5 "Fights"

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I walked in the door, my breath only slightly laboured. That walk always showed me just how out of shape I was.  If I ever had to run up this hill for my life, I'd probably die.

I kicked off my shoes and flung my bag in an irrelevant direction. I plopped down on my couch, practically sinking into the soft fabric. Thank god today is Friday. I was almost too tired to notice my phone rapidly vibrating.

I picked up my phone, frustrated I couldn't get any quiet time. I was getting a call from my mom. I was thinking about ignoring it, then I remembered she only calls when something important was happening.

"Hello?" I asked, slightly frustrated.

"Hey, I have something to tell you. Promise not to freak out and hate me?" She said.

"No promises."

"Good enough..." She said, pausing. Spit it out already...

"I'm going on vacation with your step dad. It's going to last around three weeks." Her words poured into my ears, leaving me confused.

"I left money on the counter for grocery shopping. I'm already on my way to the airport. Love you."

"Wait mo-" The call ended, leaving me with the dial tone. This is fucking crazy. Is this even legal?! I groaned in frustration. I can't be left alone! Who knows what the hell I'll accidentally do?!?

My phone buzzed again. I'm about ready to break it. I looked down at the device, seeing a text from nina.

💚Nina💚: My Y/n senses are tingling. You're upset.

💀Y/n💀: My moms being a psycho. Nothing new here.

💚Nina💚: Whatd she do?

💀Y/n💀: Bitch thinks that it's okay to leave me alone for a month.

💚Nina💚: WHAT?!
Hold on
Im coming over

💀Y/n💀 bring food.

I was finally able to put my phone down. I sat in silence for thirty minutes, waiting for my friend to arrive. Soon, I heard a frantic knock on my door.

"It's colder than a witch's tit out there!" She exclaimed, stepping into the house. She held two bags in her hand. I guess she actually brought food...

"What's with the bag?" I asked, pointing at the bags.

"You told me to bring food." She smiled at me.

"Sometimes I swear you're a gift from god."

"Lets face it, I'm great, baby." She spoke, smirking playfully. I motioned her deeper inside of the house. As she stepped inside, I closed the door behind her. She walked into the kitchen, she sat the bags down on the counter.

"What did ya get?" I asked, trying to peer into the bag. She sheilded it with her arms, blocking my vision.

"I got ice cream. Now go sit down and don't worry your pretty little head." She said, pushing me away softly.

I limped up the street, engulfed in the shame of picking a fight I couldn't win. Blood dripped from my nose, running down my face. The sun had already began to set, the dark brining a wave of cold.

The faint glow of porch lights ahead of me sent releif pouring through me. It was Y/n's house. Without thinking, I stepped forward onto the porch. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to look as if I hadn't been in a fight, forgetting the fact I had blood on my face.

I knocked on her door, waiting for the response. I heard shuffling on the other side, then a loud bang.

"J-just a second!" Y/n yelled through the door. Soon, she opened the door, eyes widening with worry when she saw the blood.

"Hey," I said, pausing for a second. "Mind if I come in..?"

"Not until you tell me what the hell happened!" She exclaimed, blocking me from entering. She looked at me with disapproval in her eyes.

"Picked a fight I couldn't win." I said casually. She groaned, opening the door for me. I already knew I was in for a scolding. Nina looked back at me, unfazed, and waved. Of course she was unfazed, she's seen me do too many dumb things to be fazed.

I followed Y/n towards the bathroom like we'd done so many other times. This time I was trying to protect her. Ever since I've known her, I saw her as a bigger sister. I couldn't let her get hurt again. She looked at me with eyes full of disappointment and worry as she inspected my injuries.

"You need to stop doing this..." She spoke quietly, her voice unwillingly breaking. "Everytime I don't see you at the bus stop I get so worried. I wonder if you're somewhere bleeding out..." My heart dropped.

After a few moments she finally spoke again. "Were you fucking stabbed?!"

"Yeah.." I said in shame. She just sighed, starting to clean the wound.

"Braden, stay here tonight. I can't have you getting in anymore fights." This was an offer I found very hard to refuse. The pain I felt from disappointing her was almost worse than the pain of my wounds.

"On one condition," He said, pausing. "You promise not to get too close to those new boys." I scoffed. I can't believe him! Is this what all this is about?! If he hurt on of those boys, I swear to god he will never hear the end of it.

My mind was going one million miles an hour. I couldn't respond right away. I was angry and confused and slightly scared.

"Is that who you fought?" I asked, trying to disguise how angry I was. He nodded in shame. Rage boiled up inside me, to the point where I couldn't contain myself.

"What the hell?! Do you have any idea how much trouble you could get into?!" He jumped back as I raised my voice.

"He was following you home!" He shot back, expecting me to be surprised.

"He and his friend live up here dumbass!" I shouted. I threw the bloodied rag I was holding across the room. "This is your mess. Get out of my house and clean it yourself."

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