10 "Hide and Seek Pt2"

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"No one will ever find us here!" Y/n whispered. She had an excitement in her eyes that I'd never seen from anyone before. She was filled with a child like wonder that I had lost. Still, her happiness made me smile.

We sat down against one of the old wooden shelves, the moist and rotting wood made me shiver. It was obvious that this place had been abondoned for a long time. It wasn't apparent from the outside, though.

"Come out where ever you are~!" Xavier exclaimed, walking past. Y/n threw a hand over my mouth. She takes this awfully serious.... I didn't mind the contact. If I was being honest, it felt nice.

Xavier's steps faded out. Y/n let go of my face, leaving it slightly warmer. One thing I'd noticed is that her skin is soft. Plus, she smells wonderful.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go hide somewhere else. Ya know, by myself. It reduces the chance of us both being caught." She said in my ear, starting to stand up.

Before I could even think, my hand darted out and grabbed her arm. I can't just let her leave me here.

"Don't leave me here!" I yelled, pulling her towards me. Thomas, what are you doing?! Pull yourself together! I thought, but I couldn't let her go. I didn't want her to leave.

"W-what the hell!? Let me go!" She practically screamed at me. If I didn't let her arm go, Xavier would come in and play the hero, but if I released my grip, she would run. She wouldn't wanna talk to me anymore. Who else has those eyes? Who else smells like heaven? Who else has the voice of an angel?

I looked in her eyes again. All I saw was fear and discomfort. I knew Xavier heard her scream. How could he not? He was in the door way in seconds. I had no choice but to let her go.

She ran towards Xavier, looking very disturbed. She rubbed her arm. It looked like it was already bruising.


Y/n ran towards Xavier, half hiding behind him. The teen rubbed her injured arm. I should have listened to Xavier...

Thomas ran out of the room, leaving no time for questions. He ran down the cooridors, trying to find a place to recollect himself. He sprinted up the stairs, taking no time to suck in a breathe. He collapsed in the corner of a dusty room, tears in his eyes.

"She's a nice girl. She doesn't deserve this. Don't do this to her!" He said out loud. He scratched at his skin, trying to calm down. He clawed at his skin whenever he was nervous. He knew he had to stop himself from going overboard, but he didn't want to.

Meanwhile, Xavier was comforting Y/n, who was scared out of her wits. There were tiny wounds in her arm, where Thomas has sunk his nails into. Now, she had an injured hand and a bruised and bloody arm to match it.

Xavier wasn't angry. He wasn't scared. He knew he had to either keep a close eye on Thomas, or protect Y/n. As the purple haired boy watched Y/n apply a bandage to her arm, he decided he wanted to protect her. More than that, he wanted her on his arm. He wanted to live his dream with the fragile girl in front of him.

"I'm gonna go continue our little game." Xavier said, untying his jacket from his waist and draping it over the girl's shoulders. She didn't want the jacket, but she was in too much shock to refuse.

She looked down at her bandaged arm and thanked God she carried bandaids with her. Today's just the fucking worst. I'm going home.


I ran down the halls, trying to find my friend. If I didn't find him, he'd spiral. As I walked up the stairs, I heard faint crying. I pushed the door open a bit more, praying it was him and not some homeless person.

I looked in, and there he was. He was backed into a corner, his head buried in his knees. I knew he didn't want to hurt her or frighten her. Thomas is a creature of impulse.

"Hey, buddy," I started. He looked up at me, teary eyed and red faced.

"Go away. I don't wanna make two people hate me..." I sat next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Aww come on man, Y/n doesn't hate you. You just startled her a bit." I lied. I didn't know if she hated him or not, but he did hurt her.


"Yeah dude! I bet this'll blow over by tomorrow!"

"Can we go back downstairs? It's dusty up here"

"Yeah, lets go."


I sighed as I walked up the street. Nina was probably at her house passed out on the couch, so calling her to come pick me up was useless. I got out of there as fast as I could, now all I had to do was walk home. I'd return Xavier's jacket on Monday, then hopefully I'd never have to hang out with those freaks again.

Quitting the student council has never felt so appealing. Maybe I should just break into mom's liquor cabinet.

My headache was only fueled by my lack of sleep. And of course, as I walked home, it began to rain. Heavily. Today's one of the days where I feel like screaming at the sky.

I had no other choice but to call Braden and beg for forgiveness. Then just maybe he'd give me a ride home. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. It rang for a few seconds, then he picked up.

"Howdy. Called to bitch me out some more?"

"Uh.. no? I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Ugh. What do you really want?"

"Can you give me a ride home? I'm stuck in the rain."

"I guess, but ya gotta give me five bucks."

"Whatever, just get your sorry ass over here." I said, ending the call. I sent him my location and waited.


She ducked under the leaves of a nearby tree, trying to shelter herself from the rain. Thomas and I watched from the woods as she shivered and pulled my jacket closer to her body. She looked miserable. Her h/c hair was soaked and her clothes as well. I felt sympathy for the girl. She must be so cold...

We watched her for what felt like hours. Eventually, a car pulled up. I recognized the person in it. It was that bastard I stabbed. She was about to get into the car, then she looked directly at me. I shrunk back, hoping she didn't see me, but I knew she had.

"What. The. Hell."


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry for how long it took me to make. I would like to take this chance to shout out a new story I'm making. It's called "Wishing Well" and I'd really appreciate if you read it and gave some feedback. Thank you for reading!

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