21 "Telephone"

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I stared at my phone, contemplating if I should answer it. I knew if I didn't, I'd probably regret it, but I'd much rather spare my feelings. No matter how badly I wanted to ignore it, I still accepted the call. I brought the phone to my ear, dread filling my stomach as I heard who spoke.

"Y/n, It's me." She spoke. It was such a simple phrase. In any other situation, it would have been viewed as bland and too short, but it said so much now. I brought my hand to my mouth, making sure to muffle any sobs.

"N-nina..?" I asked uncertainty. She didn't speak, but I already knew the answer. I don't understand...

"Oh, Y/n... I.. I tried so hard. Please don't hate me.." She sobbed out. I had never heard her this distraught. She barely managed to croak out that sentance.

"What are you.. I don't understand. What happened?" I asked. I had a suspicion she wasn't dead, but this was just... shocking. To get a call in the middle of the night from someone who apparently commited suicide.

"Please run. Run as far as you can and don't look back. I tried my best, I swear. I tried not to say anything, but they forced it outta me.." After she said those words, I heard a struggle. It sounded like someone forced the phone out of her hands. My mind was reeling as I heard someone clear their throat.

"She... shouldn't have said that." Xavier breathed out. My blood ran cold as I heard his voice. To think I used to consider him a friend..

"Y/n, why aren't you back yet? Is it me?" He asked desperately. As I listened to his plea, I knew I should have trusted my gut. His cluelessness made my blood boil. It's almost as if he'd forgotten about drugging and attacking me.

"Do I really have to spell it out for you? I'll never be back. You scare me. I could never see myself with you. You've both gone too far and I can't wait to see you behind bars."


"You scare me."

Those words ran through his mind over and over again. He couldn't stand that fact. He couldn't even describe how much he hated himself for it. In his mind, He'd hurt the woman he so desperately wanted to protect.

The dial tone felt like a blow to the gut. He dropped his phone to the ground, putting his head in his hands.

"Sh-she's just a bit angry right now... This is all gonna blow over and she'll be back.." The teen mumbled to himself as he tried to fight back tears. He wanted to believe that so badly. He didn't want to hurt any more people. He didn't want to scare her ever again.

"Thomas, call Clemintine for me. Tell her to meet us at the church in the woods tomorrow." He yelled to his friend. Nina looked at him with wide eyes, knowing nothing good could come from this.

"Do you want me to cancel that shitty party we were gonna have?"

"Whatever you have to do. I just want her back.."

"Please don't kill her..! I could convince Y/n to come back. You don't have to do this." Nina pleaded.

"Shut your yap. Since when did you get to make decisions?" He spoke harshly. He tried reminding himself of the small victories, but nothing helped lift his spirits.

The teen looked to the defeated girl laying on the floor. Her hair was unkempt, her arms and legs were bruised, and her eye was refusing to open. You're almost unfortunate enough to pity... He thought as he stepped over her.

He walked to the kitchen. The entire conversation had left a bad taste in his mouth. Xavier grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and chugged it. He finished the bottle, pulling in deep breathes.

"Xavier, Clemintine wants to speak with you." Thomas said, handing the phone to his friend.

"Hi!" Her high voice rang out. He internally groaned. He managed to forget how annoying she was.

"Hey. I was thinking of meeting with you tomorrow after school. Would you be down?"

"Sure! I have to say, I'm happy you wanna hang out."

"Yeah okay. See ya tomorrow then." He said, hanging up. He didn't want to waste any time. He wouldn't rest until Y/n was in his arms again. Just thinking about her made his heart beat faster.


10 years prior

He pushed himself off of the hard concrete, only to be pushed back down. Wiping blood away from his mouth, the young boy looked into the eyes of his attacker, upset at who's eyes stared back at him.

"You're useless, boy. You make me regret taking you in." The woman said angrily. Thomas held back tears as he stood up. He bowed his head in shame, readying an apology.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I won't ask about mom again. I know it's a sensitive subject.." He spoke through coughs. The woman had trained him to speak formally. He sounded much more mature than he actually was.

"Clean yourself up. I don't want to hear a thing from you until you learn your place." His grandmother ordered. He nodded, not picking his head up until he heard the door slam shut.

He didn't understand. His mother had died three years before, only leaving him with the faint memory of love and affection. He also didn't understand his grandmother hated the subject of his mother. He only wanted to know about her.

The bleeding boy curled up in the corner, his small frame shaking as he cried. The harsh pain of hunger only furthered his suffering.

"Sh-she loves you... she's just stressed right now. She loves you. Everything's g-gonna be okay.." He mumbled to himself, bringing a hand to his cheek. It was the only physical sign his mother ever existed.

He longed for the days before the crash, but the crash was the only proof his mother had lived. He missed the gentle touch. He missed her soft words.

"You'll find someone like her some day.. They won't leave if you keep quiet.."


Oh boy! Backstory!! I'm sorry for the wait, I haven't been feeling myself lately. I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!

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