapsed forward into Kelley. Kelley managed to half hold her up, having not expected her to faint right in her arms. I looked around trying to find someone who was strong enough to help lift Addison aside from Ashlyn as she was with Scarlett and I didn't want to freak my niece out.

"I've got her, let's go." Alyssa said suddenly appearing from nowhere and scooping my deadweight of a sister up bridal style in her arms. Kelley went to grab Dawn and one of our medics while Alyssa quickly carried her into the tunnel and away from the crowds and cameras.

Kelley caught back up with us and was followed by Dawn, Jill and Cara, one of our medical team who led us to the stadium's medical room and let Alyssa place Addison on the treatment bed inside.

"I'm gonna go back to the locker room, I'll tell Ashlyn and Ali to keep ahold of Scarlett, yeah?" Alyssa said.

"Yeah thanks Lys." Kelley told her as I just pushed Addison's hair out of her face and let Kelley explain what had happened to our staff.

Addison began to stir and tried to move and sit up but I quickly stopped her and lay her down again.

"It's okay. It's just Alex. You need to stay lying down Addie. Give yourself a minute." I told her quietly, getting the attention of the others who were now whispering to each other. Jill and Cara nodded to the other before leaving the room and Dawn and Kelley came over.

"What happened? Where are we? Is Scarlett okay?" She asked trying to sit up again.

"Krashlyn have Scarlett, don't worry. Let's just worry about you just now." Kelley told her.

"Addison, what can you remember?" Dawn asked as she helped her sit up on the table and passed her a water bottle. Kelley, seeing there was now room on the medical table, jumped up beside Addie and wrapped an arm round her causing me to smile and my girlfriend and my sister's bond.

"I remember the match. And then, then, we were with the fans. And then Sonny shouted about ... Lindsey." She hesitated and took a deep inhale. "Then I don't know."

I glanced at Kelley trying to see if she was thinking the same thoughts as I was and although I couldn't read what she was thinking, she quickly opened her mouth.

"Addie, you had a panic attack and then fainted after finding out that Lindsey has a boyfriend. You know that's not a normal reaction, right?" Kelley said as direct and blunt as ever.

Addison broke down at this point and began to sob into her hands. I stood up and pulled her into my chest just letting her get her tears and emotions out. I couldn't tell what was going through her head but all I knew was that I wanted to protect her from feeling like this. She deserved all the happiness in the world and yet, the world seemed to be constantly throwing her difficult situations for her to try and struggle through.

"I just don't understand why she didn't tell me. It's not like we're never alone- we always stay up late and cuddle and talk about everything." Addison said still crying into my chest.

I could see Kelley was regretting how harsh her words had come out, although we had both been thinking it, so her gave her a soft smile to silently tell her it was okay and I wasn't mad.

"But Lindsey isn't your roommate. It's just you and Scarlett together at this camp." Dawn said reminding us all that she was still in the room.

"She comes over at night and stays in my room and then leaves again in the morning before breakfast so it doesn't look like she's been sleeping in my room." She mumbled suddenly embarrassed.

"Addie what you're describing sounds more than just a friendship. Are you sure you don't have any feelings for Lindsey? I mean it does sound like she's been leading you on a bit."

"No! We're just friends. Other people on the team are this close with their friends. Right?" She said extremely defensively.

"Yeah like Ali and Ashlyn, Tobin and Christen, Alex and I." Kelley muttered but we could all hear her only leading to Addison to return to sobbing in my top again.


"Okay, Kelley, why don't you go get your stuff and head to the bus and just tell Jill to take the rest of you back to the hotel. Alex, I'll grab you and Addison's stuff and go wait at the rental car and I'll just drive the two of you back when you're ready." Dawn said and Kelley stormed out the room with her.

I took a minute to calm Addison down after they left and let her get her head together. Once her cries had settled down and she had started focus on her breathing again, I lifted her chin up gently so she could look at me.

"You know it's okay if you like Lindsey as more than a friend. I don't think she would ever mean to hurt you and if she didn't tell you about Nick then I'm sure she has a reason for it."

She nodded softly but didn't say anything to me. I assumed she was trying to process what had happened and get all her thoughts together.

"Should we head back to the hotel now and hope my girlfriend hasn't tried to beat Lindsey up?" I said and I could see a small smile appear on her face. 

This is your usual plea for suggestions and ideas that you want to see happen. I've got a rough plan for the next chapter or so but after that I need all the help I can get so comment or message ANYTHING that you want to see happen!

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