Chapter Eight: Madame Voodoo

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"So where is this witch supposed to be? My heels are running down." Caroline laughs 

"Caroline, we have been walking for five minutes." 

"Yeah, I'm human and I'm not complaining." I chime in

Caroline and Stefan keep talking to each other as I look around for the place. We walk a few more minutes before we arrive at this gray brick building and above the door was a sign that said 'Madame Voodoo'

"Is this witch even real? This name sounds like something out of a movie." Caroline mocks 

The door swings open and there stands this old woman with her gray hair in a bun, a ragedy cloth dress and a wooden stick in her hand. 

"She even looks like a story book witch." Caroline mocks again 

The woman just looks over to me and smiles. "You must be Miss Pierce." 

"Please, call me Katherine. It's nice to meet you..." I extend my hand to her 

"Madame Voodoo. It's a pleasure." 

"Seriously." Caroline laughs "No way this woman can help us."  

"Sweet Caroline, I can very much help Katherine with her... situation." 

"I'm sorry about her, she sort of has no filter." I smile 

She opens the door and we walk into her store. It's a small store front with bits and bobs hanging around everywhere. We all look around as the old woman walks into the back, only a few moments pass when she comes out of the back room with a grimoire. 

"So, Katherine... you want to become a vampire and still keep your magic. Let's see what I can do about that." 

She starts flipping through the pages of her book while she hums. The sound is very familiar and I take the next few moments trying to figure it out. She keeps rumminging throught the pages when it comes to mind. 

"Madame, where did you get that song from?" I ask  

"Your mother used to sing this to you every night before you went to bed. You and your little sister." She looks up and me and smiles 

"How did you know?" I ask, I feel my eyes watering up 

"Your mother wants you to know that she misses you and that she wishes that she had stopped your father from giving Nadia up." 

"She knows my daughter's name... How?" I can feel the tears running down my face 

"She's watched over you all these years. She says that with all mistakes you've made, she still loves you. Now, here it is. If you guys would follow me, I need to have a quick look into your life." 

We follow her to this table that has four chairs around it and we all sent in one, her in the head chair. She reaches her hands out and we all connects ours in a circle. She closes her eyes and starts chanting. 

"I see that you've recently had a daughter and that you will do anything to protect her. Her father is... is gone. Nowhere to be found... something has happened to him. But what?" 

She keeps on chanting.

"A vampire. He was turned by someone... someone that wants to hurt you. This... this GIRL, Amara, she was Silas's one true love and she wants him back and she will do anything to get that, even if it means killing you or your daughter. You can't... you can't let her do this. She has to be stopped her and that witch Qetsiyah. They have something bad planned.... something really really bad." 

"What do they have planned... please tell me!" I shout at her

"I can't seem to find out, there is something blocking me. They know what I'm doing... they, they..."

She stops and opens her eyes looking at us, and then faints. Stefan speeds over to her and catches her before she hits the floor. He puts his fingers up to her neck and looks over at me.

"She's still alive. What the hell was that?" He questions  

"She has to have something here that can we can use to wake her up. Like cow's heart or pig intestines or something." Caroline starts looking for stuff 

"Caroline... just go get a rag and some cold water." 

She hurries off and then comes back just a few seconds later. I take it from her and tap the cloth on the woman's forhead. She comes to and sit up on the floor. 

"I'm so sorry about that. I've never dealt with a witch that strong." 

"She's a Bennett witch... one of the strongest. How did she know what you were doing?" I ask 

"When I looked into your life I had to get into their heads. And she noticed... the witch, Qetsiyah. She tried to block me out, I never was able to see what they were planning. It's too dangerous to go back in. I can help you no longer... I won't risk my life to save yours." She gets up off the floor 

"Witches are suppose to help people." Caroline scoffs

"Not this witch, I don't put people's life's before my own. You should know that Katherine, better than anyone. That's what you've chose to do, and so have I. You know where the door it." She points towards it 

"I'm sorry, but I haven't come all this way to get a no. You're gonna help me and if that means you die... so be it." I demand 

"And what do you think you can do about it. From what I can tell you've only been learning magic a year. I will not be threatened by a little witch like you. Now leave my store!" She shouts  

I look at Stefan and he just nods his head. "I'm sorry I have to do this to you but..." 

He quickly speeds over to her and bites into his wrist and presses it to her mouth. She tries to struggle but he keeps his wrist firmly on her mouth until he knows she has his blood in her system. He lets go of her and she coughs up what remaining blood is in her mouth. 

"Now you have my blood in your system, so you either help my friend here... or you die and become something I knopw witches never want to be."  

His face is straight and cold but his eyes are telling a different. I know threatening innocent people isn't something he likes doing. He look over to me and shakes his head. 

"Don't worry about me, Katherine. I'll be fine. You have a daughter to protect." 

"Are you sure?" I ask 

"It's too late now. Now Madame... I need you to help my friend." 

"Okay, okay. I'm going to need your blood... Katherine. I have to mix it with vampire blood in order to get a mix of the two species." 

She takes out this knife and takes my hand and places it over a bowl that's on the table. She digs the knife into my palm. I watch as the blood drips into the bowl in a steady stream. She then grabs Stefan's hand and does the same to him. When she's done she gets her grimoire and starts a different chant than the one from earlier. The words are incoherent to us as the lights start to flicker and the curtains move. About five minutes later she stops and looks at the circle of people in front of her. 

"Now all you have to do is drink." 

She pushes the bowl over to me and I eye it before picking it up. I look around at Stefan and Caroline and then I gulp down the blood as fast as I can. The taste of iron is disgusting and makes me want to puke. 

"Now for the final step."  The old woman snaps her fingers and everything goes black

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