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Back at the hotel, I headed straight to the shower. I was pretty certain Mallory had showered in the locker room so I didn't think she would mind if I went ahead. 

That last conversation had confused me and I needed time to think. Once I had gotten back on the bus, it was like it had never taken place and I was back to trying not to stand out. Out of all the people to speak to me, I didn't think it would have been her. I thought after a few hours, Alex might have wanted to try and smooth things over or maybe it would have been Mallory since she is my roommate but not her. 

I got out the shower and Mallory wasn't in the room so I grabbed my headphones and took the opportunity to make a phone call while there was no-one around to eavesdrop on my conversation. It wasn't that my private life was a huge secret from the team but I didn't want to have to now deal with them judging me for my private life any more than they were already judging me for being Alex Morgan's illegitimate sister. Also, it was something that I had hoped I could tell Alex when I found I was being invited to the camp but at this rate, I wouldn't be telling her anything.

I sighed as I hung up the phone. The door opened and in walked Mallory, Lindsey, Sam, Rose and Emily as I quickly wiped away my tears.

"Hey I didn't know you'd be in here. We're gonna watch a film or something. Hey, are you okay?" Mallory asked quickly noticing the state I had got myself into. 

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just gonna do school work again but I'll move up so some of you can sit on my bed." 

The girls all gave me some sort of questioning looks but let it go as I got my laptop out and they spread over the two beds. Mallory, Sam and Emily were on one and Lindsey sat beside me while Rose lay horizontal at our feet. 

I decided to open up my English work and get started. English was a subject I adored but due to so many other things going on in my life, my school work in that subject had suffered but I was determined that was going to change. The last few years may have been difficult but I wasn't away to let that dictate the rest of my life and finishing school with good grades was the first step.

The girls had put on some film and were half watching it, half chatting away but I noticed Lindsey was watching me type on the laptop, reading along with my essay. I stopped typing and looking down at her catching her attention. I gave her a smile and she smiled back before turning to watch their movie. Was this the first actual pleasant human reaction that this team had actually shown me? Yeah they weren't really interacting with me but Mallory had asked if I was okay, Rose was sitting with me and Lindsey had smiled. I'm aware that they were literally doing the bare minimum but compared to yesterday, it felt like a lot. 

At dinner though, I was back to reality and back to sitting at an empty table by myself, mindlessly scrolling through my phone. 

Alex's POV

On the bus back from training my phone buzzed.

Jill Ellis

Meeting in my room as soon as we get back. Room 422. 

"You're in trouble." Kelley said reading the text over my shoulder. 

I quickly replied with an okay and let out a sigh. I knew that this would be about Addison and how obvious it was that the team was giving her the cold shoulder on my behalf. 

Kelley, being her lovely self, continued to wind me up about it until the bus arrived at the hotel. Both her and Allie had both said they thought I should give Addison a chance and get to know and after today, it was clear she was most likely going to be playing on the same team as me for a while. Deep down, I knew it wasn't her fault and she had nothing to do with how I felt about my dad but I still found it difficult to separate that in reality. 

I decided not to hang around and go straight to Jill's room like she had asked. I knocked once and Jill let me in and encouraged me to take a seat in the chair that was there. 

"Now Alex I think it's fairly clear what I want to talk about. As one of our captains, I expect you to pull the team together both on and off the field. I'm aware however, that doesn't normally include your personal life but I'm afraid it does. Addison is an excellent player and I expect her earning minutes on the pitch extremely soon but she needs to feel part of this team and I believe the first step is you reaching out to her." Jill explained. 

She wasn't angry but clear and concise with her words. This wasn't a personal matter to her. This was something that was going to affect how we played and needed to be sorted. 

"I know. You're right. It's not her fault and she deserves to be here. I'll speak to her tonight after dinner. Do we have permission to leave the hotel?" I asked, knowing we normally did but it was best to check just in case.

"Of course you do Alex, just both be back in your rooms by ten."

I'd spent time thinking over what I wanted to say to Addison and I was hoping the team would start including her but when I went down for food I saw her sitting alone again. I grabbed my plate and placed it at my normal seat beside Allie before getting up again.

Noticing Addison was almost finished, I tapped her on the shoulder. 

"I'm just away to sit down but after dinner I think we should go on a walk. Is that okay?"

Looking at me in shock, she nodded. 

"I'll come by your room once I'm done then."

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