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I woke up earlier than the rest of the girls in my room, still cuddled into Lindsey's embrace. It felt strange and unfamiliar but I didn't hate the feeling. It was strangely making me feel protected and relaxed, something I hadn't felt from another person in a long time. 

I slowly climbed out of my bed, taking a moment to look at Lindsey who still remained fast asleep and really begin to take in the blonde girl's features. Even asleep, she still looked beautiful but what I noticed most was how calm and at peace she looked, like she didn't have a care in the world.

I quietly got ready and decided to just go to down to breakfast by myself. There were already a few of the players who liked to be up early sat eating, including my sister. 

Just as promised last night, Alex shouted on me at breakfast and made room at her table so I could sit next to her. We made small talk as we ate about how I'd slept and how I was feeling about training today as well as regularly asking if I was okay. 

Overnight, Alex had had this huge transformation role and was really committing so far to her job as my big sister. After a rocky start, it was all I could have hope our relationship would be. 

However, once the rest of the team had all arrived for their breakfasts, the feelings of intimidation I had been feeling about playing at this level with these girls reappeared but Alex soon put a stop to that by standing up and making an announcement.

"Guys I think we need to re-do this one's team introduction. I know we did this the other day when we all arrived but I messed it up for her so I want to do it again. So everyone, this is Addison, my little sister and she's part of our team and our soccer family now. I've quickly learnt that she's a pretty great human being and she has the kindest, sweetest soul. Anyone who decides to mess with her will have to deal with her protective big sister as well. Is that understood?" 

There was a murmur of general agreement before everyone's individual breakfast conversations started back up again. Kelley came over and placed her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly from behind.

"Welcome to our crazy family Mini Morgan."

After breakfast, I followed Mallory back up to our room to quickly get changed for training. Both of us were pretty tidy people so our room was still really organised- apart from the fact that neither of had made our beds this morning. In my defence, my bed would have been pretty hard to make this morning due to the sleeping teammate I had left in it before breakfast. We both managed to get ready quickly so, after making our beds, we both sat down, quickly checking our phones before training. 

"Addison?" Mallory asked getting my attention. I looked over at her and straight away I could tell she was nervous. Her eyes were directed straight to the floor as she played with her hands subconsciously but I couldn't understand why would she be nervous just to speak to me, surely it should be the other way around?

"I know regardless of how I say this is, it's gonna seem forced because Alex has just spoke to us all but I promise it's not. I should have said it before but I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I was one of the first people you met on this team and I could have done a much better job at making you feel welcome. I should have tried to get to know you better but I was scared because of Alex's initial reaction and the influence she has on the team but hopefully you and I can start over."

"It's okay Mallory. I'd have probably done exactly the same and even if I wasn't Alex's little sister, I would never had expected you to suddenly become my best friend, I mean we're practically strangers. You've never been mean or nasty to me though. The team I play for at home isn't very social so I'm used to being alone or away from other players." I told her. Mallory moved over and sat next to me.

"From now on, I promise I'll be a better roommate because we're friends now, okay? The girls who were here last night are exactly the same, Lindsey's even been bugging me to put you in our little group chat so I'll do that when we get back from training." She told me with a smile. "Oh and Addison, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah of course, what you want to know?"

"Why do you always call me Mallory? I mean, I know its my name but literally everyone else calls me Mal or Mally." I relaxed at her question knowing it was something I could easily answer.

"Like you said, that's your name. I know your friends call you Mal but I didn't want to in case you didn't like it because I don't know you that well." 

"Well we're friends now so I expect you to call me Mal. Mallory just sounds way too formal."

We walked down to the lobby together so we could meet the rest of the team and get on the bus to training. Both of us asking questions about each other and telling stories about school trying to make the other laugh. Mal and I were really similar in personality and had the same goofy sense of humour. As we met the rest of the team, I saw some of them look up and take notice of the noise. I was worried we were being too loud but they just smiled at Mal and I. Mal's friends also came over and joined in, messing around with us, well until Carli told us off and to get on the bus before we were left behind.

With tomorrow being match day, the trainers were not going easy on us. We had an on pitch training, working on our positioning and set pieces followed by a short break and then a gym session. Knowing that I was starting to settle in and be accepted by the team, I was a lot calmer and relaxed working with the girls on the pitch but I was still determined to prove myself to them and to the staff.

I was already certain I was unlikely to get any minutes in tomorrow's game but I wanted to be ready just in case Jill saw me as an option. I knew soccer would be my chance to provide Scarlett and I with a better life, I just had to work hard and make sure everyone else realised my potential for this team. During scrimmage, the team were a lot more encouraging towards me, getting me the ball when I shouted and praising me for my shots but I couldn't help but wonder if they would have reacted like that if I hadn't been Alex's younger sister. 

When we got to the gym, I stuck my earphones in and went into my own world to work through my programme. If the pitch was where I showed off my skills, the gym was where I pushed myself as hard as I could. Long, intensive training was a huge aspect of my fitness and although I had a baby a year and a half ago, I was now at the stage where I was proud of how my body was looking. The moment my abs had fused back together after my pregnancy, I had started training them hard to get them back to where they were. Even with a baby, I trained 7 days a week and I could tell the girls were impressed with my fitness  levels when we were working out.

 I was going to be the fitness, strongest and most influential player I could for this team. 

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