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A/N- You know what? I'm just as shocked as you are that this is actually posted.

We had made to France and the excitement of competing in my first ever World Cup was getting to me but luckily I had my big sister as my room mate so she was able to keep me pretty calm and grounded. Over the week we had been in England, not only had Lindsey and I got to spend every minute together, but I also got to watch Scarlett and Lindsey's bond continue to grow and my daughter really start love her new extended family. 

Although I was still the youngest player and the newest person to be added to the roster, the team treated me as though I had been there forever now and the staff expected the same amount of professionalism from me as they expected from the veteran players. In some ways it was harder in trainings as I was the only non-professional player in the team but in other ways, it allowed me to just get on and focus on playing the sport I loved. 

We had to wait a few days to play our first group match against Thailand and the whole time my nerves were only building. The night before the match, I had been pacing the room unable to calm myself enough to get into bed and even attempt to sleep until Alex finally pulled me into her bed and held me. Even after I demanded that she should let me be so she could get enough sleep, she kept her arms wrapped tightly around me, softly talking to me until my body surrendered and let my eyes close. Having spent the majority of my life without Alex, I was now so so thankful for her love and guidance in my life.

Getting ready in the locker room definitely had a different sort of atmosphere today. The older players felt like they had something to prove and even though we were ranked well above the likes of Thailand, no-one wanted to hold back. I try to keep to myself in the locker room and keep myself calm. Scarlett was already with the member of staff who would be looking after her for me during the match as they had been spending time bonding during our training sessions so that we would both feel more comfortable when I did have to leave her. 

I got changed into my warm up shirt and game shorts and then put on my new blue and white boots that Kelley had bought me as present. I had tried to deny it but Kelley insisted that I kept them as she wanted to spoil her "new baby sister".  After I was dressed, I tied my hair up in my usual ponytail and added my signature red headband to hold back any stray hairs. I had used a red headband since Alex had played for the Thorns but I wasn't about to let that information be known to the rest of my teammates. When allowed, I head straight to the pitch and although it was unlikely I'd get a lot of game time, I put my all in running through our warm ups with the coaches before heading back to the locker room to change into our new red kits ready for the game starting.

"You feeling okay Addie?" Ali asks as she kneels down in front of me as I sat down in my locker. I felt her hands rest on my knees causing me to look up and focus on Ali.

"Just a big moment, first world cup and all." I replied quietly. Knowing how much focus Alex needed, I didn't want her worrying about me and I think Ali could sense this.

"Try to breathe and take it all in. Ash and I will be beside you on the bench the entire time." She reassured as everyone started to head out to the subs bench along with Jill and the rest of the team staff. 

"We've got you kiddo, just try to enjoy it." Ashlyn said now appearing and pulling me up and into her embrace.

Sitting on the bench, I tried to follow Ali and Ashlyn's advice and really take it all in and enjoy the  atmosphere as if I was just a spectator. I tried not to think tactically and just watch Alex and my friends play the game I loved. I didn't have to watch for long before my big sister scored, followed quickly by goals from Rose and Lindsey meaning by halftime we were already feeling pretty secure with a 3-0 lead.

At halftime I made sure to hug my sweaty sister and let her know just how proud I was of her. I don't know why I suddenly felt overcome with emotions when it came to Alex but she just smiled and hugged me back tightly, letting me know she couldn't wait to be celebrating my goals on the pitch as well. Knowing Lindsey liked to stay fully focussed at halftime, I just let her have her space while Jill gave a relatively calm halftime talk. 

Although we were confident now we had won, Jill told us to not let up and in the group stages, goal difference could mean everything so we came out after the break and really began to escalate. Between the 50th to the 56th minute, we somehow managed to find the back of the net four times as Sam bagged both her strikes as well as Alex and Rose both getting a second goal making the score now 7-0.

Seventy minutes in I felt Ali and Ashlyn, who I was still sandwiched between, shake my arms causing me to bring my attention to them. I stared at them both in confusion as they both laughed at me until Allie told me coach was speaking to me. 

"Fancy making your debut kid? Think Alex would like to have you up top with her. Becky, go take Morgan to warm up and then I'll sub you in and let you get some minutes." Jill told me with a smile. 

I'm glad she asked Becky to take me to warm up because she reassured me that it was all going to be okay. Alex sent me a huge smile when she saw my number come up on the substitute board and I spent my time trying to affect play as much as possible. Alex managed to score again with Pressy's help within minutes of me coming on to the pitch. 

In the 79th minute, we managed to get out on a break and Press passed me cleaning as I was running down the right side of the pitch. I played a cross on the ground to Morgan but it was just out reach but Pinoe managed to pick it up unmarked and slammed the ball into the goal at the centre of the net. I ran to Pinoe and jumped into her arms in celebration and she held me up tightly. 

"Proud of you kiddo. You're smashing it." She shouted in my ear.

After Alex scored her fourth goal of the game, she came and celebrated with me. 

"We're getting you a goal next Addie. You're playing great, you deserve it."

Although I didn't quite believe my sister, I needed to learn to trust her more because she wasn't wrong at all. Pressy got the ball to Alex who out ran her defended before passing the ball to where I was waiting onside at the penalty mark. I could hear Alex screaming at me to shoot as I dribbled round the keeper before slotting the ball into the goal and turning round in disbelief as my team attacked me in excitement. 

I was on a high and couldn't really remember the last fifteen minutes of the match although I know Alex got her fifth goal and Carli finally got a goal as well before the whistle blew meaning that we had won our opening match 13-0. 

After shaking hands with the Thai players, the rest of the girls were celebrating with each other and speaking to people in the family section of the crowd but there was only one person I wanted to see after my match. 

"Addie!" Someone shouted and I turned to see Kelley holding my very sleepy baby in her arms. It was so hot in France that she probably wasn't that comfortable but she was so adorable in her little USA kit and ear defenders. I ran over and took her out of her Auntie Kelley's arms and held her tightly and it wasn't long until I was headed back into the locker room with Scarlett. 

Lindsey ran up behind me and once we were in the locker room away from any unwanted eyes, she kissed my lips.

"You were amazing out there Addie. You did so well." She said giving me another kiss and finally kissing Scarlett's head before going to shower. 

A/N (part 2)- Comments, ideas and suggestions to help bring my motivation are greatly encouraged and will aide how fast the next update will be. 

I have the next chapter for For Better or For Worse written so that will be updated like usual on Sunday.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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