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TW- This chapter discusses some sensitive issues which may be upsetting to some people. However, I'm always a message away if you need to discuss anything.

Jill sent me a message in the morning asking to speak to me in her room once I was up and ready for the day. I was already ready for the day since Scarlett had woke us up at her usual hour but you best believe Lindsey, who had since fallen back asleep, got reawakened straight away to help decipher the text.

"What if she wants me off the team? What if she doesn't think I'm good enough for the world cup?"

"Addie, you are a brilliant player and everyone, even Jill, loves you. It will be nothing baby." She rolled out of bed and gave me a hug, planting a small kiss on my forehead, letting her lips linger there for a second. "Walk in there with confidence and hear what she has to say. Scarlett and I will meet you at breakfast. Give Mama a kiss Scarley."

Lindsey scooped Scarlett up off our bed and held her up to my face so that my baby could leave a sloppy kiss on my cheek before Lindsey then settled the little girl on her hip.

"Thank you Linds."

I hurried along to Jill's room before I had a chance to change my mind. I knocked on the hotel door and waited for her to answer. Thankfully, she answered pretty quickly so my nerves didn't get a chance to explode. She invited me in and I tried to guess what she wanted to talk about by her body language alone but she was smiling so I hoped it was something good like Lindsey had said.

"Addison, I know you're going to graduate early but now we need to speak about your plans for after school. I know you applied for colleges, is that what you think you're going to do?" Jill asked as she sat opposite me.

"I got offers from UNC, Duke, UCLA and Berkeley but only UNC offered me a full ride scholarship and said it was okay to bring Scarlett but I don't know about moving there all on my own. It's a long way and I wouldn't have any childcare or support for Scarlett and myself."

"Have you thought about going pro straight away? Are you aware that's an option for you?"

"Do you think I'm good enough to go pro straight away?" I asked.

"Addison, I only choose the best players for my team and you regularly prove yourself at training and in games. Despite being so young, you work extremely hard no matter what but you've got to believe in yourself." I nodded, really listening to what she had to say. "I've had one coach already reach out to me about you but I'll put the feelers out to see what people are saying. Maybe you should talk to Alex or some of the other girls about this but you should really start thinking about it."

I agreed with everything Jill had to say and left to go find everyone having breakfast. I scanned round the room to find Lindsey and quickly spotted her sitting with Mal, Sonny, Rose and Sam. I smiled seeing Scarlett on Lindsey's lap eating off her plate while the girls all spoke. Seeing as she was happy, I looked over to where Alex was sitting with Kelley, Allie, Tobin and Christen. I grabbed some food and went and joined them.

"Hey you, it's not like you to be late for breakfast." Kelley said as she moved up and made room so I could sit beside her.

"Or come down without Scarlett. I saw Lindsey brought her down by herself this morning." Allie chimed in. 

"Jill just wanted to speak to me about after graduation. Said there's a coach asking about me if I don't want to go to college, you know?" I said which caused them all to stare at me. "What?"

"Addie that's amazing that pro coaches are looking at you while you're still at high school." Tobin said in disbelief and the rest of them nodded.

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