6 "Phone Call"

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I groaned in frustration as I plopped down on the couch next to Nina. My anger threatened to seep from my eyes. My cherry headed friend grabbed my hand reassuringly.

"I knew this was gonna happen. I think we both knew. Braden brings nothing but trouble." She was right. He got into fights and then dragged me into his mess.

"This time I think I really fucked up..." I said. I was starting to get choked up as I thought about it. I burried my head into her shoulder and let out a few tears.

"Aww... Don't cry, Y/n. You want more ice cream?" She said, ruffling my hair. I nodded my head. She stood up and walked into the kitchen. I don't know what I'd do without her. She'd always been there for me.

She returned about a minute later with a bowl in her hand. She handed it to me and a chill passed through my body. Of course it was cold but I didn't expect it to be that cold.

I looked at Nina, noticing her shirt. It was of a band we both liked. "I like your shirt." I said.

"I wouldn't mind being caught dead in it." She said, shrugging. I laughed, eating a spoon full of ice cream.

We watched TV as the hours passed. I eventually began to feel tired. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 3:50 A.M. I stared at my phone in shock.

"Hey Nina, I'm gonna head to bed now." I said. She nodded as she shut off the show we were watching. Nina waved at me as I walked to my room.

I arrived in my room, immediately getting into bed. I finally closed my eyes, getting ready to fall asleep. That peaceful moment was ruined by my ringtone. I tried to ignore it, turning over and putting a pillow over my ears.

I finally caved. I sighed loudly as I saw who was calling. I'm not ready for Clemintine's shit. I said internally.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone. I tried sounding as happy as possible. After all, this woman has an unholy amount of power over me.

"Hi, Y/n! I was calling because I need to ask you something."

"Okay, what's up?"

"So, Xavier wants your number. Can I give it to him?" I was too tired to be surprised at what she was saying. I just wanted this call to end.

"Sure. I've gotta go to bed." I said.

"Okay, thank-" I couldn't stand her voice anymore. I'm gonna pay for that one... I closed my eyes, finally falling asleep.


I sighed, I felt like throwing my laptop against the wall. Writers block is a bitch. No matter what I tried, the only thing coming to mind was my school day. I couldn't stop thinking about everyone I'd met, everything I'd seen. I was just glad I could stand the girl who showed us around.

I stood up from my desk, stretching my stiff legs. My brain was clouded with tiredness and my mouth was very dry. My back hurt from being hunched over a laptop for seven hours straight.

I walked to the kitchen in search of water. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with tap water. I chugged that water faster than I have ever chugged anything. As I finished my water, I pulled out a chair from the table.

I sat down, burrying my head in ny hands. My thoughts kept drifting to Y/n. When I closed my eyes I saw her. I thought I went to therapy for this shit. I thought to myself, trying to bring my thoughts back to normal.

Suddenly an idea came to me. I pulled out my phone and opened Instagram. Naturally, I typed her name in. A few results came up. It was easy to find because of her profile picture. Her eyes looked radiant and beautiful even in low quality pictures. I chuckled a bit as I scrolled through her account.

"Oh, Y/n, it was kinda stupid of you to leave it public." I spoke out loud, my voice a bit raspy from dehydration. As I looked at her pictures, the more I realized how creepy I was being.

I came upon a picture of her, a red haired girl, and Clemintine. They appeared to be in a church setting. However, the church looked old and untouched. The caption read "old building, old friends, new memories!"

I clicked on the photo to see the tagged people. Nina Evans, huh? Without any thought I clicked on her profile. There were various pictures of the woods, however, there was one that stood out among the rest.

It was the silhouette of a woman holding a gun to her head. Behind her shadowed body were hands puppeteering strings, which were attached to the woman's back. The caption rambled on about how this was the cover of her new book.

So she's a a writer like me. The drawing was credited to none other than Y/n. I smirked. I had no idea she made art.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I had no clue what time it was. I fell asleep after I asked Clemintine for Y/n's number. I checked my phone, my eyes narrowing at the brightness. Clemintine had sent me a phone number. I put it in my phone and decided to call.

"Hello..?" A tired voice picked up.

"Hi. Is this Y/n?"

"Uhh yeah. Who's this?"

"It's Xavier. Ya know, from school."

"Oh! Hi there. What's up?" She asked. I smiled. She sounded like she was actually happy to hear from me.

"Oh nothing really. I just wanted to see if Clemintine gave me the right number."


"Oh nothing really. I just wanted to see if Clemintine gave me the right number." He spoke. I was far too tired for this conversation. I couldn't help but think he was being a bit too forward.

"You there, Y/n?" He asked, ripping me away from my thoughts.

"Uhh yeah."

"Okay good cuz I have a question!"


"Do you wanna hang out this weekend. Like maybe today?" Shit! I can't just turn him down. I don't wanna be rude. I had an internal debate.



Hello there! I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed. I decided that I should write more than one chapter a month. My school is cancelled because of the coronavirus. Remember to stay safe, wash your hands, and don't panic buy.

Thank you for reading!

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