Chapter Two: Qetsiyah's Not Here

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"Hello, Katherine." 

I look at that conniving smile, the glimmer of mischief in her chocolate brown eyes. The person with the exact same eyes as me. 


"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." She lets out a chuckle 

She looks at my face and traces her eyes down to my stomach.

"You've grown so big. I'm jealous. May I?" 

She goes to reach for my stomach and next thing she does is fly across the room, hitting her back against the wall. She takes a few moments before she gets up and fixes her shirt as she does so.

"Look at you, powerful. Impressive." She cocks her head to the side and smiles once more 

"What are you doing here, Amara?" 

"I wanted to see my favorite doppelganger, why else?" She smirks at me 

"Qetsiyah isn't here, Amara." She turns to Stefan and frowns 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. If it isn't My True Loves doppelganger, Stefan Salvatore." 

She moves slowly towards him as she talks. She gets close to him and traces her finger across his chest. 

"Mmm." She says looking over at me, winking. 

"Get your hands off of him." I state firmly 

"Did I strike a cord? Hm?" She purs, her finger still on his chest 

In one swift motion Stefan grabs her wrist and twist her arm behind her back. She screams out in pain as Stefan adds more pressure to her arm. He turns her around to face him and he bares his vamp face.

"I said... Qetiyah. Isn't. Here. Now leave!" He shouts at her 

She looks at Stefan, over at me, then back at Stefan. "Until next time." And with that she speeds out the front door 

I feel a little light headed as I feel my knees buckle below me. I start to fall to the ground before Stefan quickly catches me and lays me down on the couch. 

"Elena, get her some water." Stefan demands 

She quickly runs back with a water bottle and presses it to my lips. I take a sip and sit up. 

"That was... interesting." I half chuckle 

"Are you okay?" Stefan asks calmly 

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna go back to bed. I'm tired." 

I get up off of the couch and walk towards the stairs.

"What about breakfast?" Elena asks 

"I'm not hungry. Plus, Matt is probably tired of seeing my face there all the time." I make up an excuse

"I'm sure that's true."

"Damon!" Elena exasperates 

"I wasn't finished. I was gonna say but who cares. I'm tired of seeing Matt's face everyday but I have to see it it anyway. He'll be just fine." He smirks 

"Thanks, but no thanks, Damon. I'm just not up for breakfast anymore, maybe we can go there for lunch." 

I continue my way upstairs, get back into my pajamas, and lay down in bed. I think about what just occurred and seeing Silas for the first time in 6 months. A little too stressful if you ask me. I slowly close my eyes and drift back to sleep.

Stefan's POV

"Question, what the hell are we supposed to do now? Clearly Amara and Qetsiyah are planning something or at least conspiring." I ask 

"We haven't heard anything from Qetsiyah in a few months, and she never said she was here for Qetsiyah." Elena states 

"Yeah, but before she left she said she'd get her revenge on Katherine sooner or later. She threatened her, so I broke up with her. That made her worse and now with Amara on her side, who knows what can happen." I state 

"Stefan's right, Elena. She threatened Katherine and with what she did to Amara, we should be very cautious. Silas would kill us if we let anything happen to Katherine." 

"Screw Silas. We haven't seen him in months, unless Amara chained him up in her basement for the last 6 months, he went wherever with her willingly. He could have came back anytime but he didn't. That's his fault."  

"Stefan, you have to think. Silas is a vampire now, that means he won't be able to control himself as he would like to." Elena pops in 

"Or Amara threatened Katherine's life." Damon adds in 

"Whatever the case may be, if anyone hurts Katherine they'll have me to deal with. Even if it means I have to let Ripper Stefan out of his cage." 

"Stefan... you can't. You know how you are." 

"I know, Elena. And that's exactly why I have to do it. Ripper Stefan is ruthless, reckless even, but he gets things done. I can't let my emotions go but I can't let them get in the way either. I will protect her at any and all cost." I finish my mini speech 

I feel a firm hand on my shoulder and turn around to see a serious Damon. 

"And we'll be here to help, Brother. Anything you need." He smiles

I look over to Elena and she nods her head. "Anything." she smiles at me 

*2 Hours*

Katherine's POV 

I wake up and feel just a little bit better. I get my Bluetooth speaker and put my shower playlist on and I start dancing to Panic at the Disco's "Miss Jackson". I go over to my dresser and pick out a pair of pants and a cute maternity top I got. I get my towel and speaker and head to the bathroom. I turn the water on and let it warm up a bit as I get undressed. I look into the mirror and stare at my stomach and rub it. 

"Hey there, Ava. Mamma is gonna be so glad to see you in a few months." I smile

I get into the shower and let the water run down my back. I wash everything and a few Panic at the Disco!  songs later I'm out, dressed and blow drying my hair. I'm jamming out to my music as I curl my hair. 'I haven't done this in so long' I think to myself as I look into the mirror. 

"Damn, I look hot." I smile at my own statement 

"I couldn't agree more." 

I look in the mirror and see the reflection of no other than... 


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