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Jill had arranged for Alex and I to fly to the She Believes together seeing as we were both based in California and I was so thankful seeing as I had never flown with Scarlett before. Before I had been called I had never flown either and Jill had to have passport fast tracked for me just so I could attend camp. Luckily for me, she had arranged to have Scarlett's passport done at the same time so she was able to come to future camps.

Alex had bought Scarlett headphones she they could watch movies together to which I was thankful as I had no idea how I was going to entertain my toddler on a coast to coast flight if I hadn't of had Alex with me.

In the two weeks since Alex had first visited, they still facetimed every night and Alex had came over another two times so they could work on their bond but from watching them together on the plane, cuddling together watching Toy Story and sharing snacks, I would say they were finally getting the bond I had hoped they would. I had also began to spend some time each night showing Scarlett pictures of some of the girls and telling her their names so she hopefully wouldn't be in complete shock when she met them all.

Surprisingly, Dawn was the one to meet us at the airport and explained that we were the last players to arrive and the rest of the girls would be in a meeting with Jill and some of the trainers discussing tactics in order for us to sneak in the hotel. 

Jill and I had multiple phone calls and emails in the last week, some including Alex, in order to make sure we had the correct arrangements so Scarlett and I could come to camp without any issues. Jill claimed she only cared about my wellbeing and would support me anyway she could to aid my success on the team.

We had decided that I wouldn't have a roommate although Alex would also get a key card for my room and that, provided she wasn't a distraction, Scarlett would come to all trainings and matches. We had decided that I should introduce Scarlett at the end of the arrival meeting so I could get it out of the way and focus on soccer. 

I was terrified with how they were all going to react as technically I had hidden such a huge part of my life from them. To me, Scarlett was the most important thing in the world, more important than any relationship and definitely more important than playing soccer. I knew though, with Alex's support, I could tell the team and together we would deal with any issues that may or may not occur later on.

"Everyone I need you all to listen carefully to what Addison has to say just now. Addison, the floor is yours."

I had snuck in the side door and made my way up so I was now standing at the front of the room with all the girls' eyes on me. Alex was stood just outside the door with Scarlett, waiting for me to tell them they could enter. I'm sure some of them had noticed Alex's disappearance as well no doubt, leaving them all even more confused. 

"So umm, there's a part of my life I didn't mention at the last camp. In fact, it's actually a huge part of my life. And umm, I want to make it clear I'm not embarrassed or ashamed or anything. It's just umm, I wanted to make sure Alex and that knew first before I told you all. So umm yeah, I'd like to introduce you someone but she can be pretty shy so if you could try not to scream." I rambled before shouting on my sister to come in.

I heard a couple of the girls gasp as Alex came in hold an extremely tired Scarlett. She was still awake but only just and she snuggled into me as Alex passed her into my awaiting arms. I breathed in her baby scent and kissed her hair before looking back to the rest of the room.

"So guys this is my daughter, Scarlett."

I waited for some sort of response, any sort of response, but the room was silent. The only emotion I could decipher on anyone's face was of shock or confusion. I looked at Alex in desperation and she quickly got the message and asked them all to be respectful but if any of them had any questions, we would try and answer them.

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