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As planned, I graduated high school early at the end of April and much to Alex and Kelley's disappointment, there was no big ceremony for them to go to. However, I was invited to the whole year graduation but it was taking place at the end of June and I planned to be at the World Cup then. Alex and Kelley had pretty much assumed the role of my parents over the last few months and although I wasn't used to the feeling, I didn't resent the idea of having people to rely on. 

Despite not having a chance to properly celebrate, Alex and Kelley did arrange the best graduation surprise for me- a week with Kelley in Utah watching her play and train. They paid for everything and Kelley pulled some strings with Laura and I got to train alongside the team and have full access to all their resources. Scarlett and I seemed to really fit in there and the entire team and staff were so welcoming to us but I also enjoyed getting to spend time with Kelley and really get to know her. Kelley was family to me now, blood or not, she was a part of my family.

I had hoped Utah would be hosting a Portland game while I was visiting as I hadn't  gotten to see Lindsey since I left Orlando after camp and I definitely missed her but the schedule just didn't align. Instead, they were playing Washington Spirit so I did get to see Mal and Rose and hang with them for one day of my trip. 

Being back the national team for the send off series about killed me. Jill and Dawn pushed us harder than ever before in training which I should have expected as we were getting prepared to play in the world cup and defend our title. I spent two matches on the bench before I finally got on the pitch during the South Africa game and desperately tried to make a difference and show why I deserved more time but I was also extremely aware that I was still a rookie and there were plenty more experienced players than me. We ended up winning that match 3-0 and I even managed to meet Alex's mom with our sisters after the game without having a panic attack. 

Jen and Jeri came back to our hotel like before but this time, Kelley was there with Scarlett so that we could all hang out together and my daughter could meet her aunts and get to spend a little bit of time with them before I put her to bed. Unlike when she met Alex or any of the other girls though, Scarlett decided pretty quickly that she wanted nothing to do with Jen or Jeri and that she was perfectly happy interacting with just Kelley and Alex. Alex obviously thought this was hilarious and proved that she was superior to our sisters but even with the constant reassurance that they weren't bothered as she was only little, I was still worried. I hadn't built up  a relationship with them at this point although we did exchange numbers so the girls could text me and we could send photos of the kids. I just hoped as much like my relationship with Alex, once I developed it more, Scarlett would follow in my lead. 

My relationship with Lindsey, although we didn't call it that, was still pretty much the same as it had been before. She was rooming with Sonnett and I was still with just Scarlett so she would still sneak over and stay in my room when she could but we such a huge tournament coming up, we were both focused on our soccer. This time though, everyone else knew what was happening and just left us to it. Lindsey did get teased some what by our friends about how whipped she was when it came to Scarlett and I but it was harmless fun and she took it well. 

During the send off series, I also had many conversations with Jill about brining Scarlett to France with us. I knew having Scarlett with us would complicate a lot especially seeing as we didn't quite know how Fifa would feel about the fact I was brining my almost two year old with me and there was a high chance I wouldn't be able to have her on the bench with me. The most likely option would be having a member of staff stay in the locker room with her until after the match was over and then she could come out and run around for a bit. 

US Soccer also decided we would fly to England prior to the tournament and spend time training there for a week or so before going on to France. Let me tell you now, that flight with a toddler, was absolute hell. Eventually, I managed to get her to sleep for a few hours and give everyone a few hours peace but my child did not want to settle. By the time we actually landed, I don't think there was single member of the team who hadn't taken a turn trying to amuse Scarlett.

As this wasn't an official camp like normal, Jill changed up our room assignments and for the first time, not only did I have a roommate but I was getting to share with Lindsey. Lindsey seemed to be just as thrilled as I was by this despite knowing she would now being getting woken up extremely early.

The minute room assignments were announced Alex, Kelley and Ashlyn all decided they needed to have a little chat with Lindsey and practically dragged her out of the room which made me and the rest of the girls laugh. After a few months, I was finally getting used to being the baby of the team and the rest of the girls being protective over me. I knew Alex was happy that I was with Lindsey and knew how much she did really care for me so I knew she wouldn't be too hard on her. 

After five minutes or so, Lindsey came back in the room looking slightly traumatized which only made the room laugh even more. Immediately she came over to where I was sat with Ali and Scarlett and sat down in my lap. My arms automatically wrapped around Lindsey's waist and I took a minute to enjoy just being there for Lindsey even if she was being dramatic. Lindsey had to spend so much time making sure I was okay and it felt good to try and do that for her. 

"They weren't too mean to you, were they?" I asked as I snuggled into her. 

"The things I do for you. You are lucky you're cute." She said turning around so she could face me and gave me a big smile. I pouted my lips at her and she got my hint immediately and pecked my lips. 

"All better?" 

"All better."

"You two are lucky those three weren't back to see you kissing. You know Addie is their little baby." Ali said to us with a laugh.

"Hang on, am I not your baby as well?" I asked. Like I said, I was beginning to fully embrace being the team baby, even if it was a bit odd that the team baby had a baby herself. 

"You know you are Addie." She said as she stood up with Scarlett in her arms and kissed my head. "Now we're off to go find Aunt Ashy and let you two actually take advantage of being roommates."

I blushed as Lindsey turned to be and grinned before quickly thanking Ali and dragging me up to our room. I was giggled at how much of a rush Lindsey was to get into the room as she jumped onto one of the beds. She opened her arms and waited for me to climb in them. She must have noticed my apprehension as I hesitated at her request. It wasn't that Lindsey had done anything wrong, in fact since her fight with Kelley, she had done everything in her power to make sure I was comfortable when I was with her. 

"Addie you okay?" She said sitting up. 

Hating that my emotions always seemed to embarrass me, I stared at the ground, desperately avoiding her gaze. I heard Lindsey move and walk towards but I still avoided looking at her. It wasn't fair that I reacted like this involuntarily when I had complete trust in Lindsey. 

"I think I know what happened." Lindsey said now stood right in front of me. "You thought because of Ali's comment, and then me rushing you to the bedroom... Baby? Look at me please." Lindsey placed one of her hands on my waist and used her other to push my chin up gently so I was looking at her. "Addison Morgan. You have equal control in this relationship. All decisions we make regarding us, we make together. We agreed that we would wait until you turned eighteen before we take anything further but even after your birthday, there is zero rush. Absolutely nothing until you're one hundred percent ready."

I will never understand how I ended up with someone as perfect as Lindsey.

"Cuddles and kisses?"

"Now that I can do any day." She replied as she kissed my head. 

We climbed back to bed and quickly found our way into each other's embraces. For once in my life I decided to surprise Lindsey and take the lead. I leaned forward to capture her soft lips against mine and smiled as I felt her begin to reciprocate the kiss. We didn't rush the kiss but we both seemed to pull away after a few moments, grinning at one another before kissing again.

"I'm so lucky Addie."


Okay so it's been a hot minute. You guys have been so so patient with me while I've been away but I'm determined to be back. Thought I'd give y'all a nice, sappy chapter before diving back into the plot. If you're still even reading, I'm hoping to get the next chapter up within a couple of days. 

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