11 "Going Home"

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"What. The. Hell." She practically shouted. This caused Braden to get out of the car. He made eye contact with the boys standing in the woods and shuddered.

"Y/n, I don't mean to alarm you, but that's the dude who attacked me..." He leaned in and whispered. Her eyes widened in shock and anger. All of her negative emotions towards Braden was turned towards the opposing boys.

Thomas's eyes darted around nervously, trying to think of some sort of excuse, while Xavier decided to use his charm. He put his hands up defensively, slowly walking towards them.

Braden recognized this body language. The purple haired male narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at Braden.

"Aww, what's wrong Y/n? We finally got to catch up with you. I was just gonna offer you a ride home~" He lied. Her eyes softened and her shoulders untensed as he smooth talked his way out of trouble.

Soon, he was close enough to put his arm around her shoulder. He pulled her close and walked her towards the green haired male. He laid the charm on so thick it was almost hypnotic. She began to question if someone like him could beat up her friend. Braden watched in awe as his best friend was whisked away.

"Now if your little boy toy over there will excuse us, I can drive you home in a respectable car." He spat, walking into the woods, his arm still around the confused girl. Thomas followed behind, trying to find a way to apologize for frightening her.

"Wait... What the hell just happened?" She said out loud. Xavier stopped in his tracks, trying not to laugh.

"Honey, you were just talked outta spending time with that roach of a human. Let us drive you home~" He said, secretly hoping for an adress. He would have gotten it sooner, but he got distracted by her friend.

"Fine..." She said, going against her better judgement. Both boys smiled happily, Thomas already writing love letters in his mind and Xavier mentally picking out her wardrobe.

They had known her for a total of two days now and they were already smitten. As a product of their mental torment, they were not willing to let her go.

Xavier opened the car door for Y/n and she climbed in. She didn't know what brand the car was, but she could tell it was expensive.

When she found herself sitting next to Thomas, she wondered how she let her guard down so easily. He looked at her with eyes full of shamd and stuttered through an apology.

"I-I'm so, so sorry for w-what happened earlier. C-could you forgive me...?" The way he spoke you would have thought he had a serious stutter.

He seems so genuine. Surely he won't do something like that again... Y/n half forced herself to think. Her gut feeling screamed for her to get out of the car and never talk to these boys again.

"Don't sweat it, dude." She said. This gave him false hope. He smiled happily, a huge weight being lifted off of his chest.

"I don't wanna interrupt this moment, but where's your house?" Xavier asked from the front.


I tensed when Xavier asked for my address. Everything about them starter to make me anxious. I knew it was a horrible idea to give them my real address, so I had to improvise.

"Uhhh 48 Aspen road." I lied. I hope Nina forgives me for this. Xavier nodded, starting the car. Thomas grabbed at the seat belt anxiously. He shut his eyes tightly, seemingly bracing for something. 

"You okay there?" I asked him. He nodded his head, his eyes still closed tightly. I took this chance to warn Nina that I'd be showing up at her house.

Me: Hey Nina I'm coming over. I'll explain when I get there.

💚Nina💚: Door is unlocked. Try not to wake my sister. She gets grumpy when she doesn't get a nap.


I internally sighed. Y/n gave me the wrong address. This house we were going to wasn't even in the same neighbourhood as her real house. There was nothing I could say, though. She pretends to be so wary, but she just stepped into a strange boy's car. 

I didn't need a GPS. The first day I moved here, I took some time to memorize streets and addresses. After a few minutes of silence, I stopped in front of the house.

"Let me walk you to the door." I said. She didn't refuse. I got out of the car and opened the door for her. I walked her to the door, trying to make her forget she was wearing my jacket. She looked adorable in it. It was relatively large on her, engulfing her body down to her hips. Not only did she look cute in it, if I got it back it would smell like her.

"Thanks, Xavier. See you at school." She said, obviously forcing herself to smile. I didn't want to see her go. I wanted her to climb back into my car and go home with me, but I waved goodbye anyways. She hurried inside, desperate to get out of the rain.

She slammed the door in my face harshly, making me jolt. Is she really that desperate to get away from me...?

I walked back to my car and got back in. Thomas had moved to the front seat. He had a very serious look about him.

"Xavier, we need to talk."


I stepped inside, removing my muddy shoes. My pants were also stained with mud. I took off my soaking jacket, revealing the bandages on my arm and hand. Nina looked at me with concern.

"Damn girl, what happened? Don't tell me those assholes did this to you!" She exclaimed. I laughed slightly, itching at the wound on my palm. I knew it was probably going to get infected if I didn't wash it soon.

"Well, they kinda did. One does not claw their arm themselves." I joked, walking to the bathroom. Nina followed behind.

"This reminds me, you left some clothes here a while ago when you used my laundry machine. Do you wanna change?"

"Oh, yeah thank you!"

"What would you do without me?" She asked playfully, booping me on the nose. I turned on the faucet and unwrapped the bandage on ny hand. I winced as I pulled out tiny pieces of glass and stone. I watched the red swirl down the drain, feeling sick with anxiety.


Hello! Once again, I'm sorry for a late chapter. I hope you're all well and healthy! Thanks for reading!

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