4 "Following"

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Ding dong
Bing bong

As soon as the bell rang, everyone sprang up from their desks. I couldn't blame them, I also wanted to go home. I was in no hurry, I always walked home anyways.

"See ya later, Clemintine!" Ben waved. He never left without saying goodbye to me. I smiled, waving back at him. I put on my gloves, humming happily. I was always happy towards the end of the day.

I began walking down the hallway, avoiding all the lingering people. I was almost to the doors when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around, and there was one of the new students.

"Xavier, hi. Whats up?"

"What can you tell me about Y/n?" He asked. He doubled over, panting. I wonder why he ran to ask me this.

"Well, what do you wanna know and why?" I asked, puzzled.

I could answer the last bit of the question easily. She had left me enchanted, left me wanting to see her smile, laugh. I need to stop doing this. I always thought Thomas was the obsessive one...

"Can you just text me later?" The golden haired girl asker. I nodded as she took a piece of paper out of her bag. She already has her number written down? Seems a bit conceited to me... I shouldn't be one to judge.

Her footsteps echoed down the hall, leaving me in silence. I started down the hall as well. I had to hurry or I'd miss my bus. Thomas drove me to school today, only because I practically begged. I hated public school busses. They always faintly smelled like axe body spray and tears.

I soon arrived at the horrible yellow death bus. The number twenty written in bold lettering. I stepped into the bus, immediately recognizing Y/n. Her body half hung off of the seat. It was obvious she was trying to distance herself from the fuckboy she was sitting next to.

She looked zoned out, an unfocused look in her eyes. She had her earbuds in, slightly tapping her fingers to whatever song she was listening to. It was a bit obvious she was trying not to sing. I hope one day I'll be able to hear her sing.

I sat down in the seat across from her, hoping she'd notice me. She didn't turn her head or acknowledge me at all. The only good thing about this bus ride is that I managed to get a window seat.

I had accepted that she was ignoring me so I put my earbuds in. The song that played was called curses.

We passed by trees, going just fast enough for them to appear slightly blurry. I had only been here two days and I already hated it. Things were so much better back at home with my father. I missed it there. I missed my friends. I missed my ex girlfriend. Thinking about it almost made me tear up.

I shook off my sadness. My stop was soon. I took that time to appreciate my new surroundings. We passed by trees, most of the branches barren. What a depressing time...

The bus came to a hault. Both Y/n and I stood up. If we lived in the same neighborhood I'd get a head start on making friends, but when I thought of getting close to her, it wasn't as friends.

We both walked off of the yellow death machine, my shoes hitting the road. She went the opposite direction, humming along to some song. As I watched her walk, I got the overwhelming urge to follow her.

And thats what I did. I quieted my foot steps, not wanting to draw attention to myself. Soon, her humming turned to singing. Her voice was beautiful, complementing the falling leaves.

"Ease your breath, untie my hands.. Release my neck, if you can..." She sang. Her voice filled my ears almost hypnotically. Her singing only fueled my urge to follow her.

I was beginning to think she wasn't going to notice me. I thought that until she took her earbuds out and turned around. I quickly darted behind a house, desperate not to be seen. She shrugged turning back around. I let out a sigh, resuming following her.

As soon as I stepped into the road, I was pulled back. I was slammed up against the wall of a yellow house. My back and shoulders lit up with pain. A boy who looked a bit younger than me held me by my shoulders.

"Why were you following Y/n?" He asked, his voice chock full of threatening intent. His eyes glared down at me. He raised his fist, getting ready to punch me.

"I'm not gonna fucking ask again. Why were you following my friend?" He put more pressure on my left shoulder. I swear to god it was about to break. He gritted his teeth at me.

"Woah, chill man! I wasn't following anyone. A buddy of mine lives up here and I was simply going for a visit."I lied. I couldn't let this twerp punch my lights out.

I saw doubt flash through his eyes. He put his fist down for a second. I sighed in relief. That relief was short lived as he raised his fist again and punched me directly in the face. My hand went to my cheek automatically as the stinging sensation spread.

"If that's true then why the fuck did you hide from her?" He asked aggressively. I was thinking of an excuse when something clicked in my brain.

"Were you following her too?"

Hello there! I'm very sorry for the slow updates. I'm also sorry that this is a filler. I wanted to thank everyone for getting my other book to so many reads. Thank you for reading Sickly Sweet!

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