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Dinner last night had been quiet. After getting my food, I found an empty table and silently prayed someone would come sit next to me but no one did. The conversations that did occur at other tables were hushed and everyone's personality seemed to have been toned down. The rumours that I heard about to do with fun team bonding sessions and practical jokes were never mentioned and as soon as everyone had finished eating, they disappeared back to their rooms for the night.

Following the rest of team's lead, I did the same and debated how I should spend the rest of my night. Mallory asked if it was okay if she phoned her boyfriend saying that she would put her headphones in. Not wanting to be an annoyance, I told her it was okay and that I had school work to do anyway so would play my own music through my headphones.

Opening my laptop, I started to work through the Biology unit my teacher had assigned for me to do while on camp, trying to get this subject out of the way. I wasn't sure what time Mallory ended her call but I later noticed she had got her own laptop out and was now tucked up in her bed watching Netflix.

Prior to coming to camp, I thought I was pretty used to spending time by myself but this soccer camp was now seeming like the loneliest place I could have came and I was wondering if I had made the right choice.

I thought I would have been more excited about my first training session on the national team but the atmosphere from last night hadn't changed and it was really starting to affect my camp experience.

Press had at least taken a minute to speak to and point out all the seats on the bus that weren't already taken by other players but then she went and found her own seat. In an attempt to try and forget about how this was making me feel, I turned my body towards the window and I'd played my music while watching the world pass by.

Once at the training pitches, I quickly put my cleats and headed out before any of the other girls. I began by doing some of the warm up and stretches I was used to at my club while I was waiting as well as making small talk with one of our training assistants. Once the rest of team were ready, I made sure I was listening to every instruction and observing exactly what to do. I refused to not play at my best today due to a lack of focus.

I was desperate to show the rest of the team why Jill had called me up and prove that it had nothing to do with being related to Alex. I was here to prove myself and show them all what I could do. Like Alex, I was a striker but it wasn't until we finally got to play scrimmage in the last hour of training that the girls really saw my ability.

My normal, quiet composure changed and I began calling for the ball and when the finally gave it up to me, I had no issues shooting against Alyssa. Within the first ten minutes, I had scored twice and the opposing side was starting to mark me closer but I was determined to get another goal. It took a lot longer than my previous goals but I managed to get the ball and fake Krieger out before hitting the ball into the top right corner. Like my other goals, I didn't celebrate and no-one congratulated me but that was fine, I knew I'd made an impression.

"Winners need two laps to finish, losing team do five. You've got half half an hour until the bus leaves." Dawn shouted and the girls all took off. I'd been helping out assistant collect in the equipment so I decided to finish helping before getting started on my laps.

The girls who had been on my winning team had already finished and some of the others were on their final lap but I just decided to run it at my pace and if needed I'd just shower at the hotel- it's not like anyone would make plans with me anyway.

Walking in last to the changing room, I heard everyone speaking and soon realised the conversation was about me. Not knowing the girls long however, meant I was struggling to identify their voices.

"Say what you want about the rookie, she's pretty good."

"Those goals at the end though."

"I tried my best to save them but there's no chance." That had to have been Alyssa.

"She's coming for your spot Alex." At this point I decided to round the corner and come into sight of the team.

The silence was immediate and you could hear a pin drop as all eyes turned to face me.

Without a word, I changed my cleats and put my tracksuit on before shoving everything in my bag and leaving again. It was clear that I was good enough for the team, they just didn't want me on it.

I was almost at the bus when I heard a voice shout from behind me.

"Addison wait!"

I turned to face the voice and was slightly confused to see the face that matched it.

"I just wanted to say, you were amazing today for your first session. You may even be better than Alex but don't tell anyone on the team I said that."

I stood there dumbfounded as she laughed and got on the bus without another word. 

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