31 "The Clock's Ticking"

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Hi! I'm back. I thank you all for waiting for me. I have a quick question for anyone who cares.

Would you be interested in a choose your own adventure type book? How it would work would be, I write a chapter and at the end, there's two choices. Whichever choice has the most votes I'll write. Please let me know if this sounds good. Without further ado, enjoy :)


"...what..?" She asked, staring at him in confusion. He sighed.

"Why does it matter? What were you planning to do with that information?" He asked defensively.

"..." Her silence said enough to him. He narrowed his eyes angrily and crossed his arms. He looked at her, making it apparent he was dissapointed.

"You were planning on using that to escape, right? Do you realize how flawed that is?" He questioned, using the tone of a dissapointed parent. Y/n hung her head low in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry... I was scared. I-I wasn't thinking straight.." She apologized, tears forming in her eyes. She tensed up, expecting to be hit as punishment. Instead, she was met with an embrace. He stroked her hair, attempting to comfort her.

"There, there. You did what you thought was right. It's okay. You're scared. You don't know what's happening. You have every right to be scared." He whispered into her ear. She shivered in discomfort, trying to disconnect her mind from her body.

He held her there, running his hand through her hair. He whispered words of comfort, attempting to show his love.

"A-are you gonna hit me..?" She asked hesitantly. He tightened his hold on her.

"Of course not. Thomas is cruel to think you deserve such treatment."

"Th-then what are you gonna do..?" She asked, beginning to struggle against him. He chuckled lightly.

"If you won't love me on your own, I just have to force you to." His statement was simple, yet held so much power over her mind.

She panicked, using her sudden burst of adrenalin to push him back. He hit the door, letting out a pained grunt. He glared at her angrily, quickly regaining control.

He grabbed her wrist, slamming her against the shelved walls. She whimpered, hopelessly pulling against him.

"Oh Y/n, I love when you pretend to be strong. You like to act all tough, but when someone shows a hint of resistance, you crumble."

She thrashed desperately, hitting her tired body against the shelves. Xavier smiled in satisfaction, only serving to confuse her more.

"Wh-why are you smiling?!"

"Psychological torment is much more fun. What did you think I was going to do to you?" He said, laughing lightly. He let her wrists go, stepping away from her.

She breathed a shaky sigh, trying to calm down. She couldn't steady her breathing.

"You're s-such a dick.." She stuttered. He turned around, looking at her with eyes full of irritation.

"Pardon? I don't think I heard you right. You really are begging for actual punishment, aren't you?"

"N-no! I'm sorry." He nodded, backing away. He exited the storage room, leaving the door open behind him.

She broke out in tears, although she wasn't sad. She wasn't scared, she wasn't upset. She was angry.

"I-I'm gonna get out of here, and when I see my mom, I'm gonna punch her.


"That's very bold of you to assume, Xavier." Thomas spoke, not looking up from his laptop screen. His fingers moved across the keyboard, typing as fast as he could.

"Yeah, like she's gonna go with you. All you've done is hurt her." The purple haired boy retorted.

"And what have you done? You've drugged her, kidnapped one of her best friends and killed the other, stolen a decent amount of her clothing... The list goes on." He said, pushing his glasses up.

There was a long period of silence, both boys reflecting on what they'd done. One question loomed large over them. Who would she choose?

"Xavier, would you be a darling and get me a glass of water?" He asked, breaking the quiet. Xavier nodded, but his attitude soon dropped. He was faced with a difficult decision.

He could put something in his drink and end the rivalry then and there.

His hands moved before he could think. He opened the cabinet and grabbed a bottle, adding a few drops to his drink. He sat it in front of his friend, waiting for him to drink it. He watched as he raised the glass to his lips.

"I knew it. This is bubbling slightly. If it was carbonated, I would have seen you reach into the fridge. You just proved to me that I can't trust you. Out of all people, I can't trust you.." His tone was filled with sadness. He stared at the glass. That glass had ended whatever friendship they had left.

"I'm sor-"

"Cut the bullshit. There is no 'I'm sorry' in this situation. You're lucky I'm letting you stay here with me. If you want me gone so much, you can move back in with your mother."

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go visit Y/n. It's been hours since we've been down there." He said, closing his laptop and storming away.


He unlocked the door, walking in hastily. He didn't want her to attempt to sneak out.

She locked eyes with him, darting around the hall. She prayed he wasn't in a bad mood.

"Y/n, I just wanna talk. I'm not here to do anything, I promise."

"What do you want from me? Please just leave me alone. I'm tired... So, so tired." Her voice was raw. It almost made him sad.

"I can't help but feel you favor Xavier over me. What does he have that I don't?"

"I don't favor either of you. I despise you both." She spoke, being as blunt as possible. He walked towards her, grabbing her wrist when she tried to flee.

"Please... We'll get a little house wherever you want. I'll give you anything and everything. I just ask that you stay with me.." His eyes watered as he spoke. She looked up at him with pity. If there really was no chance of escape, who was the safest option?

"One thing is for certain. Xavier has never hit me. I know damn well you can't say the same." She said, ripping her arm away.

"He's never hit you, but he's tried to drug you more than once Y/n. He slips something in every meal he cooks for you. You can't trust him, but I'd never do that to you. All I ask is that you listen to me.."

She stared at him silently. She couldn't tell if he was lying or not. She had never eaten much- if any- food he'd made for her.

"The clock's ticking, Y/n. I trust you'll make the right decision. If you stay with me, you won't have to fake your death. Keep that in mind." He left her with those words, turning away from her.


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